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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF REV,. DR. MURRAY. S-(FRaOM -TES 5.'E YORE? OH5EftYEi.) OUR friend'and correspondent (Kirwan),.the Rev.' Nicl9asB Murray, D.D., ofElizabethtown, New Jersey, died at home on Monday, Febinary 4, in the 58th year of his age. It is vain for us to, attempt to speak our mingled feelings of astonish'ment and grief, as we hear and repeat these sudden'and'distressing tidings. But a few days ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIIS. February 4, at Kill Holac. county Westmeath, the wife of James MiCormick, Eaq, of a eon. February 1, at Mahon, rortadown, the wife of the Rev. A. Fitzgerald, of a son, stillborn. Jmnuary 29, at the oanse, Coleralne, the wife of the Rev. IR. W. Fleming, of a soe. November 9, at Adelaide, South Australia, the wife of H. Gewler, Esq, barrister at-llw, of a son. January 22, at Barnhorne, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -1E JMELANCHOLY DEATH OF A CATHOLIC I IPRIEST.I The announcement of the death of the Abbe Alexis Tinet osie of the most eminent divines of Parls, will be received with universal regret, and what renders the eccurrence the more melancholy ia, that the rev. gentle- man came to an untimely end. The deceased abbe had scome to Liverpool for the purpose of taking a passage to America. where he was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BliRTIS. February 14, at UpperMsumnpleasant-avenue, the wife of Mr. William Tracy, of a daughter. February 14, at 3, Upper Sackville-strcet, the wife of D. J. Field, of a son. Iebmrary 13, at IC, Garville-avenno, Rathgar, tlhe wife of Bcnjdmin Fawceett, Esq., of a daughter. February 18, the wife of Patrick Spain, Esq., 5, Adelaide- street, Kingstown, of a daughter. At liollymonnt Cottage, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND.MARRIAGES (IRELAND) BILL. PREAiAusE.;. Clause 1. Interpretation Ciause. REoQsTRAR.Ggsk Al..2. General Register Office to le provided. Registrhi-Genueral to be appointed. Registers, &c., to lbe transferred to the Registrat- General. appointed,.under this Act. 3. Asslitant- Registrar-CGeneral may be appointed. 4. Certified copies given at General Register Office to be sealed. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE CAPTAIN BOYD. THE following correspondence, which we extract from the columns of the nmes, will be perused with by a painful interest-- tie TO TUE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. tat USIRI have the honor to enclose a letter, re- 1 ceived by me this morning, from Captain Somerville, pr, of the Navy, residing in the neighbourhood of' Kingstown, relative to the circumstances attending the death of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~ Fegrsary 22, at Upper Maeion etrect, the wlife of James Jeirnaten, Esq. ef Carrlelbreda, county Armogh, of a 401 andt Jastiary 4, at angalore, Madrds, the wife of William H. Jepbson, M.D., surgeon 1.31. ?? Dragoon Guards, of a daughter. January G, at 31oan Meeer, Lahore; the wife of Willim kotill, Esq., 79th Higalanders, of a son. I'ebrmury 1Y, at ?? House, near Baadon, the wife: of Thlouuis ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Peamount, Hazlohatch', the iwife of Richard liCormick, D Esq, of a daughter. C February 11, the wife of Mr. Henry Warner Maultby of a daughter. At 78 Hill-street, Newry, the wife ol J. M. MCorn ville, Esq, Y Burgeon, of a son. . 1 December 3, at Calcutta, the wifeoof Henry BruceSlmaou, of the Bengal Cliil Soerice, of a daughter. Fcbruaty 1, at' Eversley-cross. Hlampshire, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the Reciory, Cbrfe Castle, t' AFebrdarJ ,; at NOport, 'Mayo, the write of Mr. Richard i Landers, of.Ia DOsi. 'I't'7 t i.1 'ebrutay, 19,, tie wife Of Bersar' KaEang sgh EBq., XMD,, of. 1i ?? of thc lat, Alderman W. Fl geriald, Mayorof Lime~rlk, of a eon. lg,*pt At CUIthenter, Pie wife of Major Robert B. t )apot AtbMhow, -lndia, ?? wif'e of Captain Gordosn, '1ll 4th' Regt '.Borbhy Rldes, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THIE LATE CAPTAIN BOYD. We are given to understand that a considerablets un. ha been collected in this city for a monumlent to the late Captain Boyd. flarvey Nicholson, Esq., of Roe. Park, heads the list with a characteristically generous. subscription of 501. It is said, however, that there is some difference of opinion as to whether the money should be added to the funds for the Kingato vn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4K}N~sopv vxoDAT Ev, ino.-,Af, eriaxtea .day, Of anxiu? e cmfde 'nxof reke thie romaseo,,f t~helate lamnted Cam'j:.. t ,d ,Ajax :owvebpxrtfoered, .Irom. te deep.,, : heeb~vers .ren eed . ,e~ir .oper~ati~ons -eay. rlthis1 morning, 'and ope.of them went,bel¶VW, toalee;asnore ,extended, qearqc ., .,thevo trives;,lear!er,,ban ueu. After being 'do 'n'bh isql peetlod he aseendeidgd .re-. ported .no ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I FUNtRAL OF THi'E REV. JAMES FAY. I' ?? 1 ?? ?? .w . , xesteruay tne mortal, remains of this good man mwere borne to tleir resting-place in- Glatneviq Ce- metery, in all the true honour and dignity .to which the most ambitious could aspire. The Rev. JAmes Fay was no osdinirknman,; hes seemed through his useful life to be. regardless of everything save hisdutyt. He entered with an apostolic ...