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... EXHIBITIONOF +Tii I ROYAL zSCOTTLSH' !;pi ' ,'i, iAOADflMV. l ''-a ,The thirty-fifth nsfinarhib1{ dfothegoyaP'1 Scottish Academy, to be opened this morning, will I not, we believe, he found to differ much in its gene- I vol character from that of last season. It has be- 1 cdnie eftetIary t3 ' p' ik of one Exhibition as I -being more attractive than another; bat judging from the number of ...


... I EXIIIBITiON OF erniM: SEEDS. Ar n exhibition of spring seeds was ]illd yester- t day, in the Corn Exchange, for prizes offered by the Highlalud and Agricnltural Soeiety. There wvas a large attendance of farmers and others in- . terested in the exhibition , and the show wIas in the highlest degree successful. The following gentlemen acted as juldges L 1 et.-Johl Dudgeon, Spylaw, Kokeo; Andrew ...


... LITERATURB. MAIHAL OF MonxxN GEOnAPHI, A~ Physiical , acd Political,. on A new plan, em bthing 'on omplete de- vdopiAeut; of the River Systeflng of the d41ohe. -By the Rev. Alexander Wackay, A.M, F.[A. William Nackwood.& Sons, Edinburg, ad :moinden. Via have rarely seen so ?? V- ,e matter compressed nto saech a limited amount f `fe. In these seven hlwa- dn&1ises the author en'veie us to make ...


... EXHIBITION OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH | ACADEMY., . 1 i[THU NOTICE., Our. last notice all~but exhausted that depart- : ient of the Exhibitiion which includes pictures of tthe historical or romantic class-a class which we never rememberto have seen so poorly repre- sented as it is this>season. Without going so far back as to recall the time when the Exhibition was annually enriched by important ...


... [THIRD NOTICE]. In our last notice. we om3ited to mention,. understhe special headof In idscapes, thatth Mr T. Bi.s iJoston, exhibits four 'pictures, three of whichi are wantiag in middl.e-tint, 'the lights being of a dull yellow,'; the remainilg one, No. 148, 'Cambuskenneth Abbey? (wax 'papse-), is coutribution isblgtl ath fault 'in hs f of average merit, butth subject islfar from being ...


... It is a woik of much pleasure on our part to record, week by week, the success of the Saturday Evening Concerts. The present season has perhaps been one of the most prosperous of the seven, these concerts having now extended over seven years. It must certainly be gratifying to the directors of the Abstainers' Union to see thousands flocking to the City Hall every Saturday night, to spend a few ...

Literary Notices

... 1ita-tull 'autitts. Z! (il) FIT TO IRE A D'ciuss ; with other Stories of Cour- age acid Principle. By Mrs GILLESPIR SMITI. Illustrated by E). HL Corbould and J. Absoloi. Loicdon : James Hlogg and Somis. are disposed to (o anol;e justice to the talented authoress of this volhune, but we must not overlook her ghariig faults of style and com- position. Her ssntedees are occasionally so in- ...


... Last night, Miss Faucit took her farewell for the present of Edinburgh in the character of Rosa- lind-one of the most admired, vivid, and truthful of her impersonations. Juliet links herself to a story of sad love; Lady Macbeth is the promptress to dark deeds; Julia is the loving and sorrow- slain affectionate woman-and we might run on through a series of the varied characters which ...


... EXHIBITION OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH . ACADEMY.: ,[FOURTL NOTICE.] Sir Joshua Reynolds, in one of his essays on g the comparative value of various styles of paint- d ing, remarks that I 'a little more enthusiasm may be safely recommended to the modern painters, d for too much of it is certainly not the vice of the d present age. The recommendation is undoubtedly as applicable now as it was in the ...


... L I T E R A T U RI '. . ---- ---- . iiirl .J/i '' ,Dy G. Dilemz, AM., 1M)., &C., 1'ro- f.-Sor of 3` tany in the t7uiversity of Aberdleei. Aber- deien : A. lIrown & Co. l.Sl. 'ses A:44. A Locci. Flora ei..t, nowv-a-days, be judgel of from two tIints 05f view-its miceting' or failing to i'Cet tbe re pliC-| ,ent-i, on thie one hIand, of the 4tidLlnt of the gencral l't;ny of the count y, ...


... I -NE : IL To Itke Xditor of thec Times. Sir,-On may arrival, in totwn!f~rom SbOthlindt OnTbrs 'hr? the followingi,90t wn.i~vth 6afor of tendei' iojh rtarpe _i hition ii-- Buadzg rpsd ii be erected-in 1862, were put into 'i _'Te?rnBn'FO0t TEM 13101DINGS&OF'T HIHEN~AMtNAL i. The Conimissioners for the ljnteruatjonal Exhibition 1 -of 1862 propose to invfemvn ' ?? II-imtbl'tiumber of persons ...

Literature, Science, and Art

... dow, alf? ?rt. It is s'ssnsonreid tiat the authores, of Admr Bolde has another novel ready. AMr Bentley anlOlnces a new volume of gossip by Dr Dorari, on Queen Adelaide. ElBsie Voenier; n, Romallne of Dettiny, is thle title of a new tsle by O. Wendell llolme3. 3.r Davidill Roberts is actively engaged lipon bis large picture of the Interior St Peters, at Rome. Mrs S. C. Hall is hbont to ...