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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... in orer fopretvent ltatnuldln~(,n inimaitorto A1r.nrri eorDe,7L oil be t~niw,*d , snk .uthe(cafedby MARRil-GES. ARI1T0f-WnAa0.-on the 843rd ult at Christ ('hutjcb. MeSite, by the Rev. 0. R1. Gordon. I.. r ?? ,GM Sarah Wrag& both Of tbis city. B. n-ELLVgEUA`A. -015 th 23th UIt, at the foaWelefraA Chaii, Ra'nor-treat. by the 11cr. G. urnock, ir. Thma Bkero. o Cti 11th lusuars, tol Miss Emotni ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _D:EATH OF LORD GUILFORD. A 0lAPTER IN !EtOOLPSIASTICAL HrSTORY.] TrlE death of Francis, Earl Of Guilford, is announced., sThe deceased peer, who was born in 1772, Is suc- teeded by his grandson, who was born in 1851. In connexion with the death of this nobleman, the MOMn- ing Post gives to us a very remarkable chapter in the history of ecclesiastical abuses:- In In i70 the celebrated Lord ...


... Mayer's Egyptian Musenm, Colqultt-stre *—Open daily (first and third Monday the mt. nth free) Eoyal Institution Museum, Uolqnitt-str; «t—Odou idly (first and third Mondny In the month free). Cirque Variite-Eqnestrian und other performances. Boyal Colosseum—Mr. Gardiner Coyne i two Irish characters. Adelpbl Theatrei—New pleoe entitled is Win? Royal Amphitheatre—Christmas Pantomime. Parisian ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. CARTWRSOHT-On the 11th inst., at 16 Green Street, Lady Elizabeth Leslie Melville Cartwright, of a daughter. MACKIeTOsti-At the National Bank, Anstruther, on the 13th inst., Mrs Mackintosh, of Ia daughter. Low-At Hong Kong, China, on the 24th December, the wife of Robert A. Low, Esq., of a son. PATERSON-At Merchiston Park, Edinburgh, on the 12th inst., Mrs R. Roy Paterson, of a daughter ...


... MEETING OF MR. LAIRD'S FRIENDS. B«>Uemen took plaoe in « Woodfflde Hotel, to take steps to secure the return of Mr. John Laird as the representative of the proposed new borough Birkenhead. Mr. James was called to the chair, and amongst other gentlemen present were Messrs. Derbyshire, E. TbomptoD, J. Yoanghusband, W. Hadfield, W. G. Bradley, T. B. Golborne, G. E. Schults, Captain Reed, Whittle, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of . _ _ . . _ ) ?? ?e ALYeoosn.-On the 10th inst., at The Hermitage, the wife of the 3! Rev. James Atlgood, of a daughter. se Anrxslvs.-On the l1th inst., at 1, Oakley-square, London, the wife of floery Charles Andrews, M.D., of a son. EERFORED.-Oa the Ist inst., at Genoa, the wife of CaptLia Ivan S. A. flerford, late 90th Light Ilsfantry, of a daughtcr,: Liliborn. ; ?? the 10th inst., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. GRAY-At 4 Stafford Street, on the 26th inst., Mrs Alexander Gray, of a daughter. DoCLtAs--At 12 Assembly Street, Leith, on the 24th inst., the wife of Mr Thomas W. Donglhs, of a son. BROWN-At Ward Road, Duindee, on the 21st inst., the wife of Andrew Brown, innkeeper, of a daughter. MITCHELL-At 22 Little Causway, Forfar, on the 21st inst., Mrs James Mitchell, of a son. DOIG-At Lunanhead ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TO THE E1W1Oltp Tit P ?? 'i Little. Weiilofkh F ;'-Sl-Beit g 'oin of 'tlio v.'ry :fw, qirrtv4g soldiers of the regimnet Ii which' thea te M ijor; M abot,, of astle ' ,T~btse~rve, andt lavinjbden,' duvng the loqg and ' zedidat 'ihf -.rAmilitary life, ahlostiunlner- ?? C aodep's conls er -B, I ay ao~ed e to6indul g mselfby briefly ?? to~hishigh reputoe' . as' agentlemnanmud a soldI4 Major Ta1it, ...


... >T ei'i Ipptba Komn, Colqultt-atree*- Open dally (An* and third Monday In tha month free). Royal Institution Hmmm, -Open dtUr (tint and third Monday In tha month free). Hecglar's Cirque VariMi -KqueatrUn and other perfOT GJlo«r Ooyne In two Adelpbl Theatre— Christmas Pantomime. Royal Amphitheatre - Chrlstmaa Pantomime. Parisian Gallery of Anatomy, street. Edmonds* (l*te Womb well's) Menagerie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... y iB g All Aaorrieejes sent fromna distatice must be athenlicated by the signature of foe of o1ur Agents, or bp ?? of a known Cares. , tosident. .Anesuncenets qof Births are subject to a chottge of tA a6G 6d. ecch, aoti bset be properly authenticaled. W, c ?? . 'a Yeesterday, at Highfield House, Potternewton, .tYwfe of JOHN r.BNsoN, Esq., of a daughter. ?? A 1747 ,, ?? arriate~.s 'Y On the 4th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... dirg All 3fat-s-tips- seut ftsstm a. uieloace tustes be eelthesticatest lsj lhe euflistuetts sf este! ofsstt A yrsle, as- by tistl o~f a, lostass-s Cat-es-c p-isssent5. Atssttsteem~etula ef Birt-Is acre asbjes-t to a chma-ge of 2o, 6,. each, ss st miitot be prsoper-ly authetllticatled. Naicb. Oit Motnday, tise 4tt histt., ait IHoesforth, fifs. J. A, HurasstN. of a daughter. C 1652 On Thtursday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to DEATH OF ADMIRAL MUNDY. Admiral of the Red Sir George Alundy, K.C. B., died at his residence in Eaton-square, on Saturday week. The is deceased veteran entered the Royal Na;val Academy on the 9th of July, 1789, and embarked in October, 1792, as mid. a shipman on board the Blanche frigate, subsequently served on board the Perteus, Victory, and Juno, which latter vessel hmade a remarkable ...