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Freeman's Journal




Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WATER WORKS. T ?? THE~ BURIGESSES OF THE NORTH CITY WAR.D, 01ISTLEURN1, The Municipal Council, to wvhich YOU have done me tile honiour to, sned me on. many succallsive Accasions as your r~pe~s~tlO, asng siovedtoproinne a bill in Par- lisi 1 itpeye, tN5 Wter Soupply of the City, and resider till 104 o;h theW!~ Unato equit~able and just, tkajss'l, jo yur name, 8iven that bill every support ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - LANDED ESTATES. HE LADED ESTATES COURT, IREFAND. INT COUNTY O JOSCOMMON. 1LE ON FRiDAY, TiiE 15lH DAY OF MARCH, 1881. the Matter of IT 0 BE SOLD, before ?? |IT the Honoarable Judge ilobu Tbm~ Leo, Hargreavo, In hi, Court, Intns- _ quay, City of Dublin, on Flil- rte DAY, the loth day of March, Tie 1e. T. 1. C. Finny, 1801, at the hour of Twelte n Petitioner. ?? at Noon, in one Lot, the _- . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRX ROYAL, DUBVIN. T i- Last Night but One :of the IPantomime. . I THIiS EVENIG (Thursday), tbo 28th. of February, winl be performed the admired Drama entitled GWYNNETH J VAUGHIAN.-..Own ?? Mr F HntIley; Hugh Morgan,-. c Mr H Barfoot ; Morgan Morgan, Mr Granby i Gwynnoth Vaughan, Miss S Thorne; Lyddy Price, Mrs Burkinshaw. After which the Farco o0 JORN JONES-Gu1y Goodluck, Esq., Mr Hi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Mr. AIRIS respectfully announces that his BENEFIT WIl Uhe place on THllS (Saturday) EVENING, 23d February, 1061, eun which eceaslon will bo performed theadmired Drama of GWYNNETH VAUGHAN. Mortgan Morgan ?? Mr Granby Owen Williams ?? . Mr Huntiley Gwynetib Vaughan .. ?? MIss 8 Thorne Lyddy Price ?? ?? Mrs Burkinshaw ,To be oilowed by the favourite Comedloetta of THlE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBHEATRE ROYAL,; DUBLIN. Last Night but Ono of tbe Pantomimne. 'tO-MORROW EVENING (Thursday), 28th February, will be iperformed thle a4mlred Drama entitled, OWYNNETI5 VAUGHAN-Owen Williams. Mr F lurilley ; Hugh Morgan, Mfr I I iarfoot ; Morgan Morgan, Mr Granby Gwynnoth Vaughan, MiRs S aaorne; Lyddy Price, Mrs !ierkinasbw. After whirl tha larcoo' JOJ N JONES-Giuy OGodluck, Esq., Mr I Blarfoot: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. ALE SCHOQS OF ST. LAURENCE - 67,6OOLE.-On SdNDy, the ad of MARCU, the ANNUAL.V114 SE1Ot wm bo prehed after the %TwIva ?? Mnae, In the ParochiCHURCH OF ST. LAURENCE, Narth.strand, by the Very Rev. Father COOKE, ?? in aid of the above Schoos, in which ztats ZurDiIDn oys W1 remeeve, under the direon o the Christian Brothers, a reliilous, moral, and literary education. Bone- factlons from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T On THIS (Mondzl) EVENiING, 26th Fobruarel 1801, will be performne4 jhe admired Dama entitled TUIB BBI- GAND-Prineo Biancei, Mr Rooiston . Nicolo, 1r Byng; Alle sandto M1asaroni, Mr -P Hiuntley, Marle Grazia, 'Miss Sarah Thorne. To be followed by the Farce of STAGE STRUCK- lr Matthew Scragge, Mr Granby; Tom Tape, M H Barfoot; Sally Sckagge, Mrs Burkinshbw. To conolude ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAU DUBLIN. MT r WARRIS respectfully announces that his BENEFIT will take pieae on SO-MOltROW (Saturday), 23d February, 3811, on which occaslon will be perforsed the admired Drama of OWYNNETH VAUGHAN. Xiorgan Morgan ?? ?? Mr Granby Owen Willian.s ?? ?? Mr11 Huntley Owynnetb Vaughan . ?? iss S Thorne Lyddy Price *- ?? Mrs Burkinshaw To be followed by the favourite Comnedietta of THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in great variet, iln *ttltl~gBROOKiS'Sl SACiEVILLE-PLAOF, Dublin ;1 BET1IEMEN'S WINTER UJ. ~~DRESS. WATERPROOF GARMENTS. WAltM OVERCDATS! HIGHLAND CAPES, INVERNESS CAPES, 4BREAD.LBAKE CAPES. TODD, BURNS, and CO., B6e*tfully iusite an inspectIon of tholr present >tesylarge 6tock of the abovo Useful and Gentle- G1arnDet In all the varlous colours and m- t=ria1& suitable ior~ the present Season, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. TUBE AXTOARDINARY MARRIAGE CASE. E TlHELWALL V. YELVERTON. A FULL AND REVISED REPORT. wrr[( THE WEEKLY FREEMAN, Of SArURDAY, MARCH the 2d, WILL ?? 018upD A SUPPLEMENT OF THIRiTY-TWO COLUMNS, Containing it complete and terbatim Report of this EXTRAORDINARY CASE, From ifs opening to ilie lateat hour. The Report will give the amplest particulars of tho e se, InCluding Sergeant Sul- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. LAST GRAND JUVENILE NIGHiT, arid Last Night but Two of tile Pantoisnlo. 4J )JR. HARRIS hras tile honour to annouxnce that, in consequence of numerous applicatlons, the PANTO MIME wl, en this Occasion, commenco atStveno'clock, and terminate at twenty minutes past Nine,. Tlie performrances will conclude at a quarter past Ten. TillS EVENING (Tuesday), 26th February, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WATER WORKS. r o THEi BURGESSES OF THlE NORTH CITY WARD, The Di uniclipi Council, to which You have done me the honour to send ma on rnany swll essive OCCasions ais your representatlve, having resolved to promote a bill in Par. Ilament to Improve the Water Supply Of the City, and render the levy of thle Water Rute equitable and just, I have, in your naon, given that bill every support tn ...