... TEEEATRICALS IN AUSTRALIA. (osno3 oUR oWN CoRRESPONDsET.) ADELAIDE, S.A, DEC. 26, 1860. The dearth of amusement in Adelaide, which has been for some months past a subject of complaint, seems likely to give place to an extensive supply of entertainment. Already, the advent of more than one equestrian troupe has been announced. A visit is promised from some operatic performers-all of whom are ...

Published: Sunday 24 February 1861
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1395 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... The pantomime of Jack the Gi/ant ?? Is beyond question thc mbot popular of its numerous predecessors of the pants. mimic family. It Is now as pomilar as if It had been only a week tipen the stage; and the term of Its existienc will be looked spon as a time when a Jolly, good-natured friend tosk his departme from amongst us. The performances during the week were varied and attractive, and ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, FsB. 16. Fzscezr. (CusRK) V. FOBD Awn Asraire.-This was an aetion to aeoover the sum of 4168, claimed for services rendered by the plaintiff's wife to a gentleman named Woodburn, whose executors the defendants were. Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Prentice, and Mr. Brandt appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. Phirn for tbh defendants. Mr. Hawkins, in opening the ease, said that the ...

Published: Sunday 24 February 1861
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1878 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I EXIIIBITiON OF erniM: SEEDS. Ar n exhibition of spring seeds was ]illd yester- t day, in the Corn Exchange, for prizes offered by the Highlalud and Agricnltural Soeiety. There wvas a large attendance of farmers and others in- . terested in the exhibition , and the show wIas in the highlest degree successful. The following gentlemen acted as juldges L 1 et.-Johl Dudgeon, Spylaw, Kokeo; Andrew ...


... I SECOND EXHIBITION. YESTERDAY, the second exhibition, in connection with the Bclfast Ornithological Association, was held in the Gallery of Art, corner of Donegall Place and Castle Street, and was eminently successful. There. were 103 entries of pigeons, and 34 of canaries and goldInacbes. These numbers exhibit evidence of an increasing public interest, end of a decided taste in thia town for ...


... BEETHOVEN NIGHT. A vigorous effort was made on Monday last to penetrate the armour of apathy and indifference which the Birming- ham public have latterly opposed to the fascinations of these once popular concerts. It is notorious that for some months past the fortunes of the undertaking have been at a very low ebb. Without any sensible diminution of those resources which in the summer, and ...


... POETRY'. I MY OWN FIRESIDE. BY ALARIC WAhfo. Let others seek for empty joys, At ba ll. or concert, rout, or play: Whilst far from fashion's idle noise, Her glided domes, and trappings gay, I while tile wintry eve away,- 'Twixt book and lute the hours divide, And marvel how I ere could stray From thee-my own Fireside I Mv own Fireside I Those simple words Can bid the sweetest dreams arise; ...


... The liev. V, R. Fremantle has communicated to the London journals the following reply to an addrems on the above subject presented to hlis Grace the Arch- bishop ol Canterxury, lhe Itev. gentleman at the same timne remarking thlat it contains| tbe unanimous testi. mang of the AeCulihishops and Bishops of the provinces of Can terury and York, the only nane ?? being that of WVoreester, who is as ...


... SIAi AN -E ;. . ~lESSAYS ANDt.M ?? i:. , , S .! '0 TOXE EDITOn OF THE IiYAT ZWSO. SIR,-l amiudupedt to address yo-u byspbaerving tat , the manifestoe0s put.. forti under sanctibo, of all tb9 bistiops, condeumnin t&e ?? of. Esisays and Re- vieir, ahould excite so little a~ttention mi the public press. :If it were merely a squabble cdnflne4dto ?? ctrniig only: the tenets of an' ordinary sect, ...


... INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862 The foltowin g letter from the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1862 has been received by Sir Thomas Phillips, Chairman of the Council of the Society of Arts .- C'ouncil-oflie, Feb. 20, 1861. ' Sir,-I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Foster's letter of the I6th of February. enclosing the charter which hns been gran(ed to (lie Earl Gran. ville, I ...

Poet's Corner

... THE MESSENGER THOUGHT,., I sen~dfiea thossghtthee; . ' The deep, ?? essnenoofmylov5, I send itike a' piac retaraing dove, Far over sind and sea: ?? Ahi shall itreaa.gtisee Shallt sida rest, Beiot'ed-eno I Iiethsy breaist. I send it forth, with all The winged and burning power the lightning hath, Though night, and storm, and tempest is its path; - Ali I shall its radiance fall Upon thy soul, ...

Literature, Science, and Art

... dow, alf? ?rt. It is s'ssnsonreid tiat the authores, of Admr Bolde has another novel ready. AMr Bentley anlOlnces a new volume of gossip by Dr Dorari, on Queen Adelaide. ElBsie Voenier; n, Romallne of Dettiny, is thle title of a new tsle by O. Wendell llolme3. 3.r Davidill Roberts is actively engaged lipon bis large picture of the Interior St Peters, at Rome. Mrs S. C. Hall is hbont to ...