Advertisements & Notices

... we THE MORNINGCHIRONICLE, oh QoIPE TO PURICHASERS. 0c; Arraugensents ?? been' made withi Messrs. ~ S Ir and Soics 'to seell, THE MORNING W CRONICLE ata the!I r ailway Book talsa 11, TWOPENCE PER COPY; ten,. also. to supply the Paper, to Country .Agents 'on of duch terms as wvill enable. them to 'sell it at the e marked price. 'itt id L ONDONERS OVER the B'ORDER. to COTIMlITr-ci. [ld lis Grace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAAND BOWEL cOMPLAIN~TS IN 10GENERAL. p)ICET AND CO.'S TRUE DAFFY'S ELIXIR. 7 it edeine has been faithfully prepared p3,eaot s century, from the. purest drogs and spirits pWONrir8E, at the 6rigiial warehousa,'NO. 10, Bow a co hp 7r ca d has been attended with the fullest ch iecure 05' Slipasi, Mamn in the Breast, the most ln ta of the Cholie, and in tel Complaints of the l0joting In bottles at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRUG BUSINESS to be Sold, in one of the best ~situations in Hull, established 27 years (1834), with a first-rate Wholesale, Retail, and Dispensing connection, together with the Recipes of two excellent patent medioines. Premises held by lease, lately com- pleted, for a considerable term, at a moderate rent- Apply to W.J., Box 213, Post-office, Hull. FOR PRIVATE SALE, the ENGINES of the well- ...


... I w «i V- tafwl bottluvftii 1 , In 11 Court, OMaII* •treat. The dioaaaad waa bed bjr the mother tlx previous night end found deed the mornlof. Yerdiot ,7 Aoddantallj owkin. On the body woman unknown, who ran oab, diiron by Henry Baker, in Londonroad, Tneeday night. A wltnera named Bunett stated that whan Brrt aa* the dine Med the drirer waa her, and palled up aoon aa conld: bat was knocked ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S E Ri A 0 N. SOCIETY FOR TIIE RELIEF OF INDIGENT OLD MEN. l SERMON wil lie PrmaChed by thC ruEV. J A. K. 1H. IlOYD, of STiAl I'S, ill ST GEORGE'S Cnutt'jit, on the Evening of SFU\DAY, the 8d day of MARItCH, v:'-ell it Colleciton wll be lladie ill aid of tile Fuinds of tile above Society. Divinc Service to begin at Half-tilst Six o'clock. Edinburgh, 13t March 1l61. ElCONOMI(' LIFE ASSURIANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ __ _ _ ___ ____ c BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, &C. Si 0 'LAREN, OLIVER, & CO. solicit inspection CO MI of their present Liarge Stocd of Bedsteads, 1 .Beddiny, &c., which. esilirces t/he Fin est Designs O broiuhi t out this Season. O BEDSTEADS. 0 BIrCiH BEDSTEAOS, 37s Gd uwloards. MAHOGANY BEDSTFADS, 84supwasds. WALNUT ]BEDSTEAI)5, 150S upWards. I'ilcy aIsO hold a Largc Stock of IiON BE13E1STEDS, inv ...


... Dr. Montagu Viiliers, the new Bishop professes to be immensely indignant the —brought on the Church of England theaatlMcaof Eisays and Reviews. denunciations that work would have bean, not more effective, least more to respect, if they had proceeded fcasa a person who had himself done nothing Injure and discredit the Church in popular estimation. But, unfortunately, It that the BUhop'a nam* ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Goal land sastim. OsBoSUR, Februa7 27. The Queen, Prince Consort, and -Royal family, at- tended be tbe Ladies and Genttemen in Waiting, arrived tit (osl nrne Vesterl-ay afternoon. ier tlajitesty and: tle Royal party crossed over fro Gesport in the Royal yacht Fairy. QUEEN'S THEAThE & OPERA-HOUSE. TIIISR EAENINC,, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1861, tile performan'wes will colillence with Tltll POST l'OY. ...


... When Mr. James White moved, the other day, for a return of every member of House holding any civil, military, naval, diplomatic or other place, office, pension, to which he has been nominated or appointed by the Crown, Government, Ministers, or Chiefs of Departments, stating the date of his nomination or appointment, and the emoluments receives, and whether the same be temporary, permanent, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... howr pobliabi~ltr prioe Sa 6d, or by pottt 8e sd, IEZ'8 GIDE; TO TI[B TURF, for 1561; O000a5ining'fbs raee. of the year p~ast, ?erfiormencea Sporting Reviewr Odoe, 24, Stranrd. o IN THE PRESS, g1E DANGERS OF NORTH BRITISh RAILWAY pOLIC~T; or a Qaeation for the Consideration of IOhabitats of Newcastle and the eurrounding candidly Ssated and impartially Discussed. 'BY J. BaXTER LANGLEY. ?? Late ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D wRAFTS on MELBOURBNE, Vicoria, alld D R~'~~lije sN . W., for Bellch or br 0 'f n5 1AALE on demaiond, or it long dl[te3, grianted on it rtso, 'he l~ankin-ollice of iMeisrs. ADAM SPIEL ANs and Co., 79, 4IRC;LAPR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Tr'iacel.~r3 to the Continilent, Anmeroa, &co., con bore UCli- towne, olso FOREIlGN MiO4NliES, eat thhe ?? It), Inns. bard ?? depa tment. ussPtaihs. ADA'I ...


... THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1 Wind W.; at Holyhead, moderate. Arrived.— Balbec («.a.). Martin, from Havre— i Bittern ). O'Tole, Rotterdam—Tamaulipas (s.s). Camp- j )«U, from Bordeaux: towed from Milfonl, machinery being j out of osder—Edmund Preston. Croceomb, Tooopella—Fans- i Una, Cardenas—Kdith Anne, Mat z«n ilia-St. j rine. Aaplet. Maracaibo—Thetis l'erelle, Albert, Williams. Marseilles. Today: ...