... English Puritanism and its Leaders. By the Rev. Principal Tulloch, head of the University of St. Andrew's, &e., &e. Only two years have elapsed since Dr. Talloch published his most excellent work on The Leaders of the Reformation. The matter and style of that history are still fresh in our remembrance. The Rev. Principal exhi- bited to us the four great reformners-Luther, Cklvin, Latimer, ...


... I|- _ - AMATEUR TREAThICALS. One of the most attractire amateur theatrical performances that w c havp witnessed for a long time was given on Satur- ddy.evenlng in the Conecrt Room of the Rotundo, which wee turned into tho.prettiest of miniature theatres for thenoe Ihe attendance wearcrowdedand hlghly fashionable. The performances comprited tho famous old comedy of High Life Belowt Stairs, and ...


... og Altqatulj?- 77,. Letters ass Wrk of LsndV Mary Wortley Montague. Edited by, her getradson, Lord Wlharncliffe Trhird Edition, with Adiin and a New Memoir by W. Moy Thomaas.-Henlry G. Bohn, Londbnt. Solss, four or five generations have elapsed since the piquantt genius of Lady Miary Wortley Montagu gained her a brilliantI faile anmongst her contemporei'ies, and though a similar lapse of time ...


... -1.~ tipRT'I!UI--1RAL SOCIETY. 'IIe first spring borwothbi' society foi the present. ' ea nc ietedqudlrqavYi1 the Ratuado F 94'qo RM opoasion, uder an nuerusursnust' ~ was glorious, ,an~l thpousarng ,who#a4 ,1beea kept iithin 15 door.Aucngij mos sevre 4 Profctdo i~suied ,f~ortb. hn e# ?? ot*ia r r fine warrm~day~of; theioeaso~ha, ?? a8o ihe,'d t i61 froainthes promocade in Ironst of the ...


... wIvisw3 of= _OOKs ?? . : PCeadBtR'et1--he Api number of usia a~io~calie aieont'skably g dc on;---re~plete with ~&an mtee~U g~ter. r~-hi' tae, The. Seven Sons of Manitnon, is admirably written, but he diverges so often and so Butch fronm tho plot of -.the story, that %the interest thereinuoto uu~freqpL~tly-fl~gs..U Word' sketc of omestc lie. Thre i a daur of writen in-t lngaepsted~e~05 o--mee ...


... THEMTRICAL LICENCE FOR THE WATERLOO R001M. Yesterday, a special session of the Justices of the Peace for the city of Edinburgh was held in the Burgh Court-room, for the purpose of con- sidering a petition from Mr William Howard for licence for the Waterloo Rooms, for the purpose of producing operattas and scenes from operas, in which recitatives are spoken, under the Act6 and 7 Victoria, cap. ...

Literary Notices

... Al'ituany C, IVw-;su 1N JAPAN. By George Smith, D.D., rBlrnp of Victoria, Hong Kong. Loudon: l],1l,1an, Green, Longman, and Rloberts. f in;public will soon be in a position to form an accucatc opsinion as to Japan andl its people. Here gc hlave another excellent volume on the subject, all the more attractive and reliable that the author holls one of the most pictnresqne of pens, and can be ...


... TO DR. JOHN EDGAR. AcLD, couthy, cauty, spunkie Jonny, Your marriage speech was unco funny 'Bout Yelverton an' Fathler Nooney, 'Nent the half marriage: Ye're worthy o' a bag o' mouey Tae buy a carriagc. Your Armstrong gun was on her stand, Ye fired her aff wi' canny hand; The registrars ower a' the land Are in a swoon, An' ilka priest uplifts bis wand Tao crack your Mroon. 'Tho bonny lasses ...


... It been generally known among these interested the fine arts that the suggestion of the Major I negotiations have for some time been pending with vie* cf uniting tho Acadevy with the Sjcletyof Fine The Mayor suggested that the friends of the Acadcmy and the council of the Saciety of Fine Arts should each appoint two negotiators for the purpose of arranging the basi3 of union. Each party held ...


... am( EXELTR HALL.-MOLIQUE'S ABRAHAM. I TlO performance of this oratorio,. in aid of the -de funds of the Middlesex Hospital, took place last evening. .M It will bo remembered that the production of Abrahatpb was at one of the principal feat'res of the Norwich musical festival last autumn. The great impression which it made on that chi occasion induced the committee of the Middlesex Hospital ...


... PASSAGES FROM THE MARTYRDOM OF KELAVANE. WOMAN. fe There's love for woiman's tenderness, it And honour for her troth ! AT d whence the Atrengith that conmes to bless 'I'hc softness of her youth 9 The liight that shines in weise old hearts, The warmth of early years; ]tow comes that each its gift imparts In her sad time of tears ? That youthful leads with wisdom crown'd, Andt hearts wvith ...


... OLDMELDRUH-VOLUNTEER CONCERT. Tia Meldruan Volunteer Rifie COTPs, since their formation, have been indefatigable in their exertions to perfect these. selves in drill, under the able direction of Sergeant Dunlop; and the proficiency orrived at is pronoulnced as higlilypraise- worthy. This practical exhibition of genuine patriotisos has been highly appreciated and worthily supported lby the ...