Advertisements & Notices

... BABY LINEN, C1IILDRtEN'S DRlii'SES, LADIES' UJNDRi l CLOTIIIN(, PRATT & KEIT11, 51, & 53, ECN;ION STI:IE'*T, Awnan~iE.N M S9RPS. PR.TT & KEIT-l desitre to intimate M httheir GlENERIA L OTF vlrTIN\ & BAttY-LtNEN DEPARTMENT is undel the Slierioutonlence of C 1i)eieiecl hljl, wlhos en, tire attention wvill lie davoted to the getti ig ni) and selection of Stock suitI.ble for ; l'irA-tc.;asS Tr adc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11Ba SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL J.OVER, 'N'GLA'ND0 and at thy RAIILWAY STATIONS. 1T1IREEP'FNCE per STINGLE COPY, aied,5 ~tPL iICINTRY BOONESILLIRS, snd NE.WS- 4GBNTS cii stich terms as cvill enable them also to SELL the lAILY~ B\~S ait the marked price of TIUCEEIENCE per SIIrGLE Copy. lao, Strand. YEEKY STAM CMMUICATION to TOE .-Ts LIERPOL, W YOItE, and 1i1TUFPEI S'AM IHPCOMPNY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RYSTAL PALACE.-HIS DAY,1 S1411ilisAY C(NCEIRl' OF THE, SEASON. %tsi11e LEMAIIINs ?? will wake bar third N anid last appeasralice. First appelsrkvlscS of Mliss BIN ?? Sinor (GARDOI wtill appear for tise tlrst time. 31011s5. )LE of, ISL tecelebrated Norwegiasn vi',inist) wifl make, his tirst astpparancie at the Crystal Palace. PIE PROsORA11iME -1. S;yoiiphOly -NO. Sin F, Dee tbovcefl. 2. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIRCULAR SiOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Travellers to the Continent, America, &re., can brve CIR- iU1AR 3. OTES oi £5 and £10 each, payable at all principal 2 a, also ]~l't.ieGO. hlONIES, at the lanklng-ofilce5, 79, Lom- >3r sret.Bal~dg e~ttleADlAM 9St~flILMANN anid Co. J'~IAFTS on MELBOURNE, Victoria, and Sydney, x . s W., for small or large seins 1AYAIILE ofl demand, or ast loadl dates, granted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH E C A F E D I N N E R, Ss. Ott. . 0 end 10, HIAYMA.IRKET. BURE CLARET, Avith good body and flavour, 117 24-ls 100., 1,nil SOS. per dozen, Ii IlNGES and BUTLER, l'S, Regent-stocet, I.owdem, IV., and 30, Kilg's-rofA, Brighton, recomonnelnd their ' s ' J1LIENL CLAREy sad MEDO(, as above; also capital dinlioer Sherry, 21s,, 308., asld Ms.: good Port, 30s., Sts. of their higher elao winoes they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCH OF ENGLAND MISSIONARY C SOCIETY. The ANNUAL MEETING of the EDINBURGH AUXILIARY of the Society will be held in the HOrrTOUX ROOMS, Queen Street, on TuESDAY (To-Day)), 16th April, at Two o'clock, P. M. Major-General WALKER in the Chair. The Rev. J. C. IIYLE, and Colonel DAWES, one of thbe Secretaries of the Parent Society, will attend as a Deputation from the Parent Society, and will give ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. COURT OFB IUTIAN NOVNY. IN BANKIUPTOCY in the Matter of THE 'Judges of the; John Bryson, formerly Of Court of Bankruflptcy and I. o. 68, LlueOcfrltICot, Insolsency will sit at the said iN the Clty of Dnblil, Court, Four Courts, Dablin, on i i 63, Barrack. TUESDAY, the 16th day of C nowt I ad ly Apr~iL 18GI, at the hour of Eleven _ salrenaie l ' o Clock In the Forenoon, for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . |T EA'TING'S COUGH LOZENGES.- D !J the oiscileveniss effects caused to the Lungs by every HLEUttCl of C,-ugb, Indlices a tend encey to Consu mption . Bronchitis, and o tier dangerous disorders of the respiratory organs. By hav. ing a bosx of these celebrated Lozenges may prevent the serious consequences arising from Cold and Cough. e f IMPORTANT TESTiAIONIAL. CURE OF ASTHalA OF SiVERAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... losjicssion can be given on the Ist of Nnrch next. I ec givau by Alessls. aNDREWS, SON, & hIsa- ,AlNE, Solicitors, 36, Upper Or- mml Quny, Dublin, and 62, Done- g ll Strcet, BelSnst. 762 RIBBON SAND FANCY DEPARTMENTS, A CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF NEW SPRING RIBBONS IN FRENCH AND COVENTRY MANUFACTURE. THlE NEW SHADES, COMPRISING AZULINE, ISLY, MATHILDE, AND THE CELEBRATED PEKIN RIBBON. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARENCE VICTUALLING YAIR~h OTIOE is -Herel ,utllen -4halt' on ThnrstlaXs tlm 1! ~hApril next, Ix shsA'2 be; ready '.to reketve. TENDERS in; wvriting,, seidedipp,', and ~treat for P2000' QUARTER{S OF W E~At}' 300 ,tixfwhich to. belWhite), to wveigh '60 1ioiitds lper bushel, ,oveli~\etaigto;> 1ai~sfor, to be delivered, half in three weekis. and thle remainder In five wveeks from the date ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ct M3E?,A6ATX X I S EIEINAS, RELIOTI ItOI1' ain!i caller ?? BEDDING V bylANTS; tbl 1107 .11 1Oo ?? , ?? sonic briilita iiOvIltle: IIISD CIMIIOINO l'l.AN'r, ror waill or trellis; the ?? forullig tlhe ,loso cliilet.ew collectlolo of nuB tq' ID IG L A X TK, anti aro sn11 st 01llig at til i lowe0t renllmlill '.tivo prices, it IV. D. JEFFHIttL, A rboretilia ? !irseies, p13%vwdi, neir tioe rnmimar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R SAtLE,-A PONY (for children), five years old, veyqit aig'en ed to carry little children .rod ery quiet, havilng beeun usstnto , 10Y Walton-street, about a Meadow.-Apply to Mr Smit ap ?? t atnrReet, 'Oxford. O be SOLD or. LE to HIRb T.privato O1MNIBUS, for one or two horses; also a good Second-hand FLY;- a double-sented CAB PHAETON, with Lead and coachmnan's seot ; and a good useful DOG. CART ...