... London, Wednesday Afternoon. This being the Ist of May, no business was trans* acted in the stock exohange. The transfer offices at the of England are also closed to-day for striking the half-yearly balance. The railway calls for the month of May amount to £1,869,000. [by electric telegraph.J Paris Bourse, Wednesday.—[Router's Telc- Sam.j-3 35 p.m.: The bourse has been buoyant. closed very ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 34 South Portland Street, on the 3d instant, Mrs. Andrew Shaw; a daughter. At 255 Gallowgate, on the 3d inst., Mrs. John Murray; a daughter. At 1 Scotland Street, on the 3d instant, Mrs. William Newlands; a daughter. At Mount Pleasant Road, Rothesay, on the 3d instant, hMrn. William Herbert; a son. At Abbey Green, Kelso, on the 1st instant, Mrs. G. D, Hunter; a son. - AtLennoxtown, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BhIRTHS. MAy at., at '52, Nortth Great Georges'alttreer the lady ot James A. Lyle, tiaq., of a son. ?? IV, In the elty of Saint Lotlti, Amrnclc. Kate, wife of IVilliam VraAei Cailet, soil of Ur. Cullea, Carbow, of a son. blay 22, In Carl, the wife of J. ,. Goad, is, t a idy 2t, abt. llu chulri of St. AndIrew, Weistlandrowr, by ?? )sov. 1. stritli, Jancs .V. D3illon, asq., Wicklow, to Ag- in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. April 30. the wife of R. Crowe, Eaq, late Captain COth loyal Riles, of a son. April 29, at Dover, the wife of Lieutenant Colonel Ingle.. field, of a son. Slay 2, at Clontarf, the wife of S. R*, Eaton, Eeq, of a eon. 31ay 1, at Temple Harry Rectory, King's County, the wife of the ;lev. T. i'ltzigo aid French, of a eon. April 25, at Woolwich, the wife of Captain Ogilvie, Royal Artillery, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF. MRS. BALL, OF RATIHFARNHAM. We deeply regret to announce the death of Mother Ptrances Mary Theresa Ball, Foundress and Supcrioress- General of the Community of the Sisters of Oar Lady of Loretto, who expired at Loretto Abbey, Dalkeay upon last Sunday evening, iu the sixty seventh year of' her age, and tre forty-seventh of her religious life. The closing scene was truly worthy of her ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Toucm-At 13 Antigua Street, on the 21st inst., Mrs . Andrew S. Touch, of a son. LAiwsoN-At 59 Melville Street, Edinburgh, the wife l of Andrew Murray Lawson, Esq., of a daughter. WILKIs-At 21 Abercromby Place, on the 19th inst., the wife of James Wilkie, Esq., C.A., of a son. . RoBuETSoN-At 25 India Street, Edinburgh, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr John Robertson, of a Eon. ...


... FAMILY HISTORY OK THB KRNTB.* MR. PARENTAGE, *o. The father of the murdered child wu the sen a *arpet manufacturer, who for many yean carried bnsinaei in OarpentorVhalL London-wall, and had retired from It some or 18 yean nil death. This gentleman had married Mia Seville (of Essex family, well known in Ooiebester, in that oounty), of whom nothing remarked beyond the fact of the rapectahOity of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... oV _f - ?? 'r nr All rals'riages senit from a distance must lie awth7eticated by the _ signatlire of one of our Agents, or bV that of a kmownm con7es- poudent. Alniacncelmelts of Births are sulbject to a charge of the 2c. 6d. each, and Vest be properlrl authenticated. thle ,es3q gela triage B Pery On the 6th inst., st St. Mary's church, Barlsley, by tho Rev. r i 'riea Dunue, Mr. Wd. LITTLEWOOD ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0, B~IRTHS. r- C zov.-O the 28th ult., at 46, Charles-street, the Eon. Mar ( r- Curzon, of a --os. P 1lIEAOS.-On the 29th ult., at Hampstead, the vrife of IV.b . U Hceaton, Esq._(N. of a son. ' LOTT.-On the 26th u[t., at The Gratge, Werhaaa, Suffo:k, to Y wife of Stephen Janies Lott, Esq., premnaturely, of a, *lt, ?? r born. NEATB.-On the 26th ult., at the residence of her mnotherl _ Portsdown ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 2'Newton Street, on the 27th instant, Mrs. M. C. Duff, a HOD,. - At 4 Park Quadrart, on- the 27th instant, Mrs. William t Service, jun. , a son. At Coatbridge, on the 27th inat.,, Mrs. Alex. M'Kenzie; a daughter. - N 'At d Bhrnbank Gardens, on the 26th instant, Mrs. E nR tcheson; a son, .c At 252 Bucbanan Street, on the26th instant, the wife of t Mr. John Moffat; a daughter. At IbeWalli, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BITHS% MARIAGR% AND DEATM. BIRTHI& DURRAIIT.-AIil SD, at the Willows.Alidain', Sontbelmhnr, wilo&fh e ot G. F~. Drt, Ja., ot *wt* IHATON.-rIl 29, at Thoreua, Isle of Wlghtte w. of A. RuNaeeI ?? 29tetDorm the WHOe of UM&40.a Iiiglefieldo a ?? 3O1lJlN-4ri SO -at lawsue-A , abcbp thlewit of IL 1Mollne Es.,D}s. PAUlErL-AP a y-plu. OY9loweqa, e.t a Paner2 of flter. _ NGE-MI:A.-Apr 8S, at -L by the ...


... [Br ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC TELEORATH3.] HOUSE LORD 3. FRIDAY, MAY 3. Their lordship* met five o'clock. PRIVATE BILLS. Tho Tiverton Roads Bill, Oldham and Ripponden Road* Bill, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (brandies Shawforth, &o.) Bill, Lanoashire and Yorkshire Railway (extension Settle) Bill were read a second time. The Wivenloe and Brightlings«a Railway Bill, North British and Peebles ...