... FAMILY HISTORY OK THB KRNTB.* MR. PARENTAGE, *o. The father of the murdered child wu the sen a *arpet manufacturer, who for many yean carried bnsinaei in OarpentorVhalL London-wall, and had retired from It some or 18 yean nil death. This gentleman had married Mia Seville (of Essex family, well known in Ooiebester, in that oounty), of whom nothing remarked beyond the fact of the rapectahOity of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mlay 14, in thit city, the wife of P. IV. Deaneng of a po daughter. IC( llay 14, at 4211 albot.,trect, the wifo of Captein-John S. WI Byrtto of a s e. lsoy 1i, ot Craigarad the wife of John Mulhol'tad, Esq, 0: of a SoI. Cl flay 13, the wifc o. Lieutenunt-Colonal Lowry, . 47th regimlent, of a 'Jaughter, );hirh onlfy nurylved its birth one oi houril: Dlay 10. at BllainacarrIlly, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RIRfH9. Soss.-May 11, at LeeB.0jurt, Favereham, the Heon. Mr. Mllles.-May 9, at 8, Great Cumtnberland etreet, the ERon. Mirs. Frederick Chieheter.-M.a 9, in Dublin, the Elul. Sire. Farrell, 7ire of J. A Farrell, SEq _-May 7, at 8nalth viearage, Yarkehixe, the wife of Captain Eadon, 5rd West Yor k ?? 8, at Weynonth, the wife of Charles L. Oliver. Ieq., let Madrase fuei~llere, -March 2thta, ct ...


... Blyth, on the 12th inst., the wife of Alexander Trotter, Esq., surgeon, of a daughter. At BEDLINGTON, on the 13th inst., the wife of Beija- miin MoLaren. Req., of a Bon. At ULGHAN GIcANGH, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr Thomas -Tindell, of a daughter. At LONDOrJ, in Dover-street, Piccadilly, on the 13th inte., the wite of the Rev. Dixon Brown, of lnthank MARRIAGES. At NBWOASTLE, at St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? of Births, Marfriayes, and Desth-s shoutd be autheilisatcd by twe namte as adod)-3ss of ?? s8ciers, or tansaiaitte d to Us ?? our accredited Agents.] BIRTHS. On the 8th ihst, at Penybryn House, St. Asaph, the, wife of Henry Coolis, Esq., of a daughter. On the 11th last, at St. John's Parsonage, Hawarden, the wife of thle Rov. J 0. Tronghton, of a son. Id A R RI AGE S. On the 10th inst., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDDING Or THE DAUGHTER OF THE BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS. On Tuesday, the marriago of the Honourable Mliss Emile Dulcibella Eden, daughter of the Right lion. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, to Edmund Hoery Dickinson, Esq., was celebrated at Wells cathedral. The social station of the contracting parties would of itself have been amply suniicient to cause tile event to be looked ...

DEATH OF THE DUKE OF BEDFORD. The Duke of Bedford, who for some months just been deolining state of heslth,

... expired afternoon, at Wo burn Abbey, Bedfordshire. The deoeased, who was born in 17£3, was the seventh Duke of Bedford, and was the son of the sixth dake, bv hii first wife, the second daughter of the fourth Visoount Torrington. In he married the daughter the third Earl of Harrington ; succeeded his father in 1839 ; was summoned to the House Lords in 1832, In his father's barony of Holland ; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [ittordr t prron Ia aauuncoiitsno tiut~iatloo 01 authrityorfrwaxingto anoun~ etiforpublicatioa NA ItMAG~ BATEtRf-WIFALLKY.- On the Sth l1st. at St. Mark' Ch'ircb. Weool house, by the Rev. T. Mteruw. lorsimbint ct Burl,'7, Wlltna ?? eot m of William Baxter. Y&l.. drysater. tUeds. i L~ixy. ehlcew duhrofMr. WIllRAin Whalley. Of VietOrl. ROWed 1.dlilate lY. 11 -ILlP ?? the 141th lost. at til ?? ...

H Alt alrraniages se

... nt frost a distance sust be asthentieted by the osiqsttlut-e of one of osr Agetnts, oa by that of a A.enotee corrnes- 2tyndett. AsttsCnettccs tsl oef Bierths are eabject to a charge of 2., 60. each, ond trust be pytoperly authetltieated. On the 15th inst., at our parish church, Mr. JOHN CARTWRIGHT of Wakefietleld, policeman, to Miss MARIA FOTHERGILL, of Chapel- Ailerten. Sanue day, and place, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (N ANA*Cl4 Cl K' WEDNESDAY, Miay 15, 1801. Lt. -- - --- p St BiRTThS. Ti At 2li, ii'tbisttc Tertrace, ott the lilth inst., M~rS FARQlUHARt Ti Sl0T TI 5w0~ (,Iiif Mttirt-k, (If a1 diffItstir. Tc Ott tlit S)lit inst tot, at No. ii, Ciraurn Placo, Mrs Elilnutt Ittn i'. Of tt do ter. At S1, SI~ecitcttreut, onl tite 14th 'Mty, Mrs PErch Dry, jont., At Sitn it Olati c ott tlic 2tht uilt., tite ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aarrtageo. May lo, at Sculcoates Church, Hull, by the Rev T S Bonnin, Ufr Chirles Reader, to Mary, daughter of Mr Wme Kitchen. May 11, at Scalcoates Church, Hall, by the Rev T S Konnin, Mr Charles Benjamin Jackson, to Marla, daughter of Mr John Watson. May 12, at Sculcoates Church, Hull, by the Rev T S Boanin, Mr John Hassett, to Charlotte, daughter of Mr Arthur MeCormut. May 13, at Sculcoates ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 10th inst., at Bridge Hill, Belper, the wife of G. IL 'i Strutt, Esq., of a daughter. r On Tuesday, the 14th inst., the wife 4 F. M. Haywoud, ai Esq.. solicitor, of a son. ?I On the 11th inst., at the Rectory,*Walton-on.Trent, the a, wife of the Rev. C. Fisher, of a son. te MARRIAGES. 70 On the 14th March last, at Trinity Church, Shanghae, by 1 the Rev. J. Hobson, T. J. Birdseye ...