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Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent


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Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent


... System of Education as a substitute for it, it has been the mistaken and unprincipled policy of successive governments, both Whig and Conservative, to uphold that system, notwithstanding the repeated proofs that have been given that it has signally failed ...

femug smkd. DUBLIN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1861

... Conservative candidates, who cannot be charged with the hostility to the practical interest# of Ireland exhibited by these servile Whigs, and who will, consequently, be in a petition claim popular confidence. Not only did fifteen Irish Liberals vote against Ireland ...

the immoral artifioeo to which the Roman Court I hire had neonxaa in thmr end®»Tour iratoro the old It ia

... roanmuvres and address themselves to the task of getting ships that are seaworthy and fit for the work* No effort of the Whigs will be left untried to procure the Contract for English Company; and, by cunningly raising among ns the old battle of the ...

(feraj jacket. DUBLIN, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1861

... very strong party existed in the House by whom this view was taken. The outspokenness of the North,” however, has restored the Whig and Peelite cottonopolists to their senses. The Northerners have declared that they are at war with any nation which recognises ...


... ion, that, unless the Galway subsidy for the conveyance of the mails America had been the work of a Tory Administration, a Whig government would never have thought of its withdrawal Common prudence, or the most selfish policy, would have pronounced it ...


... public traffic. The flnt train from Donaghadea took Its dsparturefrom the oouaty Down terminus pern half-past nina a.m. —Noriktm Whig. Sooa. Tha largo number 68,564,640 eggs wort brought into England in four mouths coding April 80, 1861, being incraaae of upwards ...

fytnvxg s&tkd

... inquiry into its application, would be inexpedient.” On both sides the House this plea is put forward, the fact being that Whig and Tory alike are catering for Romish support. If Lord Palmerston has his slavish Romish Isberals, so called, the Conservative ...


... had good deal to say for themselves, chiefly in foreign affairs; the Fif“ teen” whoform the Whig tail now, retorted with acrimony, asserting that if the Whigs had opposed the Holy Pontiff abroad, they were his best friends in Ireland. The dispute raged ...


... remonstrance was received, showed that the House thoroughly appreciated his public protest against additional illustration of Whig official Insolence. THE The Government are in a decided fix ahont the Galway contract. Fain would they throw themselves into ...


... THE LONDON PRESS. IRELAND AND THE WHIG®, (from thm rsuam.) The present state Ireland resembles no former period of her political history. Since the Reform Bill became law, the Whigs have for the roost part possessed the government of that country. A great ...


... that supreme conflict which must the end of the route followed by him. RUMOURED DEATH OF CHARLES LEVER. (ritOM THE KORTHEKM WHIG.) Charles Lever, the distinguished Irish novelist, died at Spezzia a lew weeks since. Ur. Lever was born in Dublin on the 31st ...


... the office would not have suffered in the slightest degree in bis hands. THE RUMOURED DEATH OF CHARLES LEVER. Tb« Northern Whig, which states that it copied the an- nouncement Mr. Lever’s death from the Limerick Chronicle, saja to-day that the many admirers ...