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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. So0s.-lJuteGth, at Belton, EsitLothalan, the wife of Canr tain Hont--June 6, at Springfield, Eceex, the wife of W. J. Locar, Esq.. Captain WeAt Essex ?? G.h, at Hale vicarage, Taunton, the wife of the Rev. P T Nyford Mills.--Jnee i, at Hinton lodge, Hurst, the wife of Men- teent G. V. Gregozle, R N.--Jane 2, the wife of Mr. J. Aehdown, of i, Singleton.etreet, Hoxton.--Jane 4 at Ad- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * 01) J@liit rc ttr. Coua3T CAMILLO C(AVOUPIe the great Italian statesman (whose death we have recorded in our foreign news, .and to whose memory a special article is consecrated elsewhere), was born at Turin on the ?? of AuguSt, 1810, and consequently had not completed his 51st year. e was the second son of the late Marquis Ca.vour, a representative of 'O0u of the most ancient and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituary of Distinguished 1ersons. DEATH OF LORD AnBINGER.-We have to record the unexpected demise of Lord Abinger, brother-in-law of the late Lord Chancellor Campbell. This melancholy event took place on Monday, ?? Hall, the family seat, near Dorking, Surrey. The late Right Hem. Robert Campbell Scarliti, Baron Abinger, of Abinger in thecounty of Surrey, and of the city of Norwich, in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF CAVOUR. A telegram, received on Thursday, announced the sad news of the death of Count Cavour,at seven o'clock on that morning. The news was the more Unexpected, beeause previous telegrais had announced that the disease of which he died had taken a favourabie turn. The Following news has since reached us by telegram. Tunia, Thursday Evening. The wholA oity has been thrown Into deep ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'DEATH OF THE SULTAN.-PRO- BABLE EUROMEAN WAR. Within the week just e~nded, three remarkable men bave been withdrawn from the mundare stage unto that dark and mysterious region behind the impenetrable veil which divide Time from Eternity. These men are, or rather were, Sultan Abdal Medjid, John Lord Campbell, and last, but not least in the oignity ef true manhood and genuine worth, James ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | THE PUBLIC FUNERAL OF MR. BRAIDWOOD. THE PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS. The funeral of the late Mr. Braidwood took place yesterday, under circumstances which fully be- tokened the great estimation in which his public services and private character. were held by the various authorities1 and the inhlabitagts of London generaLly. It appears that on Thursday, a committee of gen- tlemen from the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRiAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTimS. BO1DE:AUr.-4lo 1S, at South-street, orowvenorr.quare, the BTWlteofF. 01'1. K ]3o1leau, REq., of a son,. C0eTol.-4U 16, 3t °ievurloy, Yorkshire, the wvife of T. Collett, £sq,, Of a daughter. HEIEL-Jufne iS, at Jlodford-placeO Ruase-1aqiae, the wife of J. M. Heppe]. Ireq., of a eon. HILL-Jume ID, at Cauonbury1paIce, Isl'ngtoul, the wile of Mr. T. i Hill, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIITES, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BROTHIRTON.-June 1, at REst Molesey, Surrey, the wife of J. B-oth rou, Fsq., of a son. BPOWNINGTJuue 2, at Portsdown-roed, Maids-hll, the wife ao C Brownini, Faq., of a daughter. CRlTD)LAXD.-31.yZ10, at Sunbiry, Middlesex, the wife of F. C .dland Frs., of a dauhtr. Cu.okMIN..-Jure 2. a, bw..olk-tareet, fark-lane, Le wife of C. .'s}iet s A Camrtot^, R.N., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. BIETTrs-Ontt th 25th instat 17, be hty-?roC. square, the wrife of Heniry Rt. Brett, Eq., ot twia bIns. FAsRs.sIuj .-On the ?? ijst., t No. 17, Vi..rt 2 C ham-common, the wife of John FIrqcm har E-,1, Ct a 1l1Lt.-Oll the Mth April, at Uobo nmeut-o , 1 j-.a Le r the wife of 3lajor W. ill, Hi Woo' lIl: It. daughter. .lfnu .ty.-Ol the 21st inst., at 10, Derldsn2?e ~ Is- ri ton-park, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I THE LATEI MR. BRAIDWOOD. I To every Londoner the dry of Firel is a familiar household word. Tosee the atmosphere lighted up with an unearthly glare. to hear the engine rattle through the streets at night; to see dense crowds flock to the scene of conflagration; to read of hair-breadth' escapes and untold losses, are to him the mere routine of daily life. Were London's population a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BMITHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BOlUiTOSN-June 22, at GayfeldsqnareX ~ubb, the wife of C&api~n J. Isoulton, of a daughter. f e NIAI'MAIN.-June 22, at QueeI's-park Cheater, the wife of the RBe C. Chapman, MA n, of a eonu Twickenham the wife F AB~.JUfle 24, at IHeyfaodrd-hi, near Oxford, the wife of Cap- GRO3vEh ?? 23, at lrinces-gate, Lady Constance Gros- 3iACor, ?? 23, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. MURRt&Y.-On the 21st inst., at No. 40, Doddiugt3n-greve, Kennifgtoel park, the wife of Ur. Gaston Murray, of a daughter. WOOD.-On the 17th inet, the wife of Charles WOVd, Beq., of BeaUfort- road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, uf a daughter. ZEt'PELIN.-On the 10th inst., at St. Leonard's Court, Gloucester. the residence of her father, the Hon. J. H. Knox, the ConDtess &epPill, Of a daughter. ...