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Advertisements & Notices

... AJSTRALIA 'TASMAINIA, & NEW ZEALAND. I ACK BALL LINE OF TJ B -British and Australian Ex-Royal w ?? Packetq, and la gle Line of Packets, LI FOR MELBOURNE. si P e. Bur. Capt. Date. Great 'fase lia 2,166 4,500 Flynn July 6. ?? AestaliL 1,020 2,000 Lowrie, July 15. Elis'tlb Ann Brighit, 1,919 4,000 Slarlkie, Aug. 5. _ The Plssenetir accomnmodation in this ship is de- c1dediy sl'perior, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jjala hib Auction. PRICE'S PATENT SAFES. To be Sold by AUCTION, at the AMart, No. 7, CASTLE PLACE, on THURSDAY, the 27th of June inst., at One o'clock, A N ASSORTMENT OF GEORGE PRICE'S Acelebrated Treble-Patent, Fire-Resistino, antd Burglar-Proof BOOK and PLATE SAFES, of various sizes, the whole of which are fitted with Price's doun ble patent a nephls ultra unpickable and gunpowder- proof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSES AND LANDS. %S,'i'lR~G EROM BUSINESS.-TO BE l* LET, ttlO Old Establis1 ed Drapery and Millinery Ware- ssues, No. 17, WEXFORD.STliEET, and the STOCK to be DISPOSED OF. Persona about to cosumence the above RUsi.. nesa would find this a rery desirable Investment. For parti- culars apply, on the Premises to 11 J. WRmirr. j27,11 rpo BE LET ON LEASE, the YARD,! L DWELLING HOUSE, and CONCERNS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THE HEIRS OF CHESWOLD MANOR!, NEW TALE. THE ,WEEKLY NEWS OF SATURDAY (TO-MORROW), JUNE 29, NJX Will Contain, in addition to ALL TEE NEWS OF THE WEEK, ITRE FIRST OHAPTERS OF A NEW ILLUSTRATED TALE, THE HEIRS OF ClHESWOLD HAlANORBI (FRoM THE NEW YorrE LEDGER.) The scene of The Heirs of Cheswold Manor is laid in a region in which adventure and ro- mance spontaneously spring up, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEA LAND. BLACK BALL LINE OF ) British an d A iistralian Ex.-Royal M i Packets, and esagle Line of Packets, s, FOR MELBOURNE; Reg. g Bur. Capt. Date-. W T asmania 2,1136 4,500 Fly nn J nly 5. Ha young Australia 1,020 2,000 Lowrie, July 15. E lz'th Ann Bright, 1,919 4,000 Starkie, Aug. 5. The Passenger accommodation in this ship is de- Co cilleflly superior, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. (Ni BEAT SOUTHERN AND WESTERN A . RAILwAY COM Y. ro tirE eua.Ot,,uLDJIts. Dablia, 22nd June, 18f1. OENrLEMEN-We, the 1n1reglVed ShtarehtolderA in tile GREAT SOUTHERN AND WESTERN RAILWAY CDI1- ?ANY, being deeply interested in thoe prosperity of that Company, invite your attentlon to what occurred at the Heetirg of the 15th lastant. _,You ?? have seen by the public prints, and by a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTR.ALIA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEALAND. LACR 3BALL LINE OF ΒΆ ' I BLA Briishand Australian Fx-Royal g 3 ?? Packets, and h-ag-le Line of Packets, FOR MELBOURNE. b hip Reg. Bulr. Capt. Date. oreat Tasmania 2,166 4,500 Flynn July 5. YOung Australia 1,020 2,000 Lowrie, July 15 (Iri Ei AnBright, 1,919 4,000 Starkie, Aug. 5. _ 'rle Passenger accommodation in this ship is de- ctilly gulperior, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBFS QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. DXNRFIT OF MR. ATKINS, and his last appearance but three, on which occasion Miss GRACE EGERTON and Mr. G. CASE will give a selection from their celebrated entertain- ment entitled A Christaas Paity.-1ast Week of Miss L TIIOMPSON-Lsst night of Mr. SlEPHERD.-THIS EVEN- 1NG (Wednesdty), June 26th, will be performaed (last time), the Drama of TUE STAFF OF DIAMbONDS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. TO GLASGOW IN ABOUT 6 HOURS. _,=hrU H HEA A D E L A SAILS FOR tmt9&s GLASGOW (Via ARDROSSAN) A/Al'9lI iF THIS DAY (Friday), at 5 minutes past 4 Afternoon. [gjp Passengers wvill reach Glasgow about 10.45- (Irish time) This Evening. 1 R. IIENDERSON & SON, Agents. STEAM TO HIAVRE DIRECT, TAKING GOODS FOR ROUEN, PARIS, &r ?? ttHE FIRST-flLASS S C R E W /- 4F'\ 1STREAMERS, AURORA, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i maatien. EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND. TERMINATION OF THE WAR. PER OVERLAND MIAM. Melbourne, 25th April, 1861. TIO WAR in NEW ZEALAND terminated on the 19th March by the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of. the Natives. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,'1E QUEEN'S ROYAL jHEATRE. , Eery evenin s M'ss Lh TIOMPSON-2Uat two Nl 1ht wf Mr. SHEPHERD and Mr. E. ATKINS-THIS EVENING (Friday), Juno 28tb, will be presented the Surrey Drama of, ThE HELPING HAND; or, Every Coat has a llole in It.- Mir Geeffry Stratton, Mr Grindall; Leonatd Stratton, Mr Warden; Deopwattr, Mr Shepherd; Snug Mr H Webb; Jonas Abbot, Mr Vivash ; larry Moore, Mr Vande r ; Tims ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEL ES$TATES. I ' n~~~lg L D 1130;j9TATES COIIUlT. Xous OF KRY, BARONY OF MSAGUN11y. SALE on TIURSDAY, the 27th day of JUNE, 1881. I Tn the Matter of ]7J'O BE SOLD Pe-' the Estate of T rermptorily, beforo the HioI. John Cooper, nourable Jndge Dobbs, at the Owner; Landed Estates Court, Four Exparle Courts, Dublin, on THURSDAY, Eobrert Burgess, tte 27th. day of June, 1861, in Petitioner. one Lot ...