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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 6th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. Thoms Green to Miss Agnes Croft; Mr. John Guy to Miss Elizabeth' Pook&; Mr, Frederick Beothain to Miss Margaret Ellison; Mr. 'Thus. On the 8th inst., Mi'. William Corner to Miss: Elen Hold- croft; Mr. David Barlow to Miss Jane Redfnim. Bennet to Miss Harriet Holding. On the 7th inst. Mr. William Fletcher to Miss Alice Talbot; Mr. David ...

RELIGIOUS MODERATION. TO TBE IDITORS OP THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY. Gentlemen,—l iead your to-day's paper a letter ..

... and in answer I beg state, as a Belgian and Catholic, that on arriving ocuntry, about five years ago, I was surprised see such advertisements as No Irish or Catholic spply. Bekp in want of servant*, have sine* then put advertisements at times, and always worded them so— 44 No English or Protestant need apply imitating exactly the other people's doing. have not begun, but shaped myself with ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (In order to proe~ent (goe £000unoemeats, steilfunak of MaigorDeatb will be inserited, unkat ?? nd addronof the sender, wbomustabohiltatehix authorityforforwardiugthaannounoamnentf orpubicutioe, Notioow of Birtus must be paidI for -advartisomrrue J MAXRIAGE9. BxazrGz-Oseuc 4ua. the ith look, Ft SA. Hcakeu chatne rci. tI Kent. L7 the Zrv. . la. Loes Rd., Mr. Wijilato IL T iLkcayW. 04 ...


... On Wednesday night, the Right lion, the Lord Mayer of London acd the Lidy Mayoress entertained Mr. M.P., and numerous party of guest, a p\ ndid banquet, in the Egyptian at Mansion Home, 'lhe freedom the city having recti lem conferred u|x>n Mr. Cobden in cor.- sideiaticn i-> services in nego*-a'.ing the treaty, this ei.tertainmtnt bis honour follow**! i a corc with the usual custom the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (In order to Prevont fabelnoatnonemcni~ta, noItOtltntilvaA ri, Mfarrlagooo Deatb will beinsertod, tanlesa aatho,;I1iii.- i y the naine ad address ofthecernder, neboe rtnut .u ?? r big autthority torforwranhiuag thOeafnnouDmexjttforpol,.hi,a.sion~ Noticee of Births must be Pail for as adeortiocn-egitf.. MA.RIUAGE& ARTFtUft-UArtDN1'1t.- On the 201h lets. at the itbp'irW~~ AtLilneesterrbiro, by ...


... IMMENSE RECOVERY SALVAGE. Up to Friday the fire still continued to hang about several parte of the :ulns, and one of the steam floating engines was even then at work and it is satisfactory to that the firemen, with the aid of that machine, had prevented the ones from entering ore of the vaults contiguous to those destroyed, and have in consequence saved oil and tallow worth £20,000. The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 3rd inst., at the Parish Church of Krindsbury, Kent, by the Rev. Richard Moore, A. A., vicar of Lind, Lanc,,shire, (the father of the bridegroom) Richard Moore, Esq., of Kirkham, to Dorothea Myers, daughter of the Rev. James Formby, M.A., vicar of Frindsbury. On the 4th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. William Hornby to Miss Jane Lang. On the 4th inst., at the Catholic Chapel ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... `A'011990 kind jr o In order to Pr' aso announcinemet;ito intimsation of ?? be inserted, tnlematiathenticrted by tile nsmo sod neidrmi of tho sender, who mupt afto st~ate his nutisoritytor forwarding the announcenientforptiblication. Noticez of Births must, be paid for advertisemscnts.] MARRIAGES BR ADWTrv-r7cWIaDV.-O0 Ih 1:8.h ln01A, at' 11AMuato tr, ieitr 11:5peork. Mr. Alwhi WV. Bt ...


... Three o'clock, Friday, July 12, 1861. ORDINARY „ TO-DAY B IiLM HARKS AND PRICMB. THffl DAT. N. 48 47 Belfast andUountjr 1>0wn. 31 100 Birkenhead S4 AU Bins., W., mod otour Valley.. 7ft 71 Biftokboni.. S»i«ol»cSKiet« n S Bay and 1! lfo Dublin anil Juootloo 42? Dhdllu and 73* 35 Third share*. Dtutdal* and 11 ill Dundee And Arbroath 801 Dundee, Perth, 4 Aoer. Jane. Kirtern Oountiee dZ io 100 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 18th inst at Cannon-street Chapel, by the Rev. W. Rowe, Mr. John Whittle to Maria, daughter of Mr. Samuel Andre., of this town. On the 17th inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. Wm. Marsh to Miss Jane Kay. On the 15th inst., at the Wesleyan Chapel, Ormskirk, James, son of Mr. James Ashcroft, farmer, Aughton, to Sarah Eliza- both, daughter of Mr. Thomas Wiliams, Burscough. ...

MARRIAGES. On the 24

... th inst., at thc Parish Church, by the Rev. Canon Parr, vicar, Mr. Giles Hoyle, to Margaret, ?? of Mr. Thomas Haig, gas inspector, both of this town. on the 2ith inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. John Henry Birley to Miss Jane Chadwick. On the 24th inst., at St. Leonard's Church, Walton-le-dale, by the Rev. J. C. Kershaw, Mr John Meteyard, of MHM. Customs Liverpool, eldest son of, Mr. David ...


... FRANCE. The Indtpendance says that the Emperor thinks of raising the pay of the senators from 30,000 to francs. , Pakis, Thursday.—A private letter from Vichy, from a person who met the Emperor a day or two ago in a house where some members of the family of one the ministers are staying, says that he was better in health, though atiu looking poorly. has for some time past suffered from an ...