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... ON MONDAT all day, and on TUESDAY till Two o'olook Afternoon, ky kbe Trains -**»Tiij Dundee as under : — ?? X.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P M 7.0 7.50 9.35 10.30 12.45 2.0 4.10 and 7.0* If found necessary, additional Trains will be run. FARES : First Class. Second Class. Third Class Dundee to Perth and Back, 3s. 2s. Is. Also to Intermediate Stations at Reduced Rates. Allthe above RETURN ...

Published: Friday 12 July 1861
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11808 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

!L? ALCUTTA » oaUi* •* MADRAS, the Bton, i 11 t]i vpet ?? Steam Ship LADY JeC.LYN, 4in»in v*

... • M P° w er, ROBERT W. KER, Coniirron-tr; now ■t, imi,,u rl ? DockB - I^nwlon, wiU leave on the 13th August ?? rk ', ; f 'P^fngers at, and leaving, Gravesend ou the ie, h__h_«, iii ls ma^ nif lecnt shin, bui't expressly for the India •cheer- „wi th °r oa ~ l >ly retitted.has first-nateac-ommodation lor •o ho foi'in__j enrry: an experienced surgeon. P ■ Goi S vr d ' ? n tho 16^ Septemt>er, by ...

Published: Monday 15 July 1861
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 24595 | Page: Page 1, 4, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

St. -TICHAEL'S DAY AND SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ON Suvdst kbxt, July 14r_, 1861, TWO SERMONS will be preached in St. ..

... Church, in this town; that in the Morning by the Kev-W. BURNETT. M.A. of St. L_-^aJtbat vi the Afternoon by the Rev. J. SMITH, Incnmbeut of _t. John's. Service at half-past Ten and Three o'clock. A collection will be made after each Sermon in support of tbe Schools. CHEAP TRIP TO BELLE VTJE GARDENS. hLANOHESTEB, MONDAY, JULY 15th, 186 L ?? THE Special Train leaves Chatburn at 6 0 a_o., ...

Published: Wednesday 10 July 1861
Newspaper: Blackburn Standard
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12495 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Forster, Commander, now - ' , in Victoria Docks, London, will leave on the 13th July ?? Embarking passengers at and leaving Gravesend on tbe . i.ih This magnificent Ship, built expressly for the India 1 i I,- lieeti thoroughly refitted, has first-rate accommoda- , , ?? engers, and will cany an experienced Surgeon. To ■' 'i »i ou the 15th August, by tbe fast sailing Steam-ship ' ?? v ...

Published: Wednesday 03 July 1861
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22072 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

-^TTTIcLTTA, CALLING at MADRAS. ti « tn -11-kiu'wn Clipper auxiliary Steam-ship HYDASPES, , -m horse-power, G. ..

... ?? in Victoria Docks. London, will leave on the 13th July I 1 ''* ukiug passengers at and leaving Gravesend on the ?? i This magnificent Ship, built expressly for the India l** ' has been thurottghtar refitted, has first-rate accommoda- ,rl v ' i.^-iiigers, ami will carry an experienced Surgeon. To ?? 'i'l wetl » lht ' 15th Au £ ust ' •'>' the i:ist ?? Steam-ship ?? v JOI'_LYN, 2,242 tons ...

Published: Thursday 04 July 1861
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22471 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

ESSEX SUMMER ASSIZE, 1861. Tsotia is f^rrebg _J&cn, T (i die Gentlemen of the Grand Jury, and to all Justices

... of ! ike Peace. Mayors, Coronera, Petit Jurors, High Con- __Rail—*• Prosecutors, Witnesses, and all other persons ?? to attend at the next ASSIZE or GENERAL GAOL $nVEBY, to be hoiden at CHELMSFORD, for this County, i Her Majesty's Judges of Assize will open their Commission tloSDh\- the 15th day of July inst., and afterwards attend n-«M Service; an d that they will appear in Court on the ?? ...

Published: Wednesday 03 July 1861
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17023 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

REMOVAL. GEORGE JACKSON removed to No. 2«, Church Street, (Late Thomas Satterthwaite, & Co. 1, where the WINE, ..

... POUTER Business will bo carried on as to the Royal Exchange Fire, Life, and Marine Assurance Company. WKBT END LONDON TAILOR, 132, REGENT STREET, NI MKUOUS eirhtsive London Patterns to select from. London Style and Make from measurement taken at T. D. TOWNLEY'S, Market Street, Lancaster. J. & I. HARTLEY, COtCH BUILDERS. ST. LEONARD GATE, LANCASTER. HAVE always hand a variety of NEW AND ...

Published: Saturday 20 July 1861
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 268 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Anglesea-street. Sudbury cottage, Rev Joseph Silveira Barfield 1, Misses Pitt 2, Mr St Mrs A. F. Leeds & family Surrey villa, . Misses Brown St. Vincent villa, , Mr and Mrs Randolph and family Barfield house, , Rev C. U. Mrs Barry Hartham house, I Misses Bussell Wearde, Mrs St Misses Harrison , 9, Capt and Mrs de la Condamine and family . Barfield lodge, John Vaux , Mrs St Misses Morriset , ...

ES SEX ADJOUBVED SESSION, for the Special Purpose undermentioned. I tic f^crcbp ©ibe ilotice, THAT the GENERAL ..

... THE pFACE tor tbe County of Eeeex will be hoiden by ad- t at tbe SHIRE HALL, in CHELMSFORD, on tbe 30th day of July, 1861, at Eleven o'clock in JftttnooD ; and that the Justices then assembled will receive !5_ __ike such orders as to tbem shall seem meet with respect ?? of the County Surveyor as to a Bridge belonging 10 ?? County, called Causeway Bridee, situate in the to ?? Parishes of ...

Published: Friday 12 July 1861
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13500 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Tea, ls. 6d. No charge for Private Rooms or Lights. WILLIAM CABNE, FALMOUTH AND TRURO, MANUFACTURER of superior Soda Water, Aerated Lemonade, Champagne Ginger Beer, &c, having erected new machinery, embracing all recent improve- ments, can supply the above named articles, of excellent quality, at moderate prices. Illogan Cottage Gardening Society. THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the above SOCIETY ...

Published: Friday 26 July 1861
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15564 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds