... were fi |® rlpr ro»d ; Junn Feeney #oU *' d Hannah twin, draper. Lyonprovislon dealer, J 1 *?* . Market; John Gavin, James Williams V' > office. Norwood-grove ' adjourned to 31st inst.; js£ vlshm dealer, Great Oeoiye-street, adjournidto ' day for an amendment of the sohedula • building survey, adjourned tine without insolvent net having fulfiUed his ofler for Pajment of £1 per month towards ...


... Liverpool BALUS POPULI LEX SUPREMA. DOMESTIC. The Prince of Wales is still continuing military studies at the Curragh Camp, though the rain which has recently fallen that district mast have rendered his sojourn the reverse of agreeable. On Saturday, alter parade, his Koyal Highness visited the Duke of Leinster, at Carton, where he was received with enthusiasm. On Sunday, he attended divine ...

Yell-Oh Butter for as before. d* The Old EsTxblmhkd Coffin 16, Houghton-street, Clayton square, St. J jhn's ..

... and Cooling Summer Beverages. —There not more delightful and more mired luxury at this season the year than the draughts of Lemonade, Ginger Beer, Orar geade, and Sherbet, itc., made from the powders pared Mr. Jones, No. 5, Paradise-street, near Church-street. gush Cholera and Bowel Complaint.— The extreme heat for tho last few days has had marked effect in producing an inorease in the above ...


... 7HE FATAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT NEAR BIURTON.ON-TRENT. CLOSE OF THlE INQUEST. 'IltO ndjourned ecquiry as to thle cause of the doeth of John fmithi, engine driver; Jbon Tense, stoker; and Robart Gardner, guiid ; who were billed in, the acrldent on tbe North Stafford. thire, line between Berlon ard Totbilry, on the evening or Friday, the 218t ult,, wes resumed at ?? Ina, Tutbury, on Saturday ...


... BIRIMINGHAM POLID COURT. YESTEMDAY, Brfore T. C. S. ?? and W. Rithards, iBgoy, WANTED A. MAGOSTRATE.-PollCe-Sergeaut Wright, of the llodlngton pollce, applied to the sitting Magistrates under the following clroumstances :-He had ?? two fowl stealers, named Parker and Aretin, and a follow named Barnes, for robbing a till, and wished them remanded to Erdington. This was done, as a matter of ...


... COUNCIL-BO USE, Saturday, July 6, Magistrates present: Messrs. R. P. King and C. J. Thomas. SuspICIous CuIAnACTERS.-James Townseud and George Wilson, two men well known to the police, were charged with being found in M1ina-road, under suspicious ircurmstances, and Townsend was charged with having house-breakingimplements in his possession. P.C. 130 stated that at half-past nine o'clock, he saw ...


... .-E. STiiND -TtADEDY. EXtJAORDINARXC EY DENCEOF MRS. AND 'MAJOW, MURRAY ?? The coroiner' inquiry into the circumstances attendifl. e death of William ?? lately ?? maprtrne~it5 ia hi Northuuibeiianjd~street, 'Stltahd, took place oan hondaY mornin U] before Ar. St. Clair 116tfordi the coroner for the city of West-S Minster., Mr. HUniplreft)Attendedd onithe part of -Major Murray, mndMfr!. Slelgh ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-HmerrFoD, JULY 12. t The commission for the county of Hertz was opened in 7' thin; town on Thursday by Mr. Juttice Blackburn, and busns SBPoeded with this morning in both courts, Ony ?? *r. Justice WUllians and a Common u Jury). lEP01 Wi. UARr.-aBEoH OF onoOnS E OF NMAIA. Thun was an action brought by Anne Hedge minor ho t sued through bar next friend, her mothe, to re ove ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS. (Before the Assitantaut5dge.) Bidard Pillingham, 40, described as au artist, was in- dicted for fraudulently obtaining fhrmn Msrs. Shoolbreda, of Tottenbasmcourt-road, a quantity of carpeting and other articles, value; nearly 1001., by mns of false pretences, with intent to defraud. Mr. Oriidge prosecuted, instructed by Mr. Warrand, soli- citor to the Asociation for tie ...


... BEILFAST QUARTRR SESSIONS, YESTEIRDAY, t01i Chaililiall of tile COtlilltv Antriln, J. FHASTIXOS OTwAY, Esq., took his seal oln the benlic ill tho Crown Cotrt, alnd prociceuded witlh t[ie cvil bills. Suvertl undefentled cases iaving been heard and decided upon, tie ConIt ploceed(ed(l w iL th e hearing of AN ACTION FOlt T1ROVE Va. MILlER V. IHYND)MAN. This was an action broahi t by Mr, Winm. ...


... THE FATAL ENCOUNTER IN NORTItUMBER- LAND STREET-INQUEST. ON Tuosdo y m1ornling, the inquiry into the eircum- stances attending thle death of Mr. William Joim Rolterts was resumned at the Charing Cross IHospitail. Dr. Canton was rrealleol, and in answer tal tie coroler, salid that Major Muirray was much baetter this morning, and waes able to undergo an exainia-I ion, and was ainxious tO do so; ...


... SUMMER A.SSIZES, 1SC . COUNTY OF ARIMAGH,1 (FROM 001OUR 0 1VrI1r0R(T!EI.) AiOMAOil, MONDA\Y CROWN COrIMT. ALt dloen o'elock the, H-on. Baron Ifuvti-s, who wva;s Ii accosmpasniedi by the iiigh-Sbceriff, St. John Thonm, s- i Bilacker, Esq., took his seat in the Crowni Court. si The. Commriission having boon read by Mr. Thoasle, LI Dobbin, the GnI ad1c Juerors answered to t hell' ?? LI05 and were ...