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... ON MONDAT all day, and on TUESDAY till Two o'olook Afternoon, ky kbe Trains -**»Tiij Dundee as under : — ?? X.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P M 7.0 7.50 9.35 10.30 12.45 2.0 4.10 and 7.0* If found necessary, additional Trains will be run. FARES : First Class. Second Class. Third Class Dundee to Perth and Back, 3s. 2s. Is. Also to Intermediate Stations at Reduced Rates. Allthe above RETURN ...

Published: Friday 12 July 1861
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11808 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

ES SEX ADJOUBVED SESSION, for the Special Purpose undermentioned. I tic f^crcbp ©ibe ilotice, THAT the GENERAL ..

... THE pFACE tor tbe County of Eeeex will be hoiden by ad- t at tbe SHIRE HALL, in CHELMSFORD, on tbe 30th day of July, 1861, at Eleven o'clock in JftttnooD ; and that the Justices then assembled will receive !5_ __ike such orders as to tbem shall seem meet with respect ?? of the County Surveyor as to a Bridge belonging 10 ?? County, called Causeway Bridee, situate in the to ?? Parishes of ...

Published: Friday 12 July 1861
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13500 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

BLAC]CWALL LINE of= PACKETS, for ADELAIDE Direct.— Messra. Green's Ship BLACK WALL, »H) tons, Captain W. H ..

... East India Docks on ge 15th July, and carry an oipctienced surgeon. — Apply to JHILLIPPS. PJIAW, and LoTtHER, 2. lioyal Eiemmgc or to F. GREEN and Co , 72, Cornhill, E.C. DLACKWALL LINE of PACKETS.—For | JL* AIELBOUUNE (Port Phillip) Direct. — Messrs. Green's «hm ALFRED, 1400 tons, Captain (j. TICK ELL, will leavo East ?? Docks on 6th of August, call at Plymouth, and carry _!rr, c ,*X cricnc ' ...

Published: Friday 12 July 1861
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22574 | Page: Page 1, 4, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

•^TTaLCUTTA, CALLING at MADRAS. F^k ir tiitiw Clipiier auxiliary Steam -thip HVDAtoPES, Tllf * .In horse-power, ..

... now 1* ?? victoria Docks, London, will leave To-Morrow, July \*j.i ?? ' .uKiseiiger.s at and leaving Gravesend on the riu l ?? Diagniliccnt Ship, built expressly for the India ' , n thoroughly refitted, has first-rate accommoda- -2t '''-l^i-erri, and will carry an experienced Surgeon. To in: P l ?? t ii e 15th August, by the fast sailing Steam-ship V^r^ELVK. i. 2i - toU8 ' ao ° horse-power, ...

Published: Friday 12 July 1861
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20940 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Treenwich time U kept af all Stations ; it is 17 minutes earlier than Devoaport aud riymouth

... ; 20 minutes earlier than Truro ; and .« minutes earlier than Penzance time. CORNWALL BAILWAY. UP. WBEX DATS. BUN DATS. ?? OmiJ- I I i to trum Boyal *•*• a.m. p.m. p.a. a.h. r.u. KJ • 620946254455025 P^anoelwcEiiicp. 610 965 145 439 9 2 tZmTZ Do. Ar 8 0 11 45 336 6 29 10 52 I Exp. MaiL Mail. ,1231 2 1 2 1 2 123123 123 A.K. A.H. P. K. P. K. P.M. I.V. P.X. Trnro (departure).. «20 815 12 5 355 7 ...

Published: Friday 12 July 1861
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16208 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds