... SALUS POPULI LEX SUPREMA. DOMESTIC. His Majesty the -King of Sweden and Prince Oscar proceeded to Windsor Castle morning, and after wards visited Crystal Palace. rt was current yesterday morning to that Mr. Cheetham, the Libaral Candida South Lancashire, had retired frsm th. 'oat. There is not a particle of truth In toment ; and far from Mr. Cheetham F his friends are sanguine that he returned ...


... THE MURDEBR IN ST. GILRSS. An inquiryinto the circumstancesattendingthe death of Mary Anne Cogan was commenced on Saturday by Mr. Brent, deputy coroner, at the Anchor public-house :Newton-street, Holborn. The jury having been sworn, proceeded to view the body avid wore horrified at the sight presented by the woman. The head was nearly separated from the body. Sarah Harwood said-I live at 5, ...


... A shocking murder took place on Sunday night at Glasgow, in the north.west part of the city. About 8 oeclock, Robert Pattison, aged 48, residing at 3, Caithuess-street, Port Dunas and who is an assistant-in- i speotor of poor in the city parish. went to the Northern kpolice-office, in a state of intoxication, but for what reason could not be asacertained, as he wee eitter too drunk or too ...


... F O BELFAST POLICE COURTrSATUR{DAY. (Before IV, S. TRACY, R.q., R.M., and Wm. DuTN- VILLE, ]sq., J.P.t rH5E FIRING OF SQUIUS AND ClAOERtttS IN 5trGI STPiE,(TA 'In eate were several plrisonirs broun lht np in custody this tntiroing Otl ct;trzes arising out of the filting of wcttibs and craclko-rs ill High Street. Otn Friday even- ing, when the constaliles, in attempting to clear the itlreets of ...

Extraordinary Case of Child Murder

... ] . .. , . -- ?? - -~ ?? 1 On Monday afternoon last great sensation was created by the discovery in a garden at the corner of the Iane leading from Woodstock Road to the Banbury Road, and opposite to Mr. Rackham's houne, of the dead body of a newly-born female child. It was discovered by Samuel Loveday, one of the University police, the owner of the garden in which it was found, and he took it ...


... I BULLINGDONDIVISION-Comtnty ?? Oxford, Aug. 17 Before the Right iHon. J. W. Henley, M.P., the lion. and Rev. F. Bertie, J. H. Ashhurst, Esq., Guy Thomson, Esq., G. Gammie, Esq., and Captain J. A. Vane. John Vernon was brought oy by warrant for non-payment for an illegitimate child, but as the complainant did not appear, the defendant was discharged. James Paeiford, of Marston, was convicted ...


... (CONTINUM.E) hd ATTE-NIPT TO SHOOT A. NAVAL OFFICER. hour COURiT MARSTIAL ON ROAMU) Till- VICTOiYSI refer Oin Tluesday last a court miartial assenibled on board the eti 7'ietery, flag-ship, to try James lalsablm, atles iIahalul, andI actin che otwain's, mate, doing duity as ship's stewvard I on board the Mermaid, revennle cruiser,, tender to H.MS. Ne Dauntless, onl the following charges ri ...


... LATV INTELLIGENOP-SATuRDAY, was rr two ce The The Th T [laugis The had rt Th T taies The assets. The to run Mrr eppplic to the The Thi Charle JosiJos haa be balal diatel torr, babilit 23,628 thare 61,262 and ri mnnt, £1651 ItIt ssigni motbb he tat states, Mntot pp; I mleus fixture put u; peara, the lea The e xam The comp were c stapes assets, SIT¶ two os were sinner with Act. to be, the I1 ...


... LAW INTELLIGENOE.-YEsEtRDAY. LAW NOTICES-Tuis DAY. BANRWUPTCY COURT, BASNGIIAtLL- STEBT. f [Before Mr. Comnmissioner FONBLANQUE.] d W. Ballard, last examination, at ?? and Co., last t examination, at hall-past eleven-N. Ballard, last examination, I at twelve J. Smith, adjourned examination, at ?? k Investment Company, lists and proofs, at twelve-W. Cash, last examination, at halt'past ?? ...


... ANOTHER LADY DUPED BYA FOREIGNER. td _ 0 Dr0 At LOVE, EXTORTION, AND FRAUD. es AW h Marlhorough-stretat Police-office, London, ~doiNedniesday, Vincent CoIlucci, an Italian, a gentlemsanly c tdlooking youn~g man,r described as anl artist, residing at 22, Ovinigton a-ac uie, Brosuipton, was brought up onl a warrasit r-. 0,charged wzidi ubtaining by false pretesices front Miss 1rede- ~ RI rica ...


... 'ii SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST A COUNTY ; COURT BAILIFF. At the County Court, held e t BEry, yesterday, before Mr. J. S. T. Greene, judgment was given in the case of Green v. Shaughncssy. involving a serious charge of ilal. practice against one of the oldest appointed bailiffs in the Bury County Court, who is likewise an auctioneer at Hey- t wvood. His HON;OR said that the naisconduct complained ...