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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 22nd Nst., at the Catholic Chereh, Chipping, by the Right Rev. Dr. Roskell, bishop of Nottingham. assisted by tha Very Rev. Monscigneur Searl, Canomn of Westminster, ?? Rev. Canon Primer, the Revs. F. Cooper, F. lfton, &c., Mr. Joseph Brown, eldest son of Matthew Brown, Esq., of thiz town, to Agnes, daughter of W. Hilton, Es., of Clifton Parkt Birkenhead also, at. the same ...


... The usual weekly meeting of the West Derby Board of Guardians was held yesterday, in the board* room of the workhouse, Mill-lane. Mr. Heyes presided, and the following other gentlemen were also present:—Messrs. Shaw, Smith, Abrahams, Ledger, M'Connel, Ware ham, Bol&haw, Richmond, Webster, Glo\er, Page, Roscoe, Hough, Wit ham, Garratt. Cheques for out-door relief were granted as follows: —Mr. ...


... Thk late Inspector Commelin.—The following donations on behalf of the widow and family of the late Inspector Oommelln have been handed to Major Grelg Mr. Raffles, stipendiary magistrate, £2 ; Mr. James Thomson, brewer, £1; Mr. Cobb, solicitor, £1. The Tower of Wallasey Water Works.— This evening the tower the new water works will be lighted up with Illuminated devtees the outside aad about ...


... The following is extracted from a letter from I Colonel Gowen at Sebastopol: '• Sebastopol, July 12. « * Hm getting on very slowly with tho ships. They are so rotten there is no portion of them strong enough 4 bear their own weight.* tear out their port?, cut holes through the sides below the orlop, through the plank, timbers, aud ceiling, and then pass chains through. They out up at once. ...


... Cracow, August The polioo mad*. domicilary visits many houses In Warsaw last night. Several arrests have taken place in Tiiorn, August 25. General Lanibcrt, the now Governor, has arrived at Warsaw, lie presided yesterday the Council of Stato in his quality of Govern.r of Poland and Commander in-Chief of the Army. ...


... Yesterday, a vestry meeting of the parishioners Liverpool waa held St. Nicholas's Church, fjr the purpose of appointing two auditors the accounts of the Burial Board for the ensuing year; fill up such vacancies had oocurred in the board ; to obtain the sanction the vestry for the sale by the board certain lands to taken the London and Northwest rn Railway Company; and further obtain the ...


... The death Hayes, or, she has been called since her inwriaeo with fcer late husband, Mr. Bushcell, Madame Catherine Eashnell, has taken place, after a brief and sudden illness, the house some friends near Sydenham. On the evening Monday week, when in the fall enjoyment of perfcct health and spirits, sho a blood-vessel, 'i-r linuprinK against hope throughout the -'v on Sunday llifiht. To'tu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,In order to Fievent falso nnowloomefltt, Dom ?? j. ?? inoritOd, ?? autbencttiatedby Eo tioaaand addremt of the0 sender, ~Woz sfbiscabtohiB froni BIRTH. k .m LL-.On the l9ih inst., at LAve~pool, Mmz DmehdMeek. ot a goo., Free MARRIAGM ?? Ahru-fltt (irs'-On the 20th inst., at teauCathedral, by the R1ev. Bul W. W. Jeohfeeon. li.A.. Mr, Samuel Astle, of Thaiott. Dear Derby, to 11 too, ?? ...


... Madrid, August 4. According to news received here, the oommander of the Spanish squadron before Port-au-Prinoe granted the Haytian Government a delay of 48 hours, in order to obtain compliance with his demand for a salute and a pecuniary indemnity. Both were granted. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TRE CHRONICLE. PRESTOS, SATURDAY, AUGUST=1, 1861. THE LATE LORD HERBERT. Whilst, in common with every person of right feeling, we must regret that a nobleman of the high rank and fair personal character of the late Lord Herbert should have been prematurely cut off by a painful and in- curable disease, we must, at the same time, take the opportunity of throwing some qualification into the un- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (In order to provent f0aiss~nounlcomeOts, no0 iottriuiritlon of oaraer DoatbwWhf rusensrt~od, un1wit'. ?? thenam ad addregs of th. )seder, who~ubhs~;t3h~ Aut~horityforforwardiag the rtflOunwilucntforpublicAtioe, ?? for as avrtjstments.J M1ARRIAGES.9 By~r~~ca vzrr --iS. u,. iol, .1k. at the United lNiheolit; Free t-hshim, bythe R1ev. Hugh ?? Ideowo. aetited by the 11,y. ki BArtOn, 31r. James ...

Lewis and Company's Establishment for Boys' Clothing.—Number of boye clothed week ending August 17, 1030; ..

... Increase, boys. 19au24 The following extract from the second edition (rage 185} the Translation of the Pharmacopcela the Ecyal College of Physicians o. London, by l)r. IG. F. Collier, published by Longman small defect In this compilation (speaking of the 'Pharmacopeia') that we have no purgative mass but what contains aloes ; yet we know tbat hemorrhoidal persons cannot bear aloes ...