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Leeds Mercury


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Leeds Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .tMr All 11arriages sent from a dstjeane, enumt bs atuthenrieeod boy the L eiizantture of one of our Agents, or ily that of a knownit cerres- ponalteot. Asricseeoeorentos of Births at-e subject to a ehortle of o r s. 6d. earS, arie meet be prioperty serhif)stiosaet. SOn thec 21st inst., at Allarroford House, Durham, the- wife~ of Mr ANNANDALE TOWN, of a daughter. C 12142 't Onl the 21st inst., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - = F -i == =-S. DEATE. OFi RUCB.-:'RD OAoTSlLERl, ESQ. 31' ''~i:eltuflt fl., cx'itr>'it;tcll 't:ts tueta ?? 11(0-. I 15ohl wori ' il evety sorktilig JnesisLb ai.ile thelogloiit Y orkshsir e 'cud Laneasltieo, and whosc as leensorv cvill long lie arseciot ately cheris.hed there, died onl Thutr.sday at Harm- e gate, aged ses'enty-two. ' r l v'i ard (')svile) alas a native of Leeds, btu left it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LATEST NEWS. I (Al Blectric TelegraphZ.) DEATH of the BISHOP of DURHAM¢ DT;RI!AM %, Friday. The Bishop of Durham died this morning, at 7.15 In King's Handbook of the Court and Peeraget, we find the following with respect to the deceased:- 1 Durham ; Dr. Henry Montagn Villiers, S0th bishol. Formerly Rector of St. George's, Bloomsbury, and 1 Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's. Consecrated ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r .!1 All m-riag7e8 Rert fron, a djitatlie s,,1st be ?? by ip 8- egfnature of one of oeur Agentst r b/ that of a knoton, cerra- rtopedent. Aeetaounetetnt8 of B3rlhe r ee subject to a charge of1 ir 2s.. Cct h, end suoct be properly /thentiieaged. le ; On the 17th inot., at St. Johne' church, Oxford-square, London, by tire Rtev. Jarnre Jackson nude~ of the~ bride, tire Hion. Wxt F. Bvxoe, i- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ITT Alt Mos-s-ie-ege sent franc a effisaace musat be authentioated by the sdtattuttnse of one of oar Agreias, or by that o~f a knlown) Conrrn, tnnd.-ns. Ae~nwa~cmecAt-gs of Birth-s aire sutbjese to a shoa-ge qo In. Gd. each, and sot-t be proper~ls authenticated. b5irtb. On Saturday. 27th of July, at Birstwith Hall, sear Ripley, the wife: o f AW* N RIVS E¶tI. Of &ason. DB1l18 i6 fKavrdaqcz. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rg1-fT 1 Aho Mtt,-ls es sent front a ditnavce 1,01t be avtiheticatt~ttedl la the I vit ?? oj 'rae of cattt Agents. tat- by1 the t. ?? a enten, Co- Cs ttnlet'tt. Anttasaaaeuteatto of jtit'tl,a ate attica c to a charge of let 2,. 6!. aeah, eatt ttat~t be 1an-opetty authes ri,:aed. f, - ?? an,1 ~itt the, 5th August, ait Fartiield House, Armiles, thu wife of HARRY i Wont F, lf-ej. tat at soil. A ...

35 re All Afori'i-ic

... fisoent front a distance tccisf be oellheetieaced by fltjt Ic siye,cric-e sf cer of our Agenso, or by that of a known mcreets- AlL t. nsnemcc of Births are -sbjcet to harelcjef cif 6d.&e0tacit, sand insist be property outhkenficaoted. On the 10tihoist., at Clarendon Mounit, Leeds, thle Ivolts of Mir. 0co. Rx ~scci, of a dauighter. B) 11718 jI On Scieioly, the 11th lint., at 0, York-plac, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 9SAlt Mrttesirsges sen~t f,'ntt a distalcel toast Ito fithceticeted by the. ekgnislre of One, of our A yenta, or by that of a kaownt co-roe- spoudent. Awwencaeei~wtst of Bir-ths ar-e ?? to a eboarfr of 2s,. 84. tech, uze at acst be ssroperi iahoor;etlcattd. I;-On Monday, the 26th lostS, the wife of Ron. Tnoarreoa-, Faq., of Standish, in the county of Lancaster, of a6 eon. U) 12413 On Thinaday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r At . . Mart-rages seat from a distance must be authenticated bv the b ye,;e!:tire of one of rour .4Aentsa or bv that of a keoien CO-res-h -iLd .A Annountttcements of Births arle subject to a charge ef V Z?. tid. each. and must be properly nutheatieated. On thr 2;th inst., at our parish church, Mr. JAB. PFunNel, to Miss HIAIN Ar Sa£Neon, both of Armley. n S' te day, and place, Mr. DAVD IA ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TL SUDDEN DEA'TH}3 OF JO-il V WHITW0CRTM, ESQ., OF flALi1½y. aI Ilany rcadet s oa the .2ifecv-rp ?Till read these ?? rat d SUrpise ofld roegret, for thonugh it was extou- r- sively known that Mr. Whiitvortlil was seriously ill, aud had I. been so for ?? time, yet death cane wvith unexpected e soddenness. Ile had boen intenlietod from active work for e several week~s, and for sine tie had been ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... is ?tl0:5atrtageu. ta On the 21st inst., at St. Mary's chiurcls, Barnsiley, by the flev. II. P. r Alder, Mr. lts-LjNtY Gooystrln, painter and taper hanger, Barnsley, N, _ to Es3.Ls', daughterof the late Sir. TIIos. SEIOIo, buntcher, ro of the -Sanm', plce. Ti Onl ito ilth trial., it thle Cathedral, Mianchester, by thle Rev. GC S O Allen S ALUFL C'AREti, second son of Mr. Joux PARtIlE ...