Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. Extraordinary success of the New Burlesque, Aladdin, or The Wonderful Scamp.--Thc celebrated Comedian, Mr. J. OOGEtS,-Mr. EL CLIFTON.-THIS EVElING (Thursday), Angust lot, will be performed the celebrated Drama entitled TIME MILLER AND liS MLEN-Count Frederick Frberbg, Mr Vincent; Karl (his first appearance), Mr S Artaud; Grindos!, Mr 1I Webb; Lothair, Mr J F Warden; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MERICAN, SPANISH, PORTUGUESE, AM GERMAN, FMECH, and all other hOPN owb- coming due ayable abroad, are now l bei .PD and draft pranted at avourable rates, a h aa -fi;o ess ¶RCULiA ±1OTES and FORGN MONEY. 'fi, Travellers to the t on~tinet, Aerica, &o,, cau have CIR- CwuLr NOESo Pof ES3 anind ElO eacthh, pmayable at altl principal town, Mo FREIN MO1ES atthebankng-ffieS,79, Lem- AeDAM SPiE MAiNN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rf11E Party who took the BASWKET, addtessoi| .. ?? Covwir ?? I-ruaet, from the skeatn~r Sut- tfan ;dl muach obl_ by returning the - OS' it is suppoied, between Elmbank and Pitt. ..l Siseet ' tar shiell~ing Any person bringing the above ~ath KY ~Ro~, nH b Rewarded. -~ OST, or taken away by mistake, from the Tarbert 3j) FonrY Boiatoro bon ld the lona, one 5t'i Jnly, a PARC ML, * N sed *'ms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABOUR AND 1iURG11DESF~ SALE There 'VIill bie Sold, by Pnblic .Rolp, Within the To~ aI 3CaraPhell-own. on Irsida~y.the 16th. Aogismetnxt, at Two o'clock I~beltoun lies ?? antd Burgh1 Art, lS8fi; for One Year, froon eat, s1 &.pteunber, 1301. Upset PrIce, £880. -. la 2d, LADLID DUES.- GAUSUIWAY OUSTOMS.8, dec., beiog the .y Dues leviubio urddr Schedules II, F,'and 13 of the said. Act, for .y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIRTHS, DiATHS, and MARRIAGES J (MonthlfBecotd'f) a*auged alphabetically. Price of in3ertlon ot advertisement (Iclud5ng the Is' number, post free) Births and aths, 2s, ed.; Marriges, 8s. 0L-Published monthly, pricecls nsowvler, iW7, lssex-street, Strand. The above work includes Information of great value to Bankers, Insurances Offices, SolIcitors, Persons in Trade, and all others who have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~iH£ SALE PRIO £ ost t1 DA,&1' NZWS AmL OVER ENOLAND nD at the R L AOS _ HEA W V H, SM1 BO and B1 nOW S LL W lDAILTAX WN j aellthe Railway Statlostsat T REPNCper SINGLEC COP ml will SUPPLY al COUT Y. NOOXR and NXWS. AGENTS on stitch tieru1ca will exable them also to BELL We DAILY NEWS at to marked price of TlREEPENOR per INGLE COPY. 18, Strand. 1OR CALCUTTA, calling at MADRAS.-The J well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O L ORS.-Tbe GENERAL PATENT m .3.T OM ANY ~1(Llimited), 71, Fleet-street, London, B.C., tj undertakes to obtain r ATENTs for INVENTIONS and Regis- tratiofla for Designs, at meet mod5r.te cbarges. U5nusualI faos- lities3 afforded to Invefli0rO.I'rintod infomtionlllf gratis on appli- of cation to AOBAERT M. LATHAEM, Secretary. - F. T H O A S and CO.'S PATENT W . SEWING MAcHINES. P rim these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS DAY. IMPORTIANT BA-1NRUPT SALE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UNFINISHED CABI- NET WORK, CLOCK, TIMBER, HAND-CARTS, &r.: In the Matter of Jo0oc 111 0 BE SOLD BY GORDON, of Belfast, 1. AUCTION (by order County Antrim, Cali- of the Assignecs), at the netinlaker, &C., Bankrl'upt's Prclmics, 61, A Bankrupt. 62, and 6,SMITITFIELD, ?? Belfast, on THURSDAY, 5tI,SbATURDAY, 3rd, anld TUESDAY, eth days ...

Advertisements & Notices

... neS~~t %,t££i 4 ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, EDINBURGH, 1sT AUGUST 1861. HnE COURT of DIRECTORS of the 1 ROYAL DANK of SCOTLAND give notice that a GENERAL COURT of PROPRIETORS will be held at their Oflice in Edinburgh, on TUESDAY, the 3d day C of SEPITEMBER next, at Two o'clock afternoon, pur suant to the Charter. JAMES WRIGHT, Secy. IlY OF El)INBURGH PAVING BWARD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That., in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MINING ENGINEERS AND WATERWORRS COMPANIES, J iOSEPH WRIGHT, ENGINEER, Of Stooakton. t_ on-Tees, begs to caD nttention to his PATENT STEAM HOI8r, for Raising Wator and Minerals out of deep Mines, by which Appa. ratua any quantity of weater, up to 10O00 gallons a minute, can be rpiseoi at much less cost-both original outlay and working expenses -thon by the ordinary means, No Engines, Pumps, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I T1E RO YAL BEL F . AST TWlILL OPE.>T FOR TIIE SEASON, ON MONDAY, 5TI! AUGUST, Witli an entireIew, Talented and Pwonerfill COMPANY, -£ selected with great care fronil tilo Prilncipal M letro-0 . politan and Provincial Theatres, olhn will have the honor to appear for vour approval in coijinction withi tlhat Great and Originla Irish Canted ian, ( J OH N I) R E W , WVho has besit engalged for a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVNPCRMA 'IONof KEICION in ITALY. I~7:.(.NIRCAVZZI ill live a tO'CPJ' e:i the abovwe reoiwd sets s. sesd seats i. third iatsthe ofMi. . ha',7,h:.'sr ...