Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 22nd Nst., at the Catholic Chereh, Chipping, by the Right Rev. Dr. Roskell, bishop of Nottingham. assisted by tha Very Rev. Monscigneur Searl, Canomn of Westminster, ?? Rev. Canon Primer, the Revs. F. Cooper, F. lfton, &c., Mr. Joseph Brown, eldest son of Matthew Brown, Esq., of thiz town, to Agnes, daughter of W. Hilton, Es., of Clifton Parkt Birkenhead also, at. the same ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .tMr All 11arriages sent from a dstjeane, enumt bs atuthenrieeod boy the L eiizantture of one of our Agents, or ily that of a knownit cerres- ponalteot. Asricseeoeorentos of Births at-e subject to a ehortle of o r s. 6d. earS, arie meet be prioperty serhif)stiosaet. SOn thec 21st inst., at Allarroford House, Durham, the- wife~ of Mr ANNANDALE TOWN, of a daughter. C 12142 't Onl the 21st inst., ...


... THURSDAY, AUGUST 22. Wind W.8.W.; at Holyhead. H.W., freeh. A RBlVED.—Yeeterday: Valieyfield. from Bonny—Chanty. Johr bod, Maranham—J. G. Deeher, Young, Milwaukle— Aldanah, Bunker, Portland—Elizabeth, Williams, Huelva— Holger. Porenaen, BtioUaholm—Orinoco, Booth. Hamburg. To-day: Glenalva, from Bombay—Maha Ranee, Cart, Calcutta— Balbec (a.a.), Havre—City of Baltimore (a».), Petrie, New ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... U3l.tRTJ3S. August 21, at 7 Upper Claubrassil.street, the lady of John F. Ailnslie, Esq, of a daughter. August 24, at Lezayre, iiltbqev, ;ha wifoe-e Thomas Hugh Fieming of a daughter. August 21, at Montrose, Scotland, the wife of the Rev. Win. James Pollock, A.B., ?? of 'a son. August 24, nt 4,,'thaolvfe of George Aie-- ander Stephens, Eeq, of a son. August 24, In Eccles ...


... The is far from sharing the sense importance which appears b® attached, is rather bought to attached, to the South Lancashire election rtv( re. The evening Ministerial organ says thrt these wl.o think the Government ship is sinking hecanse in rd Derby's Parliament it has only a srail majority, rcckon rather too rapidly. The iinistiy rests ut or. the bread ground of public support, a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - = F -i == =-S. DEATE. OFi RUCB.-:'RD OAoTSlLERl, ESQ. 31' ''~i:eltuflt fl., cx'itr>'it;tcll 't:ts tueta ?? 11(0-. I 15ohl wori ' il evety sorktilig JnesisLb ai.ile thelogloiit Y orkshsir e 'cud Laneasltieo, and whosc as leensorv cvill long lie arseciot ately cheris.hed there, died onl Thutr.sday at Harm- e gate, aged ses'enty-two. ' r l v'i ard (')svile) alas a native of Leeds, btu left it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .l RhrI.d oit~^ on th.4*tInst.Mx. 3b b~ * : .9epti- ~ t;o 9a.X^ME~ At -tirAllig, O ODthv22d %iAt.sbyz heby, Wthliam Wilsom. Dunqann Oaiipe4l K.4 aanerof ekos Loch Gentr. b Bou~ee A yIl9141, to 111hiret, Itrart,. gcond d-ughteea. ?? 3atl Uptain ~amua $y¢,~ JLM. 9&i, HiEdaLeiw, .anii'add~tnsInrofthelato Jobuiiat, EBsq4of 41alloohW Alt Alexax4iid. on the lit 1ntet4 hy he Riev Wifiua,. :Spmtt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, At 396 Parliamentary Road, on the 25th instant, -Mrs.. James Lockhart; a daughter. h a ' At Roaebask Buildings, 188 Pollokshaws Road, on the 2&th instant, Mrs. James Duncan; a daughter. -- At 292 Windaor Place, Partiok, on the 23d instant, Mrs. John Leck ; a daughter. At Rowantreefauld,!Campsie, on the 21et insh, Mrs. Wn, M'Lsy; twine-a son and daughter- - MARRIAGES, At the residence ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Gaari'soN-At Burntisland, o~n 'the 25th inst.'; Mrs x J. Y. Grierson, of a daughter. COLai-At 6 St dolme Street, Edinburgbh on the 25t~i t inst., the. wife of John' (ilcrist Clark, Esq. of t Speddoh, of a son.' :;' SiHAnMRRA-t 60 'Thornliill Square, London,. on the 25th'indtq Mrs Thomah Sharer, 'of a son.:' ; MoNxE-At 17 Manor Place, Edinburgh, on the 25th inst., Mrs -Daniel Money, .of a son., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHIS, 'Ags BIRTHS. A9FBURNBAM.-August 22, at GueetlIng, Sussex, Lady lA3- barnbatn, of a twD, CORBItT. August 21, at Knockin, Shropebire, Lady Corbot, of a deughtor. DEFl .-August 22, St Brunswiok-squate, Wc,.. thewifeof C. Dairies, Esq., of a daughter. DXiOON4SkiRB,-August 21, at Albert-road, ReIentat-park, the wife of T. i. Devonlehaire, alq., of a son. LUCA&-AugO t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At IieWOASTLE, in St. Itary's-plaoe, on the 16th inst., the wife of C. J. Wylam, B2q., of a eon.IL At BENWELL LoDaE, on the 17th inet, Mrs J. Challoner, of a daughter. At HPcATEFIRLD, Gateahead, on the 16th inst., he wife of J. W. Swinburne, eq., of a son. At VlOBTR HYLTON GOSANGE, on the 18th mnet., the wife of Thomaa E. Chapman, Esq., of a eon. At SUNDEBLAND, in High-street, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... @ i it ay . PROFESSOR QUEREIT, ?? the distinguished microscopist, died on the 20th inst. at Pangbourne, Berkshire, to which place he had been removed a few weeks since in the hope that the change might be productive of permanent benefit to him. He was the fourth son of the late Mr Quekett, Head Master of the Langport Grammar School, where he received his elementary education. At the early age ...