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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? -. ?? - Tp HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN, T Engegement of Mr. JOHN DREW, the celebrated Irish Coemedln, for a limited Yeriod.-T7I{S EVE1NIN (Tedtaeday) September Sil, the performances will commence with the Drama entitled RORY O'MORE--Rory O'More, Mr Johi Drew ; Do Lacy, Mr N Mi'intyre; ScrUbbl, Mr G F Maslell (his f rst appearance); Do Welskin, Mr F Robinson; Colonel Thunder, Mr Shepherd; Sban Dhu, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL DtJBLIN. i T ast Night but Three of the ngagement of rs,. iJ. DiLEW, J the celebrated Iribh Comedian.-THIS EVENilIG (Wedner A day), SPeptember llth, 18C1,.theperforman-eWill commence vs v'itl the admired Comedy of THlE SERIOUS FAMIiLY. Cap. I tain Murphy Maguire, Mr. John Drew; Mr Charles Torrens, C Mr E Price; Mr Vincent., Mr Crofton; Mrr Amnildab Sleek, t] Mdr 11 Berfoot; Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. /1 .iDALEN ORPH OIETY. R1J IInder the Patronage of his Grace the Archbishop. ORPHAN HOUSE, 22, Dl1ROWN-SrHEEET. Ted ANNUAL CHAITY SERMON in aid of the Funds of the above So., ciety will be piceelied in tho new Roman Catholic Church of St. CATUERINE, MEATE STREET on SUNDAY, 8th Septamter, imsediglnly after the Ilat Mass by Rev. JAMES DANJ.ElS Guardian; and ,n the EVENINQ another ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. 01N 1bUNDAy NEXT, the 29th Instsnt, 4 'ltdatejy after the 1St Mass, Eleven o'Cloc, a CHARITY SERMONvill be preached In tlc CHIUItCHi OF WlE ASSUMPTION DALKEY, by' the Vcry 11v W. H. ANiDEPoN, M.A., In aid of the Magdalen Asylum, Glasthale, late Domniick-atreet. Your presence is most earnestly re- quceated at Ils Sermon to be preached in aid of the above Charitable Institution, where ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE SLATE MOUNTAIN COMPANY _ (LAsld).--Notlco of Dividend.-Tha Directors of the above Company ?? give notice that they, have concluded an arrangement with a thoroughly responsible party to una dertake the management of the Company's operation. la IVales, and have, at the same time, to Inform the pubile that ths Manager has undertaken to guarantee to all shareholders I in the Company a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ty* LODGINGS. A TE7D, by a Married CoupI~ (With uo T Y Chldren) ?? Aid clean FUNOISiiED LODG- * INGS, in Dublin, in a privae family, whro tlicre are no other lodgera; Drawing-rooms, with one or two Bedrooms; they VrOuld rcqulre ttendance, bat would 1IBVO one servant of Shelr own- tho highest referenees given. Address G F W, till Wednesdaiy nest, with terms and full psrticulars, at the e28,2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. WIDOWS ASYLUMA CLA~RENDON- STiBEET..-The ANNUAL CIIAITY SERMON In aid of this truly laudablo Institution will be preached la the Church of St. Teresa, CLARENDONSTREET. on TO-MOR- loW (Sunday), the 22nd ?? at Half'past Twelve ?? by the Very Re,. L. a. P. FOX, O.M.I. Belnefactions will be gratefully received by his Grace the Moet Rev. Dr. Culleni Archbishop of Dablin; the Most Rev. Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Jsi Nihtb but Four ct tbe engagement of Mr 3. PEEW the foleabrate Irish Cemedin-TIIIS £VEl1l. (Tesay), September 10th, 18Cl, the porformancevill commene with Itbe petite Comedy entitled WHO SPEARS lRST 7-Captai- Obarles, Mr F Robinson ; Erne.t Militant, Mr Pricei Potter, Mt Dyng; Mrs Ernest Militant, Miss E pyeer; SinArt, Wre lnrkinsbaw. To be followed by the favourte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMMET4RCIAN fTELLIGENCE. I Dublin, Saturdayj Eealing. pri The Money Market remains about thle sasie as last 1 Weelt. Stocks have fluctuated ?? consequence of ad realizations of thle large advance ?? has taken place, the price having advanced from P0k on the Ist August, to 92A on Monday last, 2d Septomber. Money is to be Di bad under the Bank rate, but not much ; and there is A no precset ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO DR. C4RAY. Subscriptions will bo received at tho Omdce of the Committee, MANSION HOUSE, from One to Foe&r o'CIock, every day, or may be lodged in the ROYAL BANK, to tihe credit of the Treasurers, .. ; * ?? . B. L. 4U[NNESS,; JOtN D'ARCY, and AN,. e CIS ODD. ¶fES'TMONIAL Tif DR. GRAY. JL b~iOUNTJOY WARD. TO ALDERMAN REDMOND CARROLL. We, tibe undersigned Burgesses and tlatepayors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. - RESPETABLEMAN having -a small A bilmof Moey wats torENT a HOUSE In woleic 1ts cutid Crr n soe sallretail buoinesi in some of h i6Iuall. stcr&e on the NoRTIrt SW~ ofmiULIN; or lie wotild have itob1I ctin to LEND ib to Any 051010cli ?? In return 'jJreli~ aite a~tonule as,9teward or Overseeing Any 'rreof baeoneso where It woell be ?? to elinck All w atlere brouglit :h or out of -it. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R iad C. O'KEEFFE have just received, *YL in fine condition, their supply of DUTCH BULBS, eonsisting of Anemones, Crocue, Hyacinths, Tulips, Ranun- CUIU6, AC. Priced Catalogues on applicstiOfl. SEeD HOUSE, 57, DAME-STREET, &2,8 Tii YAGINTRH - BOOT QLAS OF- ALL THE &1,No ig~'oT GUa8 SU tE LLM WUTit llEST Ol* L (ASS ,a i25 I.. -15. 40 W58t Cal .pric 0 Rjln 41icuit~ti 451Wcutsuu4 ...