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Advertisements & Notices

... T IrI E W E E rL( Y N E i,%NT S OF TO-11ORIIOW (SATURDAY), SEPTEM11BER 21, WILL CONTAIIX ROAliANISM IN BELFAST: A pBIEST BURINTING THE WORD OF (ODO ! Dreadful Scene ct arn Execution! Exitmordinary Romncie in I-ligh Life-The Lost Heir. Revelations of Priestly Criminality. Extraordinary Mfurder Trial. AWFUL TRAGEDY AT PrUESTXN. TF1E APPRENTICE BOYS OF DERRY TRI_ tU PHA.NT-IN FORAT! tONS REFUSED. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T- - T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T IAstNightbei Two of theengagemsentof Mr. J.DREW, the celebrated Irlsb Comnedian.-TRIIS EVFNING fwThurs. dal), September 12tb, 1861, the performanee will commence with the admired Comedy of TilE SERIOUS FAIMILY.-Cap. tain Murphy Magiire, Mr John Drew Mr 'Charles Torrens, Mr E Price; Mr Vincent, Mr Crofton; Mr Aminidab Sleek, Mr H1 Barfoot; Mrs Ormnby Delamaine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANADIAN V I LL A S, SYDENHAM PARK. C vc To be L E T, with itniediato possession, the al CANADIAN VILLAS, recently erected. Each con- tains four Reception-rooms, seven Bed-rooms, Ser- vants' Apartmesits, Kitchen, Pantries, Closets, Ilot and Cold Bath; Stable, Coach-house, &c., &o. _ The Houses are fitted with Gas, and there is a plentiful supply of spring water. Being outside the Borough, are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. /1 .iDALEN ORPH OIETY. R1J IInder the Patronage of his Grace the Archbishop. ORPHAN HOUSE, 22, Dl1ROWN-SrHEEET. Ted ANNUAL CHAITY SERMON in aid of the Funds of the above So., ciety will be piceelied in tho new Roman Catholic Church of St. CATUERINE, MEATE STREET on SUNDAY, 8th Septamter, imsediglnly after the Ilat Mass by Rev. JAMES DANJ.ElS Guardian; and ,n the EVENINQ another ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO DR. GRAY. TSubscriptions ?? be received at the Oftie Of the Committee, MANSION MOUSE, from one to Four o'Clock, Overy day, or may be lodged in the ROYAL BANK, to the credit of the Treasur ersr.s. -JOHN DAIICY, and FRtANCISCD. T ESTIMOILT DR GRAY.- -LAt a tneeiiOS of the 4nrgesese of the Arran-qu~ey Ward, hold yesterday at 23, Arren-quay, I AderO5p LAURENCE ?? In thle chair. Thej ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W aATCHES TOSELECT FROM. 1000 Gold rstehct Loevr Walelso, 10 year' egageo moot, £10. Sli.erPate l er Watcho., boat ruslty, £1 LOs. ,ecnd dl £4,scen yeirsdnga e told Itt t5 1 tcb, ., £s, sod £7-bot qua £,SVSYer'e j. Ju finished, a new lot of those excellent £2 Silver Watchs, thbree years' engaged. Gold Chains from li to £10. A great variety of fine Gold Jewellery, comprising every description ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g&* NOTICE.-.O*ing to the unavoidable postpone- ment of the sailing d2te of the trGreat Britain, (lie DONALD MACKAY will take her place ais Packet of thle 10th September, whic-h vtissel hav- ing moat extensive Saloon Cabin acconmodation, all Passengers who have enagelD for the a BGrest Britain can be taken in DONALD MACKAY, providing immediate notice is given. AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Qnla fill Alidbi.oI SALE THIS DAY. AUCTION OF MIIRAMICHI BRIGHT SPRUCE, AND PINE DEALS AND BIRCH. PHILLIPS & MtOOIRE WILL OFFER 1Y AUC- 1 TION, at PRINCF'S DOCK, on WEDNESDAY, 11th Sel)temblber, at TIVELVE, o'clock, the cargo now landing, ex - Catherine, from Minamichi, con- sisting of- 7,200 Pieces SPRUCE DEALS and BATTENS, 7 9 and It x 3, and 10 to 24 fect in length-a very largo pro- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA, TASMIANIA, & NEW ZEALAND. =% B} LACK BALL LINE OF 1 British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, and Eagle Line of Packets, FOR MELBOURNE. Ship. Reg. Bur. Capt. Date. hope, 1,104 2,000 King, Oct. 5. Great Britain, s.s., 3,200 500 I.P. J. Gray, Oct. 15. 3Iarco Polo, 1,025 3,000 D. Johnston, Nov. 5. s Packet for the 5th October, the magnificent Clipper ship ' HOPE, 1,104 tons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ia12s bI Anctitrnx. : SALE THIS DAY. AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD -FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, EN- GRAVINGS, &a., AT HOLY WOOD. To be SOLD by AUCtIO'N (withotr Reserve). at the Hnouse, No. 4, KINNEGAR, IloLYNVt)OD, O THURSDAY, the 12th instant, at Eleven o'cloclk, A LL THE HOUSEHOLD FUIINITURE, CON- SISTING of Dining-Roomt Chairs, Tables; Fenders, Fire-Irons; Piano-Forte; Hail Chairs; Hat and Umbrella ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST RETURNED. T) GALBRAITH, HAIR-CUTTER, WIG-M AKER, Ri . PERFUNIER, &c. 11, High Street (late of Arthur Street), begs to infollm the Patrons of the Rephalolutron that he has just returned from London with all the Latest Fnshions, &c., and has brought with him First-Class Ladies' and Gentlemen's Assis- tants from some of the best West-End Houses. IT R. G. embraces this opportunity of ...