... general quarter sessions of the peao* ' ar ''i' 3 borough commenced yesterday St. George HaiJ, before Gilbert Henderson, Esq., the rooorder. The following gentlemen were Bworn on GRAND JURY. Wm. Jos. Powoll, broker, S»oeting-«troet(foroman). Aaron Brown, wine merchant, Ch»pel-«tre*t Jamo* Browne, merchant, Tower-buildings North. Alfred Bower, cotton broker, Exdiange-baHdinga. Robert Curweo, me ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VD0j d IN:. hons. 2C #.to3ei'. 0100 t 158 Ire'~ ~ ~ ~~i( rorreovri etyies. 'C en{ 3 ~~ireeI. ~ de eod ,0th Dreg> Suiteh I3e. to 105, te ( DEPAaTMEENT, r oohiitl clergy. and Gentry. i!R' K'TTIN(4 THR U- reseure.eIuv. EGG Vests to mattoes. Od. 'stIN t TA WASHMtENTS -B-H 1j? T BA R1 GA I 1NS IN I L I Y M OURN ING, AT ej o9IIP1 LAMBERT'S BRUNSWICK HOUSE, 92, BULL BTLEBT, BiBSRMlJIRAM. 3LACK BILKS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1NDIA SHAWLS.-FARMER aud ROGERS 11 invite attention to several large latb of INDIASE[AW18S and ecARFS, recently Imp~orted, which they are selling at greatly reue Ucs he New Paris Fashiona loT auttumi and winter v ecrfn Coa0ks. Mantles, and Jackets are nowv ready. AIsO manry eeatnoveltles, designedexpres torthfit ci .~ ~ ~ ~~~ray ' - . R EAL SEAL SKIN CLOAKS. R OWELL. JAllPS, and Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERICAN DUTCH, PORTUGUESE, A GEmiANReN, F6CnH, and ar other CO)PON8 now be- coaning due nayablo abroad, are now being PAID, and drat granted at iavoursble rtes, at the Banking-offca of MiaU. AiDA31 SPIELMAiNN anit Co. 73, Lombard-atOOet CIRCULAR NOTES6 alld FOREIGN MONEY. Tlrevellera to the Continent, Aeriea, do., can have CIR- CULA.I OIES of *£5 and £10 each, pnayable at alB principalS bwnrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s b2 ,AvlftiOll-7O0?fNUN P. AT IG2 RENFIET) STRU, To-MoUnROw (TuESDAY). 16TH OXIOa. PUBLIOSAL&E OPf :- )OUSB FUINITUtRS ANiD) P13INItSHING. .(0tr iual Weekly Pubii Sale every Tataday), ,ESSRS. JOHN & JAMES RRT' M Fail. by Atu ilon In thec Crovm sale Ua -d ; will street, To MlorroW * pfies ay), Oct. 1i. at 12 o'ol'- , log pjwiltila InclirdlIg Firet-Bate itoseood Stlire rI ,ekrer aenv l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - b ' i . 8:KNIGHT', -- BOOKX§SEiLLER, STATIONER,; Axn BOOKflNbDEI,; ' IeEG-sTRENT, VETKOR,..': Y!?seirlvssor, Agent for the Hamp fhire Telegraph. DERLIN WOOIS, Toys, Carpet and' Leather. MB ooks bound on-the ,premises by., experienced wor - I me'n, in any stvle of pattern ?? Ventnor Dnn Bonchurch*Library and Reading!Room. RARE, RICH, PURE, AND DELICIOUS ARE THE; : TEAS AND COFFEES Supplied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -DANK of TURKEY.-The REPORT of the a DU Direetors to the Shareholders may be had at the Offlces of ' ?? Agency, No. 64, moorgate-street, on appioation,. By order, A. W (Signed) ' WILM, Secretary. Uondon, 1lth October, 1861. A P P I N and COM P ANY'S TWO GWTNEA I ?? DRESSING BAG, FITTED) COMPLTs. tHIRTY SliaiINffi LADIES' DRESSING BAG, FITTED OOMPIMTE. t OPPOSITE to the PANTHEON, Oxford-strest, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABOLITION OF THF PAPER.DtITY. LEWIS & JAMES SMITH -D 2 -,PECTFUJ T.Y itform their Friends and Cus- trm t r tlke , this day, the Dutv hls been taken toff their STOCK of %, s 'lTINCI, PIRINTING, and PACKING PAPERS, which consists of UPWARDS OF 1S TONS, and includes those midl by Messrs ALEX. IIRIE & SONS, Stonoywood Works, Aber- t Messrs CIARLES DAVIDSON & SONS, Mluggiemoss, Aberduern. Mesgrs T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The North of Scotland Banking Company. HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the PARTNES of th NORTH OF SCOTLAND BANKDNNICING PANY. for the Election of Directors and other pluposes, wil 11i h eldlctiu *vthentl BAeNntue House, on Fserri.ea, the 1st lie November casUilig, 1s t 12 'clock Noonn The Dividend for last lIalfyc ear, st the rate of Ten per cent. fo enura, siid a inns of Three iicr cent., 'ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOSTYNGIAD PRIS 1Y FANER ; B DI)DWY GEINIOG!G EB 3 p hris .yw 2g. i dderbynwyr a 'i derbyalialt t gm * nifer a wythnosau, neu am chwarter, gan y dos: barth yr ne u y cyboeddwr, a c a dalast am daut. J wrth ei derbyn, neu cyn dechre e Y chwarter. E E phri s am chwalrter yw 2s. 2g . ond tallymIaOeln; net n 2s. 6c li. Os na wnei r hyny. Af nir~ i 2t Deu u nrryw gyfgifnr (equa(n2uLrner) drwy y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GGSTyNGIAD PRIS 'y FA?4ER DDWY- GEINIOGI Pi. phris yw 2g. i dderbynwyri daerbyni t it am niser o ?? Dnei am chwwatrt, gall y dos- baththiv neu yyoeddw cr ac a dalast am d aid wrth eiwderby th, ne- cyi deb nre u d y chwarter. Ei phris ha is yw 25 . 2g. ond ta la 2yrn2aef0 neu~ n 6s . 6ch. Da Da wneir bYY Anfoni:2 nei rhyiw gyfalifer (egud1 number) drry Anonr,, neu ni y> pe risiouewdf bypriis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HYACINTHS AND OTHER DUTCH BULBS, COOLING has just received his ANNUAL IMPORTATION of the above. The Roots are extra fine and E e in splendid condition. A descriptive Priced List Free on application. EDWIN COOLING, 18, Iron-gate, Derby. A LBUMS FOR PORTRAITS. A NEW AND LARGE ASSORTMENT. PORTRAITS FOR DITTO, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL COPIES, JUST RECEIVED. FRAMES FOR DITTO, OF EVERT KIND; A NEW STOCK. ...