Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEALANI). D LACK BALL LINE OF P - British and Australitn Ex-Royal -y~~1itr Packets, end EaLcle Line ot Packets, FOR 1ELBOURNE. Slnp Rore. Bur. Capt. Date. hope 1.104 2,000 King, *ct. 5. Grent Britami. s.c., 3.20t) 2 00 Ft-P, J. Gray, Oct. 15. M~arcO l'do, 1,625 :3,000 D. .Johnston, Nov. 5 p] Paclstt filr the 5thj October, the magnificent Clipper ship ' IOPE, 1,104 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fOYAL ENGLISH OPERA, COVE.FT iN GARDEN, unudr ltoe management of Miss LOUISA PYNE and Mr W. HARRISON, will OPEN for the Sixth Operatic Season onl MONDAY, October 21st, whets will be presented (first time) all entirely new Opera by Howard Glover, to be entitled BUY BLAS. Full particalars in fature adveitisemeelts. 1D OYAL LYCEUM THI-EATRtE. It GRAND EXTRA NIGHT. TIETJENS and GIUGLINI, for one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O QYAL ENGLISH OPERA, R COVENT GARDEN, Under the management of Miss LOUISA PYNE and Mr W. HARRISON, Sole Lessees. Great success of the New Opera. On Monday, October 28th, and during the week, THE MARRIAGE OF GEORGETTE. Miss Thirlvwltl and Mr Henry Corri. After which, at Ei-ht o'clock. Howard Glover's new and greatly-suecessful Opera of ROTY BLAS. Sapported by Miss Louisa Pyne; Mesdames Susan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? t Biiutrssi& 'i T A=cns , 4.mga ak Itslzes qn~,atol TW aR1Or.q,;- 'r ]BARAIR Oi:,-ilhd'V A aN P&T Y' VI'HA1T OF rothe GODWLLo f i-TuMr; is 'oTf K SToze.1Itsronof.en oaouf)e,4 favoui0P als' on~op~pr !,tIo Vektl1 ftedo nodo 4 business, ofthe Tl arlff5 u.Rstiis 'it-tnt ~~ene- ?? 0tY~ t a ,. ioin-91D. h bU8 DEOOIVATfor, som ?? tosremr Looe &'lmebpa.ny, as Inh ?? to. DueS- ?? k hle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. IlR. HADRIS has the pleaeure to annonnce that be has ,made an Engagement with the celebrated Tragedian, Mr. G. V. BROOKE, for a limited number of Nights, who will make his Eth appearance in his native City aince his return from Australla after an absence of seven years; also, Mr. RL YOUNGE, from the AustraliauTheatres. THilS EVENING (Teueday), October 15th, 1861, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,,'LODGVGB }r.~o Gentmlem can .Jbo ae~ffl'modaltea ith actlible rAnRLOUB and bEDROOM, with ab respectable Private Family, NORTH S'>Al~, end not mtore than ?? minutes' walk of sack. yulte street. Address E M, Lodginge, Offie of this Paper, x11TiANTED by a young Man, who i engaged 7V duriog the day, In-tsehouse of a respectablo family; terms about £05 per annum. Ad- dres fletq.' offico of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STAX PRINTING K1STALBISHMEN`L AMPSHIIR TELE¢GRAxPH OFFICE, 81, HIoHl-STIIEET PORT8M0DTII' H AmI538ON & ao. now ?? every fieility for eXeCUtin,- bY STEAM POWER, PRINTING of eveiydescriptioniuanyquantit~y, and atthecshortestuotice. ESTABLISHED 1806. CaoNTY 1FIRE OFFIC, 50, REGENT-STREET, LONDON. CAPITAL £400,000, RETulnrs PAID TO Poiaoy HoaDEnS £267,370. p OLICY.HOLDERS are respectfully informed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0YLENGLISH OPERA, COVENT ( 0GAR gement of Miss LOUISA O t J2r tfrW ARIO, open for the Sixth Operati ct ?? andow ,OTOE 21, when will be produced 2, an entiely ?? Howard Glover, to be o'el ?? 1~~RUT Bl: iss Louisa 1'yne, Miss Thirlwall, Sig] 2,1,~ecn (her first ap panc on theEnihStg. F got~enes ~ Sasetley MiI Stre gest~i~edi ~g I~idavp-Carannce Bnt See. n end II TaeEATM. Wa.-Lessee Le 8 Mr. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 110YL ENLISH OPERACVN jm,. GARDEN, under the Manlegement of Miss LOUISA osd Mr. W. HABl.RISON, Sole Lessees, will open for the ?? an entirely n~ew Grand tOpera, in Four Acts, by yacters y MissesLouisaFyneC, Susall PYne0,ThlaU anCeari. ?? (sher firsbt appearance on the English stage); aMessrs. Fuolel'St.Albn, ate, an W.Hariso. Cndutor, MT, jfred ifeld~lon. InFirstActPeade oux, by ?? andfr. .Pye ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WITHERIDGE,-DEVON. 0 be LET, by Tender, for a Term of Ten T or Fourteen Years, from MiobEelmas last, WOODINGTON FARM, containiog about ninety-five 1 acres of arable, meadow, pasture, and orchard land, situate in the parish of Witheridge, and now and for several years pst in the ocoupation of the owner Mr. John Mildon. 4 For viewing the property, apply to Mr. MILDON; and for further particulars ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNDER THE IMMEDIATE PATRONAGE OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS TEi PRINCE CONSORT. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. 7 - QMUT IN WHEAT PREVENTED FOR K) ONE PENNY PER BUSHEL'I PATTERSON'S SMUT ERADICATOR is the most effectual Preventive of Smuat hitherto offered, and also the beat rernedz agairat the ravages of the Slug, Grub, Witeworm; &c. Its high reputation has obtained for it thedlstingaishedpatronage of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~AN\TED, an Under W~aitress, apply at VV the Giorto HOTRIct,, EXE~ter. AED a you~g Person As Chamber- W aid And XX'aitress. Apply ait the RAILWAY HOTEL, St. De adoS, 1oct1. ?? Yoespe-blell Farmyer's Daughiter -%ishes a ..A.silta~iftl 14 ousekteeper in a Farmhouse, where ANTFD a Femal -Assistont, who VVtbronoglili understands the Bookoqellicag and Stationery haasina qs. Apply to Miss FITOP., ...