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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEALANI). D LACK BALL LINE OF P - British and Australitn Ex-Royal -y~~1itr Packets, end EaLcle Line ot Packets, FOR 1ELBOURNE. Slnp Rore. Bur. Capt. Date. hope 1.104 2,000 King, *ct. 5. Grent Britami. s.c., 3.20t) 2 00 Ft-P, J. Gray, Oct. 15. M~arcO l'do, 1,625 :3,000 D. .Johnston, Nov. 5 p] Paclstt filr the 5thj October, the magnificent Clipper ship ' IOPE, 1,104 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING. BOOKS BY AUCTION. To be Sold by AUCTION, on TUISDAY, 1st Octo- ber, and following Evenings, at Seven o'clock, at the AUCTION M1ART, No. S, WARING STREET, A I S C E LL A N EO U S COLLECTION OF A VALUABLE BOOKS, among which are seve- ral rare Works, in good condlition. Catalogues may be had by applying at the Auction Mart., On each Evenin g, at comnimuncement of Sale, there will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE HOUSE PROPERTY FOR SALLE To be Sald by AUCTrON, on mONDAY, the 14th October next, at Twelve ?? ck, in the SALE- ROOM of Mir. TIUG( C. CLARKE. No. 5, ROSE1- MIARlY STREETI Beltfast, THAT PARCEL OF GROUND ON TEIE WEST 1 side of IROPEWVELL STRFJET, Slaukhilill poad, containing in lengtil 13 1 feet, and in Breadth 1 40 feet; held by lease for three lives, renewable for ever, cOln- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM COMIJMUNCATION BETWEEN BIELFAST AND LIVERPOOL. OCTOBER, 1861. ITIE BELFAST STEAM-SHIP \. ri COMiPANY'S New Swift-Sailing 04iV.Steamships, PRINCE OF W&LES ] a rtd 'SEElI A P11 0lE, or oilhe ] First-Cls5 Steamers, are appoittol to Sail to and fro-m Liverpool as ?? (utless prevented by some unrforeseent occurrcfrce):- From Iielfast, Oct. 1st, at 7; 3rd, at 71; 5th, at 7i1; 70t, at .; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I It S. C R A U F U R D, (LATsE 311SS GILLILAND, OF DERRY), 1) £SPECTFULLY ANNOUNCOES TO THEI LADIES , of Belitast and its vicinity, that on the 10ti instant, on her Return from Paris and London, she intends to OPEN an ESTABLTSHM1ENT at No. 5, DONEGALL PLACE, with a First-Class Assortment of most Fashionable Goods, in VELVETS, SILKS, SHAWLS, MiANTLES, LACE, FURS, MILLINERY, LINGERIE, GLOVES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN DYER, 5, ARTHUR STREET, BELFAST, SELECTING AG E, N T ! ~~~TO HER MAJESTY'S COLONIAL LAND AND EM311GRATION COMMISSIONERS. The NFW ZEALAND CORPORATION for Grant- ing Assisted Passages to CANTERBURY. MERSEY LINE of British and Australian Clippers, Sailin, regularly from Liverpool 25th of every Mlonth, for nR, GrET.ONG, SYDNEY, LADuCESTON, HOBAlRT TowN, and ADErL.ADr. Vic- toria ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REPEAL OF THE PAPER DUTY. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES O . LETTER AND NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, AND ACCOUNT BOOKS. Fine Cream Laid Note Paper, o qrs., only Os 61 M4 Fine ,, Tllic- , Os 9r Superfine i, , - Is Od ExtraSuperfine ,, , Is 6d ENVELOPES, to suit, 4d, 6d, 8d, and 1Od per 100 GEORGE PHILLIPS & SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS, - 26. BRIDGE STRENI. 4121 £6500 REWARD. WJHEPSEAS, ON SUNDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. v A .. AA. 1fA ?? - A V ?? 1 ?? . O f WE have received a communication from Tchabod, pas but We think the public are already fully en- Ge lighitened as to the matter concerning which bie tio writes. Besides, our correspondent should rc- at member the old saying about the needless labour in, of breaking a fly upon the wheel. Ajax, who £3 f writes on the sanme surbject, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INCREASED ACCOMMODATION AND GREAT REDUCTION OF FREIGHTS AND FAREIS BETWEEN BELFAST AND LIVERPOOL. HnFE BE LF A ST ST EAMN-SHl P _ L CONIPA NL *vilt Sail tbe First- Utlllj if CIs~Class Steamnr ; EMERALD ' Hence to LIVF.'PPOOL THIS EVENING, at Eight o'clock, at very Rerlncerl Rates. Apply to WM. lANGTRY, Manager, 53 & 55, Donegall Qnny, 4th October, 1861. 4277 THIIS D Al. TO GLASGOW IN ABOUT 63 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJSTRALTA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEALAND. A-TAILACK IBALL LINE OF t 1,Iritish and Australian Ex-Royal ail Packlets, and Eagle Line of Packets, r4S gI FOR MELBOURNE. Ship Reg. BMr. Capt. Date. Hope, 1,104 2,000 King, Oct. 5 c Great Britain, ss., 3,20 500 tI.P. J. Gray, Oct. 15. Marco Polo, 1,625 6,000 D. Johnston, Nov. 5. Paclet for the 5th October, the magtnificent Clipper ship 1hOPE. 1,104 tons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS.-A GOOD SITTING-BAOOMl, WITH Lrte 'or Two lied-rCottsn, to be LET at POT-iv ' INGER COTTAGE,A otfntpnttinger. Ternideirode- are. No children il the Itonse. 4109 IOUNTPOTTING ER.-FROMT IST NOVEMTBER, be witt rmninediatte poesessior, hOUSE and GAlo- DEN, No. 12.t Reat, £35. Ill 3901 FRANCIS IITCITIE.- CIi OUSES TO LET F11OM IST NOVEMBER- b CTwo nein Three-SLorey HOUSES, in Ballyma- Nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it~ant mxnnllncaltion. OCTOBEr., 1s61. IIR RST-CLASS S T E A Mf E R S ?? \~1 S A I L from and to B E L- a: F . S T as noted belowv (easualties m 4 wexeopted)!- ThrNUIsh and J1.etlrn t'l'ickets are not issuaed on board tbesu Steamers, andl can only be obtained at the Il Aents' offices and Railway Stations, where all Pas- sisel~ls are requesied to apply. The time allowed for Retulrn Ticket. ...