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Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE HOUSE PROPERTY FOR SALLE To be Sald by AUCTrON, on mONDAY, the 14th October next, at Twelve ?? ck, in the SALE- ROOM of Mir. TIUG( C. CLARKE. No. 5, ROSE1- MIARlY STREETI Beltfast, THAT PARCEL OF GROUND ON TEIE WEST 1 side of IROPEWVELL STRFJET, Slaukhilill poad, containing in lengtil 13 1 feet, and in Breadth 1 40 feet; held by lease for three lives, renewable for ever, cOln- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEALANI). D LACK BALL LINE OF P - British and Australitn Ex-Royal -y~~1itr Packets, end EaLcle Line ot Packets, FOR 1ELBOURNE. Slnp Rore. Bur. Capt. Date. hope 1.104 2,000 King, *ct. 5. Grent Britami. s.c., 3.20t) 2 00 Ft-P, J. Gray, Oct. 15. M~arcO l'do, 1,625 :3,000 D. .Johnston, Nov. 5 p] Paclstt filr the 5thj October, the magnificent Clipper ship ' IOPE, 1,104 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. IlR. HADRIS has the pleaeure to annonnce that be has ,made an Engagement with the celebrated Tragedian, Mr. G. V. BROOKE, for a limited number of Nights, who will make his Eth appearance in his native City aince his return from Australla after an absence of seven years; also, Mr. RL YOUNGE, from the AustraliauTheatres. THilS EVENING (Teueday), October 15th, 1861, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,,'LODGVGB }r.~o Gentmlem can .Jbo ae~ffl'modaltea ith actlible rAnRLOUB and bEDROOM, with ab respectable Private Family, NORTH S'>Al~, end not mtore than ?? minutes' walk of sack. yulte street. Address E M, Lodginge, Offie of this Paper, x11TiANTED by a young Man, who i engaged 7V duriog the day, In-tsehouse of a respectablo family; terms about £05 per annum. Ad- dres fletq.' offico of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN, il 5HABEtl5 bas the pleasuretoannounce that hebas made an Engagemeut with the celebrated Tragedian, Mr. G. V. BiROOKE, for a limited number of Nights, who will make his thiril appearance in his native City since hla return from Australia after an absence of seven years, also, Mr. It. YOUNGE, from the Australltn Theltres. TiilS EVENING (Friday), October lltb, 1801, ?? be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. ! ENMARK SsREET ORPHAN AND DAILY 1)OO1, founded 178, In wilch TWENr-s FOUR UESTITUTE ORPHANS are Dletcd. Clothed, and Educated, acd, when fit, apprenticed to nusful trades. The ANlNUAL CIHARITY SrInMON, In aid of the Funds of the above Intiuttllion, s IIl le preached In thl Church of St. sa- vilour, LOWER DOMINICK SThEET, en SUNDAY, 13th Oetoberat Hialf-pastTwelve o'Clock, Immediately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. G REAT RIWY CURR.AGiI RACES-TilS DAY, A SPECIAL TiRAIiS, First and Third Class, will leavo Dubliu at 1lalf-past lcoven ?? asm, for thec Curragh, and will rotarn from tblO Ctrragh at a Quarter of an ?? after the lsit race. FARES. Retun Tickets from Duibilin to tie Car-ragth and Back: First, 0i55s go. Third Class, a9. Gdj. Iicke-a for the 6iand ilne Ring can bo obtained at the oelgO ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. A;lILLAND G'ilENCI WE1STERN tALLj- *V -li. WAY 01' IRELAND COMPANY. NOTICE Is IZIy given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETiNG of the Prropietora of this Company witI bo held at the Railway Terminus, IlIOADSTONE, in the City of Dubli, s on TIIURSDAY, the 31st day of October, Instant, ?? ?? in the afternoon, for the purpoie of considering an Extension Line of Railway from Afnuhlas to Balina, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINDOW GLASS for Dwel[ing-bhouases V Out-ofie, Combnservoi se, & with a large assort- went of lute Glass Mirrors. i > MAURICE BROOKS, 8. ACRVILLEPLACEi; DUBsLIN. Wc .A^T T I ME 18 IT? * EW1 ghb o real and ear Z, ( rlfct ., Yo0 o man Aca5RhV, srcoithp, and w1gg.5 THEB LILLiP'iFAN ALARM CLOORS, J. do SOLLA and SON. The Original snd ONLY GENUINE ifaneturore, Depot, 14, LEINSTER-STEgiIT, DUBLIN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. 1OBE LENT, £2,000, £1,700, £1,00, £I u 5W0 The bove ums willbe sepasftely lent OD2 ort45gae Of Fee-simpe Property of adequlte valeS at Five ier Ceut. If Interestpunctually pd, the principal may ro main O atanding for seven years. Appl to YELa Y DALY, Solicltr.21 Ecles-atrtet.oS, RAILWA YS. -VE PER CENT. PREFERENCE F SHiARES. The Dlrectors of the DUBLIN, WICKLOW, and WEXFORD SAILWAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. CnORK AND KmsEJUNCTION C O K RItLWrAY C0.1PANY. LOANS ON DEBENTURES, way The Directors of the Cork and KinCslO Junct[ef1,Raiw CO~Rp*!Y ae pepaod o rceie 'endrs Lor Lansof £100 | _ Pt~~AILWAY. G ~~~BAL~iMASLOE FAllt. On FBIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, and TUE9DAy, 4th, ,6nd, 7tua and oth October Next, a SPCIAL PASBXpGrEnI T8AIN. Ist, 2nd, and ard Class, avill loave KILDAiRE each day.e at S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TdlE- TWIN Cgi3EM-SfAVERY AND INTEM EIt'IANCE.' T 1-1 F 1 E V If U G Tl H A N N A iviT ?? I'1 ICTI1E IN AID OF THlE 7 FilZsf 11i l. liw k t. ;!teti A' i-t- ?? A so. ?? STt1:-T ' )i Ill SitY i r RIA 'N 'llt3R11 ?? oN ?? - I::Nl; ?? 9. Stt. Uoic.G: -- ''lit 'I ?? / al i .- ?? ,.S/ ul., i a . 1Ia/,oall- it ,it ?? I)I ?? at 1 Qamlr t- r' I7.:- g,'tClook. T,('it'h S--s- 'xPt'nt-- I'ttlt--to \1te ...