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... FOOT RACE BETWEEN JACKSON AND The contest between W. Jack on, the American Deer, and Deerfcot, the North American lied Indian, over a distance of four mile*, for a stake of £50, came off yesterday afternoon, at Old 8.-ompton. the word Off, they bounded away at a good pace, D.urfeot with a flight load, which he maintained till the finish of the third lap, when Jackson put on a terrific spurt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE SIR JAMES GRAHAM. Another of the Romans has shuffled off this mortal coil, and justified in his death the psalmist's limitation to the ordinary life of man. The noble and dignified figure of The Knight of Netherby will no more be seen rising in his place in parliament to deliver a calm and political but always bitter invective against whoever might be the political opponent of ...

MESXIXQS OF CREDITORS FOR LIVERPOOL. Oct* Audita: Barton, H. Co!-?, J. P. Hall. J. W. Hunt, J. B. WaJ.lon, C

... Ttirmoiu 2, Dividends: Griffith Evans, aino* Fell, indium, Edward Brown, Lou and 11. E. lirgs Dividends: Jas Graham, Joua J ore?, W. A Lenox, Wright Wrignt, Mazlny and Davie* 2, Sep. Dividend: Robert 3, Audita: Henry D. R. Richards, Jamea Rcid, Morrow, Son, and Garbttit. Fiemivg 11 3, Sop. Audits: John 1. Ingham, Kobert Holsby ii 3, Dividend : T. B. Walden [ 3, T* rc-cpcu Dividend: Sillar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Marfgo r De athwib Anetd, ?? db the niamoatd nddres ofthe aender, who mnat 1ostalaite bla arttlortyforltorwad gthoannounoomentforpubUcfttiofl. Notdcc o Birh A = be paid for aa ?? MARRIAGES. AMSn tD -TAYLronR-On the 9th inst.. AtEt Jobnut Church. Atherton. by th. Hev.S. Johnaon Ineumbont, Mr. Iohan Aidroat. of L-ash, ta ialry Ann. oildest di autr of Jamnes Tayior, Eeq.. Of NVyaibewh. DKLLtei ...


... I The folio»T» n inquests were held Saturday last before the borough On the body of Rachel Jackson, the Infant dull Samuel Gilbody, the manager n spirit Upper l'rederick-sireet. The was overlain by the mother, and veruict that was ™0 the body of Mary Ann, the illrgitlmate child of Ann Morgan, an inmate of tho Liverpool workhon-e. this o»«s also the iufant w.'s overlain tho mother, and a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... j& suoutlfoometan, no intimation of Lancaoshr ofl Berth n Nouat cc $ tatetha, qhnI BAMTonvi11 ?? te Sra~t iat-t A e- ?? Boltn by the Rev. J. H, Hrrick o rotoirC. hrr. aietp j \lbivatiey ol Jaocpne, to Hanisl daughter o h a0M.Ata [Anatitown Mlii. Bonieb Noirli B-OOK oItttEoco1e. -On the ?? (nIt. r: XiA~VteChee Yorkehire. by the P1ev. P. C. Kcidd. vcn. lr. WIlliha' Rochial1.tO Mt.Therceakerry of ...

LIVERPOOL ROYAL INTIBMABV Oct. 26. Admitted.— In-patients, out-p*tlent«.43; casuals daring week, 61. Discharged ..

... IS; made nut-pattata, 0; irregular, 2 dead, 1. Remain the house, 190. Treasurer, Charles Wilson, Esq'chaplain, Rev. Edward Poole; house surgeon, Mr. R. Harrison; junior house sureeon, Mr. H. G. Rawdou: house rial tors, Edward Gibbon and J. Campbell Esqra.; physkdau and surgeon for the week. Dr. Turn bull and Mr. Bickersteth. N.B.—Donations ol old liren or the wards and oBSt-oS clothing lor ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [In ordnr to prevent ?? aiOta, no ZoUm,.t~r a M'ardageor Denthwill boinitorteri, nnkuauthel~t~ictd bY the namand address of the sondor, who inust adierisate l1is FtnthorityforforwardinigthO anuoneOlflcntfOrtlilicgti(ut. Noldoes of Births mont ho for as advAb.ri'rt..1 ALTtstot-MANNi.--Ofl the ist ?? at ?? AbieyC Chturch, 'el%7. ty ?? oye. 11L Oreavee. H.A_ Wit iasi Alfiroi. ?? oft wl Ithe ...


... FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. Aehivbd. Oct. 23: Lequctia, Cardenas, and not from boa, reported. Oct. 24: Linda, B-sien, front Rio Grande, and not from P. raib.4, as reported- Sophia M'Ker.xie, BuUer, Bat hurst—Thessalia (s.s ) Clare, Sra>rna —-• f.ican (»«.), AI • xn.der, Alexandria—Johu P.ekarel, M rris, Havre—Roscommon (s ) , Dublin, after g a-hjre in Bootle Bay, but without li jury To-day : Marion, ...


... The following is list of the town councillors who retire by rotation on the Ist of next month, and alao tho new candidates far at present ascertained : Ward. Members. Everton T. D. Anderson.. .T. D. Amlersoa Scotland Richard Shell Richard Yauxh-Jl Roger Haydock Hay dock. St *»«■ { J*™ Sp*en«. * J*mesTrrer.{ Castle-street. Thomas Avison.. .Thomas Avison. St. Peter's David liae David Rae. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... araerDAth ill lts Rtod, pathno.tob Anca~..[~11.O~the 14th loot, at the Patith Church, De~oe by 'h 13 ~ curfto, Ur. John Ashcroft to MMi Rilzbuttn BRILRY-tat~ -on the 15th Inst.. at the Parlsh Ohtsocb, Hlordch. by the 11,;. 0.'Wildsore. Mr. IL Be~rry. OAlsoo ntostrr Go 11 Way- AU91,011 and Guritoos Railway, to &WAR Ki'ietlelt Anu Stue, I& ritbl' daleihier of 2r. Fleming. Dirtah clerkr. ...