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... The first premium for plans for Chester Market has been awarded to designs of our townsmen the Messrs. Hay, architects. Thirty five sets were submitted in competition. Messrs. Hay have bettt appointed to carry the work into execution. Our townsman Mr. Thomas architect. C»Htle-street, has been awarded the first prize of £50 by the guardian* of the iiirkenhead Union for the bebt arranged plan ...


... THE ILTOWN-ROAD OUTRAGE. I ?? t The trial of John Curran, a cab-driver, for a gross and i barbarous outrage, committed on the night of the 27th of e September last, on the person of Miss Louisa Martha Jolly, s was commenced in Dublin on Friday morning. Very g great interest had been excited in connection with this a case the details of which have been already very minutely pubiished, and, ...


... I (B&Jore J. Hoak, Esq., Judge.) ASSAULT ARISING OUT OF A DLVORCE CASE. FITIIIAN V. LOCKWOOD.-This was an action brought for an assault by Saradh Fithian against Joseph Lockwood. Mr. Torr and Mr. Thos. Roberts appeared for tzo plaintiff, and IMr. Eiggin for the defendant.-Mr. Torr said the case was one of a very painful nataro, arising out of a divorce which had recently taken place 16stwoen ...


... ALUS LEX DOMESTIC. The Gazette last evening published a list of forty-nine bankrupts. This indicates rapid depression of trade. A Conservative demonstration recently took place at Colchester. The principal speaker was Major Beresford, M.P., who strongly protested against the theory of party amalgamation, and contended that such an event would be a great social evil, it would deprive the State ...


... The Timet Paris says—lf I am rightly informed, the Italian questien came on the tap!* in the last council, and led to animated debute, chiefly the decided lino taken by Count in tavour of the diaa bide. No resolution seeui to havo been tAkesi. ...


... SALUS LEX SUPKEMA. DOMESTIC. The Privy Council recently held her Majesty at Balmoral directed that Parliament should be further prorogued from the 22nd instant to the 18th December. A vacancy has been caused the representation of Lincoln by the sudden death of Major Sibthorp, son of the late Colonel Sibthorp, whose political eccentricities are so well remembered. The late member, like his ...


... SERIOUS STABBING CASES IN MINCHESTER. ?? I 0 On Monday mornina, two charges of stabbing were in- vostigated at the City rolice Court, which reveal a aogree of ferocity and brutality scarcely credible in the nineteenth . century. George Eustaco was first placed in the dock, r charged with stabbing George Stowart. A police constable t stated that about half -past eight o'clook on Saturday night, ...


... WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30. BEFORE MB. RAFFLES. Bobbery from a Shop Door.—A young woman named Aon Hill was charged with stealing a petticoat, worth 83. 9J., from the shop door of Mr. Evan vies, draper, Sootland-road. On Tuesday afternoon the petticoat, rather the staff for a petticoat, was hanging with others tied to a pillar 01 rod outside the shop, when the prisoner was seen to the in question ...


... MONDAY, OCTOBER 14. BEFORE Mil, BAFFLES. Violent Assault.—A low-looking fellow named Michael Kiley was charged with committing a violent assault upon a man the Peter M'Guinness. According to the statement of the latter, thepiisoner belongs a mob of people who frequently follow him and molest him in tbo street*, asking him to pay for drink. On Saturday night he was passing along Market-street, ...


... Paris, Monday. The correspondent of the Timet says the same uneasy feeling which pervaded every class of society towards the of the year which preceded th» Italian war is now again dlscernable. The feeling may be exaggerated, but there are few people who .do not declare their conviction that thepeaoeof Europe will before long be again put in peril. There are rumours of propositions being made ...


... in PUI'.HUIT Oame.—Tbomm Woodcock and Carter were charged with trespauing of game on the land» Mr. J. West Derby. It appeared that had the right of shooting on the adjoining land, and that he shot pheaiant, fell in compl»in*nt'« grounds; want after it, and crossed hedge order to gel the bird. Carter, his companion, who had no right of shooting, was beating np game. defendant Wo vai discharged, ...


... The weekly this committee was held in the Council Chatnber yesterday ; present—Messrs. F&rn worth (chairman), Crelliu, Earle, Woodruff, Wagstafl, W. JoLnson, and Estill. The Engineer submitted the return?, from which it appeared that there had been a rainfall of *3 { incb, causing a rise the various reservoirs follows worth and R%ke Ift. lin., Anglezark 10.3 in., Rivlngton .''in., ...