Gems of Thought

... Giril1s of b o ?? n,.otecs. !:czi' ic will b~y no mocans suit wron.g practices;. Yrie Ivt Iv ' i.° s'ltill lives withil the breast.- VirYil. fy cpiiibg for the vorst, we may often the compass L ?? Uo -an - sv sver so Molch deceived by another as by Ni o an ?? eerS Selif re1slf t is the purcst rainont in which we can clothe HOl. e.yfen opens the door for disappointment to siiot it. 'rr n; iilfm ...

Literary Extracts

... c (Wrlittrary (Wracto. sa - A TRuisa--The occupants of Gibraltar live largely of by smuggling. The Spanish Government has, more than so once, complained of it, and the English Government has pl answered that every nation must take care of its own sli custom-house. But we have never said that if Spain could take such good care of hers as to make smuggling sa from Gibraltar impossible, we would ...


... EnGYPTIAN ZErULOiMES AIn) SYRIAN SHUINES; including rome Stay in the Lebanon, ab Palmyra, and in Wesater Turkey. By EMILY A. BEAUFORT. -[Longusan, Gree, and Lorgman.] These two handsomely bound and baautifally illu6trsted rolumes of oriental travel display an amount of spirit and originality that we could scaroly expect from an authoress who comnes before the public for the first tint. To a ...


... THE EVACUATION OF LEXINGTON. THE CONFEDERATE PROGRAMME OF OPERATIONS IN {MISSOURI. NUMEROUS SKIRMISHES. MOVEMENTS IN THE VICINITY OF THE POTOMAC. We received New York papers of£the sth Instant. THE EVACUATION OFJLFXINGTON. SKIRMISH NEAR THE CITY. St. Loois. Oct. 4. Captain Reid. of the Lexington Home Guard, and afterwards Colonel White's 14th Missouri regi- xneot, wbo escaped from the rebels ...


... f 7 9 ? TSIODDEIDIAU I DIuiLLYWYDP. EiSTIh$DF-OD, , , - fABERPtAR. ?? ?? HA I eir Bruce odiaeth, itw barhius adiwedd,,' O dd&wnu wiraidwaen, beirdd: a'u hainrhydeda, ' Seddwr arial i gynnaj gogonediiO,, ?? A gorea synwyr yw gwr y senedd; A gwirserchl 1l ein gorsedd-flodeuon, A haelder enwog yn mhlaid ei rhjpwedd..- A dadsn'hyf hefyddeuai einXivian.: I- a Ilwyddf da heddyw,; y-jlywydddiddan ; ...


... D- AIA. I OLYMPIC. gl boe playgoers in England are so thoroughly broken in to the dramatic rule that all miust end we'll, that even | when they hler of a man being married to a woman whom he has never seen, they accept with a submissive min- rajity the otherwise imnprobable result, that on first meeting he falls desperately in lovo with her. In France, on the ether band, there is nothing at ...


... IHOW SHALL WE GET TO THE ORE4T I MHT/ION * Considering the site determined on for the Great Exhibition of 1862 as eminently adapted for the purpos, all other considerations apart, there remain some other con. sideratione as a residue of no small consequence, both to the commercial succes of the undertaking, and its usefulness a, a medium for the diffusion of idea Fls instanCe, we may find a ...


... S (From Le Follet.) . Winter materials may not yet be brought prominently r forward, but our various manufacturers are busily engaged in .preparing many attrative novelties. At present we are l fully occupied with costumes for the mid-season, which are a necessarily usually simple, The Mozambique, a woollen material, stronger than the poll de chevre, is making itself of no little importance ...


... MAOILYNIrIETH. THE AGRICULTURAL SHOW. or P The annual show of the Machyolleth Agricultural ar Society was-held on the 16th instant. The weather , was all that could be desired, a desideratum very essen-PC tial to proceedings of this nature, and no doubt contri-' , buted very greatly to the success of the day, as the show WI of cattle wasn much above the usual number, and double M the number of ...


... There is at present in the safe custody of the London Joint-Stock Bank, in Pall mall, a picture, which it is alleged by its fortunate owner was painted by St. Luke the Evangelist, the subject being a Virgin and Child, and the title of the picture being Jesus Maria Hodegedria on the guide. The Virgin is represented in a dark crim- son garment, embroidered with small stare, About her head is ...


... .OLYMgP1C IHEATRE. -- i . A c e- A e dw omnietta has been produced at this theatre, by , M. Morton,entitled ?? Ones IZije; whioh bs5 ro.ed suce9ful, ohitfly through the exoellent acting bagtho pricc 1 part, of Mr. H. Neville, whose favourable here * fd' nighth ago, in Jack of all Tradfes, we ltseady commemorated. The Plot, for which the is indebted to the Freneh, is founded upon a well- a0eow ...


... Tns Lord Mayoralty or London.—The polling for the mayoralty was resumed yesterday morning. The following was tbe state of the poll at two o'olock : —Sir H. Mcggeridee, ; the Lord Mayor, 4bo; and Sir P. Laurie, 327. Tux Great Post-offick Robbery.—We are Informed that of the letters containing valuable enclosures lately purloined by a letter-carrier in the London not one had been registered. The ...