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... TO THE COMMERCIAL AND MANUFACTURING CLASSES LANCASHIRE, &C. Gentlemen, —Were 1 disposed so to do, I eight put cases s ar.ce bearing upon the pnsent anomalous position England towards America, but I consider thoce already placed before you be sufficient to meet the question sc ...


... \\ hat Mr. Tyrcr's claims for ro-cloction, as put forth by himself in his address just issued to the electors? lie says in effect that having represented the ward for years it would unbecoming in him to promise anything for the future; that by the past quite willing to be judged; that he is satisfied to leave the verdict their hands; that he is proud of the increasing commerce the town, and ...


... TnREE O'CLOCK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ORDINARY to-days salkh SHARKS AND STOCKS. prices. dat. 50 Belfast and N. Coon ties 45 1 Belfast aud County Down. 211 234 All Blrm., W.. and Valley.. 7# 71 luo to land Exeter 93 100 Caledonian 103 35 Carlisle and SiUoth Bay 9 10 50 Cork and Bandon 144 10 Deeside 11 11$ 50 Dublin aad Belfast Junction 40 41 75 Dublin and Dregheda 25 Third shares S3 231 30 ...


... MR LINDSAY ARMAMENTS There is much Mr. Lindsay's recent address to his Sunderland constituents for which he deserves the thanks of every friend of economy and administrative reform— more especially in his exposure of the proved but hitherto unabated abuses in the management of our dockyards. We have also to thank him for having been among the first of our public men to face—even if it be ...


... On Saturday the self-accused murderer, Joseph beer, was again brought up at the Kroiue polioe court. Huperinteudent Doggan said—Since Tuesday I have proseouted a further inquiry into this case, and more especially with regard to the laee girl, Maria Staff, but 1 cannot find any trace of her. cannot discover anv one who has ever seen or heard her. Mr. Tonkins.—The man Payne did not pretend to ...


... EXHIBITION OF WORKS OF ART. exhibition cf rare i valuable works of art— 1 paintings, water-colour drawings, &c.—was opened last evening with great ceremony at the Liverpool ' Institute, Mount-strcot. Tbe specimens are chiefly from the private collection her Majesty the Queen, from the South Kensington National Museum, as 1 well as from th 9 residences of gentlemen in this ' town end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T tIARY'S CHURCH SUNDAY AND DAY IS0HOOLS.-The ANNUAL SERMONS on behalf ftbe-a sobools are to be preached on Sunday, October the REV. DR. TAYLOR, of Liverpool. 1 7 WESLEYAN CHAPEL, BLACKPOOL. OnTSUNDAY, October 20th, 1861, TWO SERMONS W v I be preached in the above chapel, by the Rev. JOHN CAro; f R A R. Secretary of the Clonferenee. service to commence at half-past ten in the rmorning, 1171 g ...


... THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. Wiud S ; Ho yhead, S.E., light. The Vifciya, from Antwerp, and the Eugenie, from Ghent, have not arrived, as reported. Arbwd.—Yesterday : British Qoeen (as.), Harrison, from Havre—ludue trie, Ostend. To-day: Lady Carey, arid Lammermuir, Brown, from Bombiy—Harold, Wise, Calcutta—Leigh ton, Rankle. Rio Janeiro—Sea Visior, Bergen, Corinthian (as ), Wardle, Con- ...


... Tiires o'clock, Tuesday, October 15. ORDINARY . hales Id. j BTlA3tiij AND UTOCKB. I'JUCKS. DAT. and N. Counties J{e' Dowu . All i Birm., Vid!ey.. 7 Brudolavd Exeter I I le and Day 10 ) Cork and Duu I4i | 50 Dublin and Belfast Junction 41 75 Dr.-gteda I Third shares and . 13 Dundee and Arbroath Dundee, I'exth. Aoer. J uuc. Extern C'-xmties ,1013-16 lt'O Union li 27* 1*»0 flat A' ...


... It is expected that the Qaeen and will arrive in Edinburgh, on their return from Balmoral, the of c irsait, and that the following doy bis Kov&fr tLo Prince Coniort will lay the foundation of thy Genera! Po-t-jffice atd Lew Industrial Mure'tin bulldiiv.,* . The cours leave for England early on Thursday morning. —ScoU.nzn, ...


... VOLUNTEER REVIEW. ACCIDENT TO MAJOR Parade Ground was closed for the season on Saturday, and the occasion was marked by a review a large portion of tho volunteer force of liver} tor whose especial use the ground was laid out, and to whom has proved great advantage. Arrangements of similar character those noticed previous occasions, and a rather extensive an complete ...