... PiCas Lu FOLLEMr. Winter has come upon uss iiaddonly andwith such severity, tliakt before 'wve have quite arranged our article on autumn dress, we are called upoin to devote our attention to a description of the different materials and styles more suitable to the present accompanirnents-of this season of the year- frost and snow. Two distinctly opposite styles will, it'is said, meet with ...


... ANTRINT.-Antrini, Armoy, Carnmoniy, Dariluce, Tuesda!; C0ishendall, Thursday; Dunloy, Frilay; Rnsharliin, Saturiay. n Ainl[AGI.-Mountnorris, Mondiav; Charlieniont, Ttees. N day; BlackwatertonVn, Jonesborougrh, Tan(:rsgee, We- G nesday; Lurgran, Thursday; Marliethill, Friday; Por. e tadosn, Saturday. 3 CAVAsX-Stradone, Butlersbride, Monday; Shercoclr, ?? Wednes(day; Cootehill, Friday. DERtY. ...


... For the last six or seven years our Western neighbours have been deprived of the pleasing and elevating inliuence of Fine Art Exhibitions. The causes which led to this untoward state of mat- ters are not easily explained ; but we heartily rejoice in the belief that an earnest desire now prevails amoong all classes of the conmmunity to establish on a permanent basis annual exhibitions of modern ...


... LI TER AT UR La LLEE AAXO1qGSTTMN .lB inlDAs. A Book for Youth. By GEORGE CATLIN. Sampson Low, Son, and Co., 47, Ludgate-hill. We do not know when we have seen a boy's book which more thoroughly deserved Our highest oommeudation than this compen. dium, adapted to young minds, of Mr. Catlin's long experiences of life amongt the American Red Iudians. We allremember his most interesting ...

Published: Sunday 03 November 1861
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1608 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THEATRE.ROYAL. . ! ltLD~~XkAL.K X S All. - ~ he Thbeatre-Royal was. reopened last night for the winter T eason, when a large and fashionable audience assembled on _ | jtbe occasion ef the annual' benefit of Mr. Charles G. .Hough. -ir j ton, ma nager and treasurer. The .feakure of the evening's it 'entertainments was the re-appearance of the popular and al talented low comedian, Mr. J. L. Toole ...


... Iff- , _ ,. - - - - - , I Lost enrning ir. and Mrs. W. J. Florence took their farc& weli'benlirit Iu tlbe ipreseece of a' crowded andfashtilonlbql audietee. Thc performances comnmenced with th§ comic dra- ima of Ihf to flood zarc, In which Mr. Florence; as Paddy O1lfferly, wea mnot effective, and khpt the housee from one roar of Isaghter. to alother. In the Protean koeivth of Ths 1eecri ...


... TORD UAYOR'S DAY. ORDER OF THE CiVIC rROCESSION. d the Ertertainment Committee issued their ~xegre Y mme of the civio pageantry On the occei so t~e~l i ~rara t Lo3rd NayorCrbitt to his second y° r of v ion wlill start from the Gaildhall at about 'r ptocee nhe ?? o'clock, in the subjoined order ali-aet Nical,3DConstables to clear the way. Ci ainj~goon, tboe DpuY ?? of the ?? Poliee, Mountedo r ...


... IMV131WO or ? zMap. 1 GLNB CRZGGAX1`0A, A %fnLA1 Honts i O ALE. 'By 0C,siyogRT B-X L os o Patnsr-ow.-T hise as&ma en effulemrpti~or ot kk. itp to the laud's A~ of ptiQtid.,.Catirie, ?? q&3% Heel out of the beaten gives tof theo % i tibt judging by ihe glwn ceuth gives of t e eoaxt9 th the district, we DlGo ronoe it one of t!~eetctptoee a4omzto sru f Seotland, Thte l Ok it y' ...


... ' LITERATUE. - : ! DuPyYfs .BeoLDRJAxY MA0AZINIsPon Not5ror The progress of this magazine ia every partio a i most gratifying'fa t-and, judging from the chara~tet and calibre of this and of recent numbers, it seem' likely te break the evil spell which baa for se long . period disappointed the hopes of the most spirited picl. jectors of periodic literature in this couditry.' The pm. sent number ...


... FASHION AND VARIETLES. Captain Heatheote, P.L , ?? Ajax), ar- rived at Kingstown last evening from the North. The following arrived from England yes- terday, per royal mail steamers :-Captain lRobertson, U.N.; Sir Richard Griffiths, Bart; Miss R Elffe, Mr J 1t farriott, 31iss Peebles, Mrs Hervey, Mrs Young, Mrs W Clark; Messrs J R Marriott, Fowier, Redma)ne, Vaddock, C E Stewart, J Lloyd, J T ...


... FASHIONS FOR NOVEMBER, (FROM LE FOLLEr.) Notwithstanding the unusual warmth of the weather a during thle past month, the novelties for the season are a everyw h ere making their appearance, and we have Ito doubt our readers are at least beginning to prepare themselves for time rigour of the apiproachilng winter. There is, as customary, no cause for complaint as to It the scarcity of novelties ...


... DIARIES, ALMANACS, AND POCrET BOOCKS Eor 1862. De La Rue's Red Letter Diaries, Ablmnalcs, and Pocket Books are still the best of their kind. There are no other pocket books so elegant and so well made, they vary in size and aspect, some being in gilt morocco or russia, very daintily adapted to the use of ladies; in sober moroceo, entirely free from gilding, there is a pocket book that may be ...