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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MBMTS, MR ES, AD DRAT1. BIRTHS. AINGE.L-Decomber lt. at the Priory, St Bees, CumberiLudi the wile of the Rev. Dr. Ainger, of a am. ALLEN.-December 17, at Bruwiiwick-'ll, Hill-road, ft. John's- wood, the wife of 0. Allen, Esq., of a on. CARRY.-Deember 17, *t Nortbi -et, Bath, the wife of Mr. Ft J. CareyOf a on.h COWIX-De1em 9er. at Bridgeroad, ndthly- the wife oS H. Cowie Feq of. ad-ebter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF' 4 CONTEMPORARY OF BURNS. Walter Glover, known as the carrier between Dumfries and Edinburgh, in the tinie of Bums, died on C Sunday last, at Ferneyside, in his native pariah of Liber- ton-an eztrsordinary example of Ion ovit being in his IO4th ear, baving been born on the ICh July, 1768 Of late there have been recorded the deaths of persons of ; from seventy to fourscore yeas who ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Death of MIr. Bruce Nlorton. The Theatrical Profession has lost many of its most brigfiant members within a comparatively short time. We regret to announce the death of Mr Bruce Norton, a gentleman so favourably knowa to many of our readers, which took place on Monday, the 25th nlt. He was only forty-three years of age, and yet he had followed his Profession as an Actor for twenty-eight years. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituary of Distinguished Persons. DEATH OF GENaERA SIR EDWARD BOWATEB, K.C.B.-Tbe Colonelcy of the 49th Foot has become vacant by the demise of the above gallant General, intelligence of whhose death was received at Buckingham Palace, on Sunday morning, by telegraph. Sir Edward died at Cannes at six o'clock on Saturday evening. The gallant officer, as Groom in Waiting to the Queen, was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL OF THE LATE PRINCE CONSORT.x The solemn ceremonial which turned all eves ti to Windsor Castle and St. George's Chapel hi yesterday morning wars carried out strictlyf according to the programme which had pre- X viously been published. In all the forms that hi were observed, the funeral was, in as far as hi the funeral of so illustrious a pereonage as at the late Prince Consort could ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTES, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, BIRTHS. CIARK.-December 20, the wife of b. Le (G. Clark, Esq., of St. Thomas's-strect, Southwark, of ason. CRASTBR.-December 17, at Lesbury House, Northumberland, the vife of J. Craster, Esq., ot a daughter. D11CROW.-Desember 17, at Hausan-street Dublin. the wife of P. Ducrow, Req., of a son. ?? 19, at Oxford-square, the wife of J. H, Enthoven, Esq., of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... obituary of Distinguished Persons. DEATH OF LrnUTEXANT-GiNaERAL DZNNvS DAY.-We have to record the death of Lieutenant-General Dennis Daly, formerly of the 7th Dragoon Guards, and for many years Brigade-Major of the south-western district, which occurred at his residence, Green-road, on the 19th inst., at the advanced age of seventy-six years. The deceased General entered the Army 28th August, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FU[NERAL. The following is the official programme of the ceremonial to be observed at the funeral of the Prince Consort:- On the morning of Monday, December 23, 1861, the remains of his late royal highness will be re. moved from Windsor castle for interment In the royal vault, in St. George's chapel, in the following order, shortly before twelve o'clock. A guard of honour of the grenadler ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AID DEATHS. BIRTHS. CLARKE.-December 8, at the Platt, near Manchester, ?? wife of A. W. Clarke, Esq., of a eon. COTT.-December 7, the wife of Mr. F. Cott, of Grindlow-etreet, AlAnhe ter, of a son. GRANT-December 7, at West-park, Elgin, the Hon. Mrs. L. Grsae. of a daughter. HANWELL.-December 7, at Chariton, the wife of Captain lsuawell, R.A., of a son. HODdOLL.-December 6, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF A BEAMAN~ FROM SUPPOCATIO1V. An inquest was held on Frida y afternoon at the Royal Naval Hospital, Stonehouse, before Allan B. Bone, Esq., county coroner, to inquire into the circumstances at- tending the death of Frederick Parlit, who died from suf- focation on Wednesday night lest. From the evidence of the several witnesses belonging tolher Majesty's ship Emerald, viz., William ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. NOVA,-At Turin, Marchioness de la Valle di Casa Noay, of a seon. THOMSON. - On the 7thl Nov., at Delhi, the wifa of Lieut..Co101or Thomson, H.M.'s 82d Regt., of a son, stillborn. WESTMACOTT.-Oa the 23d inst., at 29, Hertford.straet, Mayfair, the wife of Aaguatus !F. Westmacott, Esq., of a daughter. :NY!^EARIA~lBB. HAY-DUNCOIBE.- On the 17th inst, at St Matthias, Richmond. Surrey, Lieut ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OF THE PRINCE CONSORT. Tlleabove nielancholyintolligefce is thusofficially eaoed in a Londmi, Gazotne extraordinary pub- Y desterday: A Dzc. 15. ?? SaturdaY night, the 14th instant, at ten hsutes before 11 o'clock, big Royal Highness the ce Consort departed this life, at Windsor ,e, to thle inexpressiblegrief of ?? an the Royal Family. The Queen, his Royal Highness the Prince aes, tieir ...