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Advertisements & Notices

... TUEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TIIIS EVENING (Saturday), January 11th, the per- fornxaicewill comumene with the laughable Fare of JOHN DOBBS.-Squire Fullowaield, Mr. Shepherd; MajorFrankmau, Mr N II 'Intyreo John Dobbs, Mr F Robinson, Mra Chester- tesn Miss E Miiller; Lucy, Miss L Graham. To conclude with the Grand Padtomime, eutltledALADDIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP; or, HARLEQUIN AND THE MA- GICIAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .7~ ~rT S I 1T T.. - - . MIUSIC hrALL. M. R. O. V. BROOKE 'AND -WR9 MISS AVONIA JONES T AVE MUCH PLEASURE IN STATING THAT, 1H1 In compliance with a numerously signed Requi- sitlon, they have made arrangements to give a Series of * -READINGS, = \- ASSISTED BY M R. R. Y O U N G E, At the abnve Hall, the first nf which will take place on MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 13, 1862, Consisting of th- followIng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. L ODGINGS.-FURNISRED APAUT- L MENTS, consisting of a Drawingroom and Bedroom, well adapted to Young Men engaged In busineas, may be had at No. 7, UPPER ORIEfSTREET. Terms Modorate. - Slitm Uon convenient. MONEY. £ 3()N £2,000, AND .£1,000.- X 0Vt J TThe above sums TO BE LENT on ap- proved Landed Security. Apply to George W. ThompsOn. Solicitor, 9. Humo street, Dublin. Ji0,17 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA. FREE EMIGRATION. A;b PPLICATIONS FOR FREE I - L PASSAGES to AUSTRALIA will l-~h >, be received from a fewv respectable and fwell-trained Donestic Female Servants ho have lived in respectable families. C CANTERBURY, NEW ZEALAND. C ASSISTED PASSAGES will be granted to a few C Married Couples-those of the Farming Classes pre- ferred. JOHN DYER, ~ 5, 162. i5, Arthur Street, Belfast. Jan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM TO NEW YORK ONCE A-1V EEK. VrA Q#ZENSTO WV, FOR £7. T HELI YERPOOL,NEW JL YORK, -and PHILADEL. PHIA STEAV - SHIP COM- E - mE ewPANY'S magnihicent Steam- ships are intended to Sail as under:- FROM QUEENSTO3WN (CORK), FOR NBW YORK DIRECT, AS B OLLOWS: Edinburghb Thursday, 23rd Jan, lEtna . . Thursday, 30th Jan. And every succeeding Thursday. -tATES OF PASSAGE: Steerage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWN HUNT. TIIHE DOWN HUNT WILL MlEET AT DOWN- PATRICK, on TUESDAY, the l4th inst. . I CHARLES FORDE, Treasurer. 10th Jan., 18B2. - 241 EW VW O RKS AND NEWV EDITIONKSJ N ~~~~AT JAMES MAGILL'S, DONEG ALL PLACE. Thorns Almanac, 1862, 8g ad Do., - with Directory, 16s Od Hopes and Fears, by the Author of the Heir of Redoliffe 6s Od The Gorilla Hunters 5. .. . os d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 'filIS EVENING (Monday), January 18th, the per- fermancic will commence with (trat time these twenty years), she Fourth Act of Shakepeare's Historical Play of KINGt iIENRY THiE FOURTH (Part Second)-King Henry ths Foerth, Mr F Robiinsn ; Eionry, Prince of Wales, Mr Price; Prince Thomas ot Clarence, Mr MSIntyre Prince John of loaneaster, Mr C Salvie: PrincO Humphrey of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. COURT Or BANKRUPTCY AND UiSOLVENCY. IN BANKRUPTCY, In the Matter of T HE Judges of the FranclaDixon,ofCOr11116y, T Court of Bankruptcy and near Dungannon, in the Insolveney will sit at the said county of Tyrome,Linen Court, Four Courts, Dublin, on Manufacturer, FRIDAY, tho24th day of January, a Bankrupt. 1802, at the hour of Elevon _ _ _ ?? in the forenoon, for the surrender of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H consequence of the sheltered aepeet of geleny, XIALVERl 1EHOU afferds S eligible Residence (or Invalds during tbeG Wtcr and Spring llonths. .&ddress.-W,' Alfred Jobnaeon Deigasy, County Wiehiow. TUD'WS ROYAL HOTEL, LUNCH, V DINING, AND BILLIARD ROOMS a II. T. JUDE begs to Inform his numerous iends rd 7ustorrers that he hls rmade a eonelderable reduction In the Prioc of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ,fram (ffaniniitnicatir ' I TO-MORROW. TO GLASGOW IN ABOUT 6j HOURS. - HE A D E. L A SAILS FOR _ T s 1 GLASGOW (Via ARDROSSAN) | TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 5V. ;i1; 1 ,minutes past 4 Afternoon. Passengers will reach Glasgow about 10.45 (Irish timte) same Evening. St C* - R. HENDERSON & SON, Agents. PC JANUiARY, 1862. oc > 1> llIRST-CLASS STEAMERS T ;i-@ , S. A I L from and to B E L- 1 F A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THFATR ROYAL, DUBLIN. TIIIRD GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT. For the cocrenieneo of persons residing at a dlistange and the Juvenile Branches of families, the performance will ceremenee at Seven o'Clock, and be so arranged that the Pantomiume will terminate at Halt patt Nline o'Clock. THIS EVENING (Tuesday), January 14lb. the porter- mances will commence with the Grand Christmas Comic Pantomime, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. LAST tIVE NIGH1TS OF THE F ARE WELL ENG AG EME N T, previoua to his dejarure for A usiralia, Californaia, 4-c., VITH THE GREATEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL TRAGIC ACTOR OF THE AGE, B'ARAY SULLIVAN, Pronounced by an overwfhelming majority of the Press and the Public of England, Scotland, Ireland, and America- A FINISHED ARTISTE,_ UNRIVALLED IN THE PRESENT DAY, AND NEVElt ...