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Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT SALE AT REDUCED PRICES. MIGH-CLASS BRONZED, LACQUERED, & CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, &c., At the well-known Establishment of JAMES ALLAN, SEN., 21, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. W W. S.- WiATERS, begs to announce, baving G. purchased the'above business; and wgill, for a F EW. WE EK , .Y Previous to taking in] N GEW G OO DS,' Y( SELL OFF AT CONSIDERABI? BEDVCTION, e The present extensive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r GOSTYNGIAD PIS Y FANIR' DDWY ?? NIOG.. Ei'phris ydyw 2g. i dderbynwyr. a dalant am dan * wrth ei derbyu, neu' cyn'depehreu y chwarter. J:i phris am chwarter yw 29. 2g. ond talu ylaen; nea 2s. 6cb. 0B na w'eir hyny. Anfonir du u , neu nrhy w gyfnifer (equl number) drwy ytpost gan yacyhoeddwr am y prisiaunhyn. Ei phris wedi ei stamplo ydyw sc. ;-3s. 3c. y chwarter, a thal yn mlsen; nea 3si 6c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ALMANACKS FOR ,.d62. . r T ETTS' 'ad'd HARWOOD'S DIAtIES for 1862,,in - JU various sizes and styles of biln01ng, maybe had from t J- K. DOUGLAs, Printer and' Sotationor, Vorthe Wales Chron ?? ' Bangor. - DOUGCLAS' .HOUSETZOLD 'ALMANACK, and Year-Book of Useful EKowledge, for 1862. PRICE ONE PENNY; post. free, Twopence. ?? Country Ordera 'promptly attended to. S Just publirshed, free by post ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G(STYNGIt b sl y FAiNER it DDWY GEI;-OG, Ri VlNiis-ydyw 2g. i dderbyi a dalxi am dani. ?? P9 db~hreUI l ~bbftter. Ei phris am chwarter'tv 2,& S o&o'nayrymlaen;, neus 2)s. 6ch. aS ML *ivnei hy'ny. Anfonir dwy, nea unrh~ ' g~4nlfer (ey mber)! E~i phri9 rd ism~ldvs, s 3c. yl , cbwarter, a thalu' yi ~aman .; ne5X's.q;6c. as na wneirb~j~ Y me flar edG isf ?? aS myaca es'eill . bel eebrcl hgnw. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORGAANS, FOR SALE OR HIRE, Some good second-band Organs, well suited for tolaae Churches, Descriptions forwarded on application to BISHOP & STARR, Organ Buildeis, 25D, Mary-le-borne Road, London. St TREES FOR WALES. IfII EORGE CHIVAS invites planters to in- kJ speet 'his Nursery,' which is one of the largest in to the North Western Counties. The Stock of Transplanted m Quicks exceeds four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y CYNNWYSIAD. a Edward Williams, D.DDal DYGWYDDIADAU YR WYTENOS 52 LAMPAU Y CYSSEG . . 54 d NEWYDDIOX CREFYDDOL 54 mr. Bright ar y ?? Americinaidd . . . St Y.Yashie. . r5 Y ?? MISOL . .( . . . 6 Y Tadau Anghydfflrfiol yn Ngbymrru . . . 55 Y Estypiad cyfundrefn srchebion aritilol i Viotoria aa . y Awstralia Orilewinol . .55 Ffarfiad y Ifr Gwedd Cygffredin . 55 Pkny 831THYGLAU .. 16 Y NSW1DDION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Y CYNNWYSIAD. a Ewrop yn nechren 12., . 3 Ffurfad y Llyfr Gt'edda y.ffedi ., . .6a DyiGWYDDIADAU YR WYHXNOSI, .os e ! , 6 RtbestruP a thrwyddedd capelydd Ymneillduwyr . 37 America .8 Y llysgonbadaetb i Madagascar. .. y Y Code Newydd ..3 Y CYHOEDDIADAU MISOL. * . ( L'Antholozic CaldouicO . , 3q Lleihad ymfudiaetb i Anerica .. PaRIEwUTEHYOLAU J. ?? .40 , NsWYDDMON CYMRIIO . . .. Cynnadleadd y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PA Ls I BaYND CLo.-y mae gwasanaeth cloe da yn arimblrisiadwi~y, ac o gymnmaint pwys fel na ddylal uea ty, nace ya wir ond yehydig o ystafelloedd foid belbddo ; yn enwedig mewn paithau gvledig lle nas gellir crel awrlais eywir am brie isel. Gan hyny, y mae yn dde gan BARNARD LEVY, o 32 South Castle-street, Liverpool, aw cylw at ei Amseriadur rhagorol am 6s. 6c. wedi ei warantu i gadw &3ser ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . '3 A ;EtDUO(ED FSI34 . O (JioSEP WARDr, C a r the lav Ie >tae LIO0N, IMTsss DAVIES, Comnerai1 tr.frm ( tbe new Las11ssg stage, Prnc's ok ?? a Ebyl, for thi MO h - uner punctually,withliberro~ahm~~g ?? ?? ] ?? Landing Stage.] JANUARY. ~JANUARY. JANUARY. 3 mor m hsy > O I Wednesday 10 0 mo. 2 Thursday 3 0 mo 3 Friday 12 0 noon 4 Saturday 10 0 morn. 6 Mondey 2 0 P.M. r eaday 12,OeO. 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE BY MIR. EV EANS. CARDIQANSHIRE. VALVABRM' ThIKEHOD PROPERTY, f~tlatod on and near the Banks of the River Dovey, being in the parishea of Ilancncliu and Llanfihangel Gen- vu'rglyn.I To be Sold by Auction, BY. M. SOHN EVANS, At klie ExaE Ysi HOTEL. ABERYSTWYTH, onl THURSDA^ thee-23ra day of January, 1862, the Sale to coismenree 2OT 1.-A U those Pieces or o arefils of .jJ~aad, known as pat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTPHE BALL advertized to take place at the M I AL BION HOTEL, B ANcon, on the 8th Instant, is Postponed for * the present. , IM REV.; EVAN EWIS, INO u.9., tT ITof ST. CATHARINE'S, COLWtYN, receives into his family a limited number of pupils. TERMS MODERATE. SI B E'li:AUMfARIS GRAMMAR SCHOOL Re- Duopens on TUESDAY, February 4, at Eight pin. R Address t6 the R ev. RICHARDN W. H I, ?? Head - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PA LE o BRYNU CLon.-Y mao gwasanaeth cloe da yn 71 amrohrisiadivy, ac o gymrmaint pwys fel na ddylai un ty, nac Yn wir ond ychydig o ystafelloedd fodhebddo; ynenwedig I mewn parthaw g9wledig lle nas gellir cael awrlais cywir am I bris isel. Gan byny, y mae yu dda gan BAllNARD LEVY, o 32, South Castle-street, Liverpool, alw sylw at ei Amseriadur B rhagorol am Gs. 6c., wedi ei warantu i gadw ...