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Advertisements & Notices

... ON SALE THIS DAY, at MARSHALL and SNELGROVEBS, Vere-street and Oxford-street, the STOCK IN LBADE of Mr. W. R. FOLEY (late Messrs. Burrell, Ron, and Foley) estabilshed in Vere-etreet for nearly halt a century. This Stock 'aas been purchased by M. and S. for cash, at a large re- duction, and consists of Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Fancy Dresses in Droguete, Winseys, leps, Baregee, Muslns, &o.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. A R T I N'S H A L L, S LONG-ACRE. Krmense succesa of RUMSEY and NEWCOMB'S MINSTRELS, Egigseen in number, who will appear TIIIS and EVE8Y EVENING3. oreopen at Seven. Commncea at half-past Seven. Pricte oBoxes, gi ?? Seats 29.Sdd,: Stalls, Balcony, and Prsnomenade, 1s,; Bodof Gall. Sd. ' B. E N R Y C o o E B ?? M WONDROUS TROUPE OF DOGS AND MONKEYS .NIghetly elicit the arestest applause sad ...

Published: Sunday 12 January 1862
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1556 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ILIIAM S; BURTON'S GENERAL FUR- , NIStINGS rntON.ONGERYC.STALOGIIE may behd t gatis Slid free by post. It oontains upwards of 500 IUustrations e£ his Uimnited Stock of Sterling Silver and. hicctro-I'late, Nickel ihver agid Britannia Metal goods, dish covers, hot-water dishes, stovecs, fendere, marblo ohiueney'-piscs, kitchen ranges, lmnp, gasehiars, teaL-tra~ys, urns, &nd kettles, clocks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WIILIAM S. BURTON'S GENERAL FUR- NISHlING IIIO2NIOXNGERYQ CTALOGUE mayb t had gratis and free by post. Itcontains upwards of 500 Illustrltionlt of his illimited Stock of Sterling Silver. and Eleotro-Plate, Nickel silver and Britannia Metal goods, dish covers, hot-water dishes, stoves, fenders, marble chimney-pieces, kitchen ranges, lanmp, geaseliers, tea-traya, urns, and kettles, clcks-, table ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPANISH, PORTUGUESE, AMERICAN, 0 FRENCH, GERMAN, and all other COUPONS now be- mining due payable abroad, are now being PAID, and drafts granted at favourable rates, at tho banking-office of Mesara. ADA1T SPIELMlANN and Co. 7D. Lombard-etneet. CIRCULAR NOTES and FOltEIGN MONEY. U Trrvelera to the Continent, Amueiica, &c., can have CIR- C.1LAR i.OTES of £6 and £10 each, payable at all principal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANISH, PORTUGUESE, AMBRICAN, F2ENCII, GERMAN, and all other COUPONS now be- eoming due payable abroad, are now being PAID, and drafts a ted at favourable ratee, at the blenking-otfica of Messrs. BADA SPIELSIANN anld Co. 79. Lonmbard-street. ILRCULA~s NOTES aod FOREIGN MONEY. xJ Treveilera to the Lootlsut, Amlica, (ik., can have CIR- UllAR ?,OTgI ol S5 anid £10 each, payalrls at all principal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYA~L ENGLISHt OPER,.O E T =ADEN, =dei =e Maqage Mr. .- 6eveSON -THI g ream~i5a tC0 *W. -Baoefs Operae f tEXSaY CosrL .0 'coneyA.St AChlbyn, anliitd3a. .S 350ic. To 'pcsl~t t- GiS Cu' :;tmie o-, F U~AT~ Payne ~ KtS,.wn,~c1 BtY^. TREccri. Lau a ?? frnorn -9 Csicter, Mr lrd eln -cii ce at Seven-- -arttad E L THEATXE 130YTHEATRE ROYAL.- LsU .. RHmea.r°t. success. of thF. gILL AJND THM HO THAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. HFARRIET RZECRISERO E,)V'S TAIE D AR O0F ORI-R'S I S LA SD. r AHLpart eb. tmmenresinainof pASL' AMILY PAPER. Pric 4 One 1keoxy.; Ready 20th JasnuaT7. =o~L arR, and GAop.?ie Ludgate-hill, Lndon. no0., NEWTV ALD b ?? f aUce.o' abno tain Mbyne Reid's TaeTEMROa nrcdne ai traction Jn UASSELLSfALYlAEriein l'nY. * ~~CANADA. TE CPAAIAN NEWS in London every, Thureday. lives the THINatet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTR CAROLINA BONDS Negotiatea by Messrs. PALMER, MAOKILLOP, DENT, und Co. A. remittance having beon received for the Dividend due ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. PUBLICATIONS. I NEW NOVEL BY E. WTENEAGE DERING, ESQ., Now ready set all the Libraries, in 3 vol., P A G REAT S E NSATION. ABy E. I{ENEAGE D)SRI'TG, Esq. Also now ready, inS vols., LADY HERBERT'S GENTLEWOMEN, By SILVERPEN. _ Harst and Blackett, Publishers, 13, Great Marlbotough-street. lhiis 'lay, demv 8vo . I.4., AN H1STORICAL SUkVEWI of the ASTRO- E 1l NOMY\' of tbe ASCIEN1TS. By Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oYA~L ENGLISH 'OPERA,., COVENT C GARDEN, iunder the Mamagementq NkofMs LOUISA yBadMr. ?? HA RISON. THIS (Mondayl EVEN- Tb 5,tocsirence with Baite's Opera ofI2HE PUBITAN t'C i R.jHTt Miss -Louisa, Pynt and. Miss Pyne;, GORE esors SaitleyII, orrn, G. Huony, A. St. Albysi, anVW the( ario.T oclude with the Grand Comid rantorllme of I' ARLEQIN GLLIVER, or, Giants and Dwarfs: 'Messrs.' pi lit -. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. The Twelfth Edition, greatly improved, with Coloured Plate, - * > price 2s, Gd, TiR'CUR.ABIL];rY of doN3UMPTION. j ?? a Scriee of l'ancsL t atn the most prominent and imOrtan~t.Practical roiltit in the Treatment of that Disease. By PF. IL RAADGE; M.D., Fellow ef the Ro3oal College of' Ph~ysisians, and lase Senior Physidian tothse Royal Infirm ary for Diseases ojtfs (i hest, &c.; ...