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Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Partes ?? In t Dlli Poeel, must do so in the f'llIwIimne- 'Addres(aiallte n n ber Oleet f h Dlaifie paofiu~n taaplication mut eade by ietr, and in oohrwy Allplor adde .sst the Deil Pest 01/ice, maeang that personal niplilcation must be made at this Oflice. TA LY GOVERNES ATD ?? .L'Iy;English, French, Music and Dra ing ?? letter ony 'stating tem-mo B.. Post Office, Dudley, 190 NGIH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public VAmerlteato. f HEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM.-.THIS EVEING~Tussly) th Pefonasco to commence with ,yI~r'ara of ' GICORGE IIAR6EtjLt~L. Teo conclude with tho xNUsAL PANTOlTMIME, TflE 63LEFPING BRAUTV'. Iower UVpper loxes. 2s.: Pit, is. Gallery, 6d. Docos open at l l a-tSix, l'erferpleea to eonence at Seven. A Morning Per- ,.lalof theC l'ANTOMtfIMFI: everY TlURSIDAY until further toi ci ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... punblic amuazmnto. I-~ EATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM.-THIS F1 lVYIjNlNG MonldaY). to commence with the Drama THE T'AQElO1S sT'IANGER. To conclude with the PANTO. >Tgi i:.T'IES rSLEEPINt^G BEAUiTY.c Lower Boxes,°3sa. Upe Q;t s.: Fit, Is.; Gaflet~y, Sd. Doors open at half-past Six For eveizliT ry TOU.'ESI~AnY until f~urt~h~er notiice, cmmncefting 0Th ve c loek; door-s open at half-pa st One. 16t I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Parties aniveweflg Advertisements in the Daily Post, must do0 so InI the following imanner:- Address (capital letter anid unuber) Office of the Daily Pest.mneasus that applicattion5 ausst ba, made by letter, and in no ottior way. 'Apply for address at the Daily Poet ofInce, nicinen that personal application muset be made at this Office. S DAILY or RESI1DEINT GOVERNESS -A yeoln~ RLdy, A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K. artldletannreriong Adtrvlse8MntA3in the Dalt rd muddo rao the folloing rruw10? Addr. t Scap Imeos5 and numbet] O.ce of the 'DM] M means that a twp'ton must be made by letter, and inMOO ? WBI. ?? foruidedae tne t Daily Poat OGiete, means thatpenal pp istloi ma De Made at tWB Offlee. TA NTED, the ADDREq$ of a Lady, who bhook bands w ith a V} Gentteman at Dudley Port, iu the Mid-dh.wY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~antc, .. Yssrtico owlveiiiog Advertisciaints i l the Dly Post, must do so in the ?? manner-'mall Addfreos (capl)ital letter atnd sussberl Offce of the Deitfly Post, monnes tha aptirtiis asst. o mdeby ettr, ndin no othor way. AppalyPfpor .ddreso at the IS itt Poest ths, tmeans that psersonal ahihieticotii iitst be masdo at this Oiiice. A5 DAllX or RESIDENT GOVERNESS.-A yoiung ely, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T I-FATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM.-THIS Tj 'N45NC (Mondlay). to cocaccenee withl TUE SERlGRAN-TS ?? conehivde with the ANNUAL PANTOMIME,1 ctI i(.; allery, Wd. Doors opec, at ?? Six, Pur- tc, cu0weclcei at. Seven. A M%~rccing Performuance of thle AN'10'11' every TccUtSDtAY vuntil furtlher notice, comlmencing cc cc ock cldoors oplcn it half-prist One. SI V\ it T I~E, MOOR STREBT.- 11nillcant succvss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WA~nteb ?? Partes ?? ?? Post, Must do so Ina T I)I orCGNTLEMEN of Neglected Education could be LAwITErD ON by Mr. Hoeslack, Booth Street, Handswvorth, 114.8 ANED. Six or more GENTLEMES', to form a Class for W French, Latin, or Greek, at Mr. lloeasak's, Boothl Stroe~t, Handatworth, for two nights weekly. 1147 Young Man, of business habits and good address, wisties a A SITUATION, as Clerk, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pariesaneoriig dvrtieifetia I th Dizy Poet, must au so ina the following niannDaryerst man thatapilicaionmus be adeby ltte, ad in no other waly. Appy fr adles a th Doly ?? that pereonal 1-WANTED, immoediately, a Young PERSON, who thoroughly V T i sderstande Music, French aild Drawinig. - Apply, stating refereencee. ealery. ndpast experienco, to Misses G-eenhalgh, Board- iug School, Broeeley, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rabometn'* AbodtNist, I !HRz BIRMINGHAM MOURNINq UNEBRAL WARIHOU5it 0, NEW S116RRI, B1164AUcSAN. ACH and 8ARREh eetnU1 WInite ?? attenuton to leteir exteushle Sock a! BLACK DMf USU. CEAPR8, RAPAAMATTAS, flENRIVIlTA, PFRING A, AND COBURo WITHS, Vr ?? QGEIAm1, AND evBY &RTICL3 NZEOMARY ROB PAMILY N~mo NINMG, Stering In quaty and moder5 in price. WLLjNERY, MANTWRh KR88 l4G. VuNAXA EIm0INTLYa & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public Arntuzant%. riiiHEATRE ROYAL, BIRRMINGllAM.-TIIIS },LENING I oulsietsday), to eonmeuec with the Drana. PAUINE' o cnehdowit te ANNUAL, PANTO- TH S ) l;l}fLEE]TPING BEAU5Ty ?? Boxers 3o. ; Upper F~e. 2F. : rt, Is.: Gallery, 6d. Doors open at haxlf-past Six, Per- {rriance to ?? at Secven. A ?? Performance of thte pt' TtMlMhI every TilnillteAy until frarther notice, commiencing . Ttoo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM.-THlq, EVENNG (hursay) ?? ice to commoenco with ~Dra a of'ALLTHATGLITERSIS NOT GOLD; Or' T~lEFACORYGIR'S IAR. o rnelisl with thO ANNUAT. VA~Ti~lE, HE LEEP~t EAUY. Lower Boxes, 3*l;.pe Ioxe 25 Pi, 1 Galer,6d. Doors open at mjS D A Y (TI U RSD AY), T ~~A PERFORMANCE9 OF T IIE U RAND P A NTOMiMl1 1E At. Two o'clock. Tkucts oeliitat 1.31 to conclude at 4.15. £52 -~EW ...