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October 23, at Feirford, the wife of Owrp a. Whigs. Elq.-11 October Si, at Fariogdoo, the wife of Me. Thome

... October 23, at Feirford, the wife of Owrp a. Whigs. Elq.-11 October Si, at Fariogdoo, the wife of Me. Thome raelbect—. a daughter. October et, at K &butt tett, &Mud —a we. et witeel, the ask of Mr. herb beet led ebee eat ,the •ife of Mr. Ches. October ...


... ftap. ch* price A. Rd. (IN TEETHING GP INFANTS; hi Erand Gangers • ONO on the !habit, rod as Cassie el Death. of Chaim ; ins-Whig the Dangers of Teething Powders, Soothing Powders. Gushing S)rups. ikc. 'assumed by cases. By Ht. liners, LB C.P.E.(Ewe). 11 ...


... enedies with much earlmeemee, milli le ward be will while to examine with • L. e, were it polisher to remove a portiere 41 the Whig for such a purpose. There is also is the wry extensive decoy of the stone, but the Maly sill had. Weetmisster Hall, remains ...


... Another mob, estimated at abut a thousand strong, attacked the Royal Hotel, in Doesegall-place. The cry was raised, To the Whig office! and the rioters set oat thither, through D.iatgall-place, attacking Mr. Hughes's bakery ca route. The poli-e meeting ...


... he has ben up to this time. This was two days ago, end as yet there is no indkation of a charge of any sort. The Richmond Whig has the fr,llowicg appeal :- The death-like t srpor which Langs. like a spell, over our beleaguered country will speedily ...


... patronage at the disposal of the present Government. It has been Sir John Harding's fate to advise the Government (whether Whig or Tory) on the international questions that arose during the Russian and Bailin wars, on the affair of the Charles et Georges ...

BARK.—Por Load of 45.+t

... eramcnt 149929. 1'm /19419999 1.9 :).49909 9071,179199 t A 999991 /11 110.517 thor Der 4111.111.739,903 (J &WHIG. le MAW 10 Icy 4.4 Soto, Ob., '.• . 11111,993 Gol.: 9393LL.erCMO MI 1)4.714 &lON 714 kpt. 14. .92 IL NAMPIALL. Cadge Train ...


... Count CIVODI, while us Scotland, to his friend Count Martini, detailing his opinions on the Ferranti& of the statesmen of the Whig, Tory, and Manchester schools. The fl volume will appear at the end of February. ...


... TEA DEALEL AND COFFEE 10ASTER, CIRENCESTEIt, IN drawing the attention of his numerous Friends to his having added the Torelra Whig Trade his ordinary Easiness, takes the opportunity of thanking them fur the very liberal support accorded Lan r the past ten ...

stration. Mr. Porter must look back with satisfaction I on the part be has taken in this matter. • If

... resort. TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Loan LLANOVER'S DESPOTISM. There lives a great magnate in Wales, Whom people Lord Llanover call— A Whig nobleman he Of illustrious degree, Who once bore the surname of Hall, Ben Hall, Whose conceit of himself is not small. His ...

policy, the late Earl of Eglinton won the respect of all classes, and succeeded in preparing the way for quite

... upon Ireland, gave it his most cordial support. It is somewhat remarkable that Count Cavour, who is generally regarded by the Whigs and their supporters as a high authority in such matters, amongst other improvements which he recommended, in a pamphlet upon ...


... drank tbs Wade; the eMs be to sustain the apidle byte laadmato. Mr. Fox was wean bibes ; 1 pave Mani. Lord Mob& • tarts the Whig party, now tabs was IdmoN see d the new easkive of Sad am d the men add we that ease la HIM idOm? lid meal ever sums raft blew ...