... THE POLICE CGOURTS. d CGUILDHALL. n William Jarvis, a city detective officer, appeared upon an d adjourned summons, to show cause why he detained a 'e set of fus, value under 151., and a dishonoured cheque for is 301., the property of the complainant. n After some considerable discussion, during which the ma- s Fgistrate deprecated the practice of detective officers enter- m ing private houses ...


... EX; NSrVE cOMMERCIAL PRA4UD. I - I rA stout, ?? middle-aged maln, named W. E'airrman, and described as a commission agent, Iand who declined to give his address, was placed at the bar Lof the Idansion-bouse yesterday, before the Lored Mayor to undergo a preliminary examination upon a charge of cn spiring, in March, 1861, with a perason named Charles IFrederick Hunt, now in Wbiteeross. street ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. His lordship, when he rose to leave the court last evening, said, as that was probably the last time during his mayoralty he should preside on the bench, he felt a great desire to take the opportunity of expressing his thanks towards Mr. Goodman, Mr. Oke, and other officials of the court, for the kind assistance they had rendered him in the perform- ance of the arduous duties of ...

Law Intelligence

... ]Latu Inuiltomit. I I NOTICES.-THIS DAN. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-]HN.T AT lfl.-BcsFORE THE LORDS JUSTICES.-Harrison and Harrl- sBon. Appeal; Seilby v. Crystal Palace Dlstrict Gas Company,' B ArT 1ear.- RLSCOURT, CHIANCERY-LANE. By 1order judgment : Ewell v. Crowther-Hayle's Charity. 8B ?? v. Wallace. From chambers: Stevenson v. 0 Abingdon-Re National Assurance Conmpany ex parts Keene. ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-MAIDSTONE, MARCH 19. CIVIL SIDE;-(Before Chief Justice Erle and a Common Jury.) CHAPMAN v. SCOTT. The plaintiff in this action, Margaret Chapman, sought to recover damages from the defendant, who carries on the business of a baker at Gravesend, for having, as she alleged, sold her a loaf which contained some poisonous or delete- rious ingredient, and thereby injured her health ...

Law Intelligence

... 1 _. tau intelligne. l -- - NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY, BASINGHALLSTREET. BEFORE MA. COMMISSIONER FoNBLANQUE.-A. G. Logaii, bail, at 11-i. Hlill, ad journed examination and discharge, at 11-F. S. Ellis, last examinat oln, at It-G. Weller, last. sanination and discharge, at l-W. allrradhiie, last examination and disclharge, atItII-R. Worthy, last examination and hscllasrge, lit II ...


... Further particulars of the above nnhappy event, which took place on Wednesday, have become known. It seems the passengers by the 12 o'clock down train from London-bridge, soon after entering the long dark tunnel under Blackheatb, were affrighted by the report of a pistol shot in one of the carriages, which reverberated along the vaulted roof with startling effect on the occupants C of almost ...


... THE WINDEAM INQUIRY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE DAILY NEWS. SIR, -Since my conduct as testamentary guardian to my nephew, Mr. W. F. Windham, and my motives in being a party to the proceedings so long before the public, have been somewhat roughly handled, 1 know that I shall not appeal in vain to your justice to publish the following letters. TO THE VICE-CHANCELLOR SlIR . WOOD. 48, Eaton-plaae, Jan. ...

Law Intelligence

... tab) Intelltamce. I NOTLOES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHNCERY. LINCOLYS-INN. AT IOJ. -BEFORNE TH LORDS JusTows-Lunatic petitiou: Be Lenderyon, Compton, Sagarzurieta, Mayo. Appeal: Bardon I v. Barkus, part heard. Appeal petition: Brooke v. Todd. To H be mentioned: Brooke v. Todd (s). Lunaticpetition: Re Wind- . bar, (notbetore 1 o'clock). Bankrupt Appeal: Potts and Potts, R OLlS COURT, CHANCERY-LANE. ...


... The Rev. Patrick Lavelle, Roman catholic cler- gyman of the parish of Paiury, wa9 recently charged at the Balliorobe Petty Sessions with assaulting John Horan, a parishioner, in his own house at Derreenmore, on the 6th of December. There was also a cross summons, the defendant having made a counter charge of assault against the com- plainant. According to the opening statement of Mr. Griffin, ...


... BOW-STREET. A cab-driver named John Leggalt was brought before Mr. Henry charged on suspicion of stealing a gold match and chain from a gentleman who had ridden in his cab. Mr. Abrams, of Bow-street, appeared for the defence. The prosecutor, Mr. Julius _ eal ?? one and two o'clock this morning I took the prisoner's cab at Regent's-circus, and told him to drive me to my residence in Gower ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. CharWee Greenwood and Williams TSowbridge, two car. men, were charged with forging and uttering a quantity of toll-gate tickets, with intent to defraud their employer, Mr. Philip Lewis, 57, Bishopsgate-street Without, furnish. log ironmonger. Mir. Wontner attended for the prosecution; the priso. neos had no solicitor. Both the prisoners were in the service of the prosecutor as ...