Advertisements & Notices

... 19flitral g [ OCIETY FOR THE EDUCATION OF IMBECILE CHILDREN IN SCOTLAND. A GENERAL MEETING of the SOCIETY will be P 1 eldl jal the QUREN STREET IIALL, OU MONDAtY, 3d 01 Febralry, at Two P.M. The RWigt Hon. the EARL os' HADDINGTON in the Chair. 0 The Verv Rev. Deau l Ransay, the Rev. M. Nichol- 51 thle i1ev. J. E. Cumming, the Rev. Dr Guthrie, tbe Rev. ?? palelfon, Chmrles Cow an, Esq. of Logan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mote~ &r. TLE PRICE LIST'. THE GRAND SALE OF FRENCH AND ORIENTAL CARPETS AND ENGLISH AND FRENCH CURTAIN MATERIALS AT K ENNINGTON & JENNER'S K must be one of high interest to the Public, on account of the Chatactcr and Quality of all thie GOODS, and the exceedjingly Low Prices at which they are being offered. In pursuance of the notice given in the Papers of Saturday last, KENNINGTON & JENNER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &o. WaaDsESDAT, AUoUST 6. Queen's Theatre-R''be the Showmarn, Perseus and Andromeda,' and Wife's Dentist -7 P.M. REwvard's Operetta-House- The Swiss Cottage, *'Persens and Andromeda, and Good for Noth- iog -Half'-past Seven. Cc The Silver Cord Loesed-On view at Hill's Galleries, Princes Strecet-10 A.M. till 8 ?? riITY oF EDINBIIR(H RIFLE C VOLUNTEER CO1P'S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now Ready, Nos. ?? price 6d each, of VOUNG'S NEW TRANSLATION of the Y HOLY BIBLE. To be complete in Twenty Nos., containing 780 pp. crown octavo. Specimens sent free, and Subscribers' Names received, By A. FULLEILTON & Co., 44 South Bridge. Highly suitable for School Prizes and Gifts. SYONGS OF LABOUR AND DOMESTIC k LIFE ; with othier MISCELLA'EouOs PmicEs, and a Series of Rniy.MEs for LITTLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 40lr 8'ollo -.I~lira MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &Sc. SATURDAY, AuOus'T 9. Q ?? tlhe ShoNVman, Perseusand Andromeda,' antd A Kiss in the Dark-7 P.M. Howtird's Operetta-Hollse- Diamond cut Diamond, Lallah Rooklh, RouglhDiniiond, and Perseus and Androineda '-Half-Inut Seven. T The Silver Cord Loosed'-On view at Hill's Galleries, Pl~ijces Street-10 AM. till S PM. p 6renerd $1otice. ?? FREE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MADAME LIND-GOLDSCHfMIDT. E XE TER1 AL 162 May 14th; Mlay 28th; and Jule 4t, 1 r MITCHELL begs to announce that he has been requested by grJ ?? of Three Ora- to make arrangements for the Perfamane and ETe Oh,' torios, The Meseijeb, 'TIleCto,1adIEl~ which will taebe place in Exeter Hlalt respectively, in behalf of the following Benevolent Institutes HANDEL'S 'ES- 1.-Wednes;aY Evening, t, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIAPPIN ANID COMPASY. OPPOSITE THE PANTHEON, OXFORD STREET, Contains the largest STOCK in London of ELECTRO-SILVER PLATE and CUTLERY. Gentlemen about to proceed to Military antd Civil Appoint- ments in India and Colonies can select complete Services of Plate oftlbs mostelegant designs, without tle disadvantnge of delay. M APPIN and CO.'S ELECTRO-PLATED SPOONS and FORKS. Foil Size.Fiddle. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIANDBOOKS TO THE ART COLLECTIONS, SOUTH KENSINGTON. The following Works may be had. H4ANDBOOK to the ARTS of the BIDDLE AGES and RENAISSANCE as applied to the decoration of Furniture, Arms, Jewels, &c. &c. Translated from the French of JULws LOsAB TE. Edited with Notes and Illustrated with 200 WVoodcuts. 8vo, 18s. II. 1-JISTORlY of MEDLEVAL and MODERN POTTERY. By JosEioi MARBYAT. With ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATIONAL MEMORIAL to the PRINCE N CONSORT. House of the Society of Arts, Adelphe, April 17, 1862, GENERAL COMMITTEE. The Archbishop of Canter- Slr H. B Murcdisot , F.R.S. ?? Ryoiieouachesn FRS The Lord High Chancellor rs TheDan ofcanterbury The Archbishop of York TeDa ?? The Duke of St Albso's The Rev. G. R. Gleig, Chap- The Ducleoss sf1t AlbafOs ?? of the Forces. The Dnucess of St Alban, x The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V HE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1861.-THIS ISI TTA) GIV'E NOTICE, that thue Court Outing ill the prooieuu- lion of an Adjutilcation of liaukiliptcy. made nil thue 13th dlay of N vtle,14,aaotWILLIAMI STEVEiNS, of 87, Lulpng- itret ltlut h ounty oif Middlesex, traveller and coinx- ?? n tttS Iott tu dit- (Itio JattitarY, 1882, grant tile 'DISIAIt ?? BA N ItlI T, and that Beah dischargeI Wc1 b dlvedtO t b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL POIETINSTITUTION,' .soTlCE is IlElIl'iY GIVES.~, thini a SPEI'O'AL MEETING of Vit, itsnelo'srt of tllst' insitituttion twill bie buod at the London Terci 0, It Iishpsate-'tit l. Ott1i) iIJ ?? Le0tli 4' Aulgust nestat, iii o se.k iiti Ow ateruetti prc'cisely, fort'he1 ELhC'T'fvN oif a DILSECT(R, it the isomi of Thomas castle. Esti.. dkoeaesc. The polling' will cousiiucuce at 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ARY S HOSPITAL MEDICAL '1111 WINER .iSIONiQij3. wlill COMMNENCE 011 WED- ,ol1. 'oi'1'1 at eighit o'clock 1)i1l wvitlsnIiiiNT~ VM111VADORES) O by 7 Dr oIXli{ k 1 AProspctiis, eoll- lii ''111liltinic'i13 will bo seitt, and further ?? 011 t~llo1. 011 5llliC14 Ila either ler~mioly or' by letter, to GtIu (1. GASCOYEN', Dealt Of ?? INTERNATIONAL TEPRNE hs J. ?? EON, CON X'NTIO)N, I1111oeer ...