Advertisements & Notices

... ILIIAM S; BURTON'S GENERAL FUR- , NIStINGS rntON.ONGERYC.STALOGIIE may behd t gatis Slid free by post. It oontains upwards of 500 IUustrations e£ his Uimnited Stock of Sterling Silver and. hicctro-I'late, Nickel ihver agid Britannia Metal goods, dish covers, hot-water dishes, stovecs, fendere, marblo ohiueney'-piscs, kitchen ranges, lmnp, gasehiars, teaL-tra~ys, urns, &nd kettles, clocks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN ASSEMBLIES. HEFIRST ASSEMBLY wvil] be held in the VIMusic HALE BuJILDINGS, oh TuESDAY the 14th January.L Dancing will conconicri at Nine o' ALEX. 1'. HOGARTH, Esq., Ron. Sec. ch Aberdeen, 31st Dec., 1861, slit COUNTY OFl ABERDEEN. S TE Heiceby Request a SPECIAL GENERAL VT N S S T'T. N G of the DPUiITY-LIBUTENANTS, L A N D 11 0 L D EIR 5, COAMISSIONERS of SUPPLY, and JUSTICES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEALAND. -~ D LACK B3ALL LINE O-F11 iB British andi. Australian Ex-R-yal , h foMail Packets, and Eagle, Line ofPackets, Shi. FOR ELBOURN. . Isg. Bur. up. Date. Oceanica, ; 1,673 4,000:P.iC. Corbett, 'Jan. 5 CityRof Adolaide, 940 2,000& D.Morris,, . -Feb. 5.i Ocean fhief, 1,045 2,000 P. Brown, Mar. 5i.j Packet for the 5th January, for Melbotinrne, taking oc Victoria ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rabometn'* AbodtNist, I !HRz BIRMINGHAM MOURNINq UNEBRAL WARIHOU5it 0, NEW S116RRI, B1164AUcSAN. ACH and 8ARREh eetnU1 WInite ?? attenuton to leteir exteushle Sock a! BLACK DMf USU. CEAPR8, RAPAAMATTAS, flENRIVIlTA, PFRING A, AND COBURo WITHS, Vr ?? QGEIAm1, AND evBY &RTICL3 NZEOMARY ROB PAMILY N~mo NINMG, Stering In quaty and moder5 in price. WLLjNERY, MANTWRh KR88 l4G. VuNAXA EIm0INTLYa & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mRlNITY CHURCH ANNUAL PARTY, TUESDAY, 1J NEXT JANUARY 7TH--His Worship the Mayor, has indly promised to be present. Tickets one shilling, at a7, Lathamn-stret; or the school-room, Snow-hill. NSjTITUTION, AVENHAM. - Quarter commences January lst. Adults, 2s. 6d. ; minors, 2s. per quarter. TA T I O N AL M U S IC R HALL, I ORD-STREET, 1 PRESTON.-The above hall is open eevery Monday, Tuesday, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Pbir Jkmuszneut% pHEATIRE ROYAL. 'BIRMINGQRAM.- || Tins{ vaw~sm (Widnesdaav) tbe Pelformsance to commence with 'TifM TRll'S AUl.. ] 'cinolodA 'With tbe &NNUAe, PAZ T JME. THlE SLutVPil;O BS UTY. Tow.r Box ,Z 3S. T p r Feuea 2s. Pstt ls: Caller'. iid. Drs 8en at balf. pustitt8 eetn cesnce at lven. A. Mearutilg porforminea of Ike 1'ANTOHIMRE every TnrltetiAT uu'li further notiUN, eaore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. F. PARKER, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, in I offering his sincere acknowledgements to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and public generally, for the kind andliberal support which has been accorded to him- self and the late Mr. Stevenson during the long period of half a century, begs respectfully to inform them be has taken into Partnership his late Assistant tlr. GEORGE FRosT, and that the business ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G(STYNGIt b sl y FAiNER it DDWY GEI;-OG, Ri VlNiis-ydyw 2g. i dderbyi a dalxi am dani. ?? P9 db~hreUI l ~bbftter. Ei phris am chwarter'tv 2,& S o&o'nayrymlaen;, neus 2)s. 6ch. aS ML *ivnei hy'ny. Anfonir dwy, nea unrh~ ' g~4nlfer (ey mber)! E~i phri9 rd ism~ldvs, s 3c. yl , cbwarter, a thalu' yi ~aman .; ne5X's.q;6c. as na wneirb~j~ Y me flar edG isf ?? aS myaca es'eill . bel eebrcl hgnw. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INGtistad i sda 4 bori nuai Miss S.theme Tomime ?? Yn~ql Crtstmais Pantoto- ?? AAUtiN'LN3~T~lEWONDERFUL LAMP,, t o~ H AN11,EQUIN MAGICIAN WWITH 1AEW>LAD 3 FOr OLr. Jranby-Tladdi' Mrs Bu Scenery by. Mr:. Pnni~ansloreir. Te Iepsa Oe~tnsyllo M nin ?? twt~~iE Q~i BS' ROYAL THEATRtEA by )I. Alert Sith. -Wit rtuv and Music mpect. sleted ad ~~ned by MrLevuy,~.- 't On TScIyy, of ?? by Mr., manning ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . '3 A ;EtDUO(ED FSI34 . O (JioSEP WARDr, C a r the lav Ie >tae LIO0N, IMTsss DAVIES, Comnerai1 tr.frm ( tbe new Las11ssg stage, Prnc's ok ?? a Ebyl, for thi MO h - uner punctually,withliberro~ahm~~g ?? ?? ] ?? Landing Stage.] JANUARY. ~JANUARY. JANUARY. 3 mor m hsy > O I Wednesday 10 0 mo. 2 Thursday 3 0 mo 3 Friday 12 0 noon 4 Saturday 10 0 morn. 6 Mondey 2 0 P.M. r eaday 12,OeO. 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? mes werbig Adve'tliem ntiM in th% e W D f 1id mudt do tD he following nnmsir ?? a jeastpla lector and sumber] ORnse of ?? 'rsan1Eo,' ?? that pssitton mrnst be made by letter, and iL no os Way. p Ay fr adf red at toe , Dally POs OMlOe' menil a We0ia applloation muss ne msae at eats Offes. TANTED, by the Advertiser. an AGlNlRY, for an Industrial LifAesurauco or Friendly Society.-Addreas B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSTIT1UTTHE BLIND ST> DAVID'S HILL, EXETER. EARTH RUGS, FANCY and other H1 MATS, COCOA-NUT MATTING (for Churohes, ?? BRUSHES, BASKETS, HAMPERS, CLOTHES LINE, &o., maeunafoctured by the Blind and sold at the usual trade prices. By purchasing any of the above articles assistance is given in the maintenance and employment of Difty prerofla deprived of the blessing of sight. Liat of Prices to be ...