Advertisements & Notices

... NOTiCE To CORRESPONDENTS. M All Conmunications, and articles of intelligence, intended for I peblication, require to bO authenticated by the name and f address of the writer. UIdcss this is attended to, Corres- peoldeots sway rest assured that no attention will be paid a to their comsunuicatio01 I5 - = t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T~IESALE PRCE of the DAILY NEWS ALL P j,-I S.(I.,AND and at tho RIAILWAY STATIONS. aer. I. O it1 andi SOB an1W SELL the DAILY NEWS at te Elioay Stationls at a I'1ltlti'NC per SINGLF COPY, ?? CPIY aill GCoiNT BY BOOKSELLERS9 antd 'NEWS. A l-2jI-; sit oriuch terin' IIs Nvill 'enabll them also to Sd~ the 1 lwI~ li 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y CYNNWYSIAD. Yblynyddoedd 1662,1672, a1862 . . .835 Y Gwrthryfel yu China .. . . . ,835 DYOWYDDI.xDAIT YR WYT1NO3S . . . 836 . Genedig'aetbau, Priodavau, a Marwolaothau 837 Cymdeitbas y Tugel 8 8 Llywodraeth Ffraing ar achoa y Trent , . 88S Garibaldi am ryfel etto 838 Signor Ratazzi a Pbrotestaniaid Ffraingo . 838 NEWYDDION CREFYDDOL 838 Y GYFRAITH . .. . . 839 : BARDDONI ATH. . . . . . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G(STYNGIt b sl y FAiNER it DDWY GEI;-OG, Ri VlNiis-ydyw 2g. i dderbyi a dalxi am dani. ?? P9 db~hreUI l ~bbftter. Ei phris am chwarter'tv 2,& S o&o'nayrymlaen;, neus 2)s. 6ch. aS ML *ivnei hy'ny. Anfonir dwy, nea unrh~ ' g~4nlfer (ey mber)! E~i phri9 rd ism~ldvs, s 3c. yl , cbwarter, a thalu' yi ~aman .; ne5X's.q;6c. as na wneirb~j~ Y me flar edG isf ?? aS myaca es'eill . bel eebrcl hgnw. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ptwo -GORT-hIUZD. - CAhLLND1IJ ^ EDD.IE, 84 tUEN SREET GILAGOW. AGENTS VOR UT * GMIBEY, WmWS IMPORTERS mam Ds- W . D Lms, London, Dubli.-and Edinburgh. Book of Prices of 140 Wines of different countries, and Sanmoles of these Wines, can be obtained at 84 Queen Streee, where a SBtock Is kept, E ?? 0~~~0 09 A, DESIRARL BRSKTS REVERLGE. SWEET GIFIT. OTHlP0OOEM'VICTOBIA LOZEGES, which are free ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE RED BOOK TOE ISM1. JTast publiqhe6, thaoroughly revised, 58,, or, with an Appendix, Or Index of nauta, on tnisued in the~ Vohome, ?? in addition.. HE ROAL KLEND~andCOURT and- ?? cejteitisa an mproed ritdelarged 1'eara got and iwontago TheIdeao ofCommno, iththe latest alterationse tale, &C. l London: R. and A. SutksLby, 2, A=r-,orn-rter, and other pro- pricotrs. WAS TILE SEIZTRE OF NEESRS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rabometn'* AbodtNist, I !HRz BIRMINGHAM MOURNINq UNEBRAL WARIHOU5it 0, NEW S116RRI, B1164AUcSAN. ACH and 8ARREh eetnU1 WInite ?? attenuton to leteir exteushle Sock a! BLACK DMf USU. CEAPR8, RAPAAMATTAS, flENRIVIlTA, PFRING A, AND COBURo WITHS, Vr ?? QGEIAm1, AND evBY &RTICL3 NZEOMARY ROB PAMILY N~mo NINMG, Stering In quaty and moder5 in price. WLLjNERY, MANTWRh KR88 l4G. VuNAXA EIm0INTLYa & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T 4f~ on Mxy Night, st the.Theatre k witeatreonfiW pores adai lte adeda b.dp's Pbiotle0. on tbe otiacr side, A kandom.lleeac wil . be g}Ve-,to- ' ~e :~iagiag sho same to Mr. Sharp, Jeweller, 'NN SULLNGS REWARD. JjjQ9 Ta O betaeea Et. George's Road and head of tdaid Street, a P~llBE,. continng a Saum oi Haney,. ?? me tolegan &N Mutes , Stntatoners,O4Woodt inXGBd, ell1saeceve the aboe Reweard.: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARL aid SONS, 17 and 18, Cornhill, rospect- fully solicit a visit to their magnificent establishment. The ground floor is more particularly devoted to the display of line gold jewelery, gold and allvor watches, and line gold chains. The silver plate department is In the gallery of the baihling, and consists of every article requifsite for the table and sideboard. In the mugnificelnt show-rooms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mRlNITY CHURCH ANNUAL PARTY, TUESDAY, 1J NEXT JANUARY 7TH--His Worship the Mayor, has indly promised to be present. Tickets one shilling, at a7, Lathamn-stret; or the school-room, Snow-hill. NSjTITUTION, AVENHAM. - Quarter commences January lst. Adults, 2s. 6d. ; minors, 2s. per quarter. TA T I O N AL M U S IC R HALL, I ORD-STREET, 1 PRESTON.-The above hall is open eevery Monday, Tuesday, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ladies' Outfitting. ESSPRATT S& KEITH reopectfilly intim~ate M that thelose INiptirinsent is lit present vety cornipoetin bci~wllasst edill everv rcnlunsito for pcirsossit or fitainly use, i ins ti sleced ran te lsttishct~,all( 1I -ntI netaice up1 by Ihe~ir ownu w~ol,rkrs~ tttld licy Canl wimfoelouty ~et'taitictcitl thc 3 Stocki 1s woilrthy of inspechol tonsit cotai~ldeeur, wehilL titay aice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILIIAM S; BURTON'S GENERAL FUR- , NIStINGS rntON.ONGERYC.STALOGIIE may behd t gatis Slid free by post. It oontains upwards of 500 IUustrations e£ his Uimnited Stock of Sterling Silver and. hicctro-I'late, Nickel ihver agid Britannia Metal goods, dish covers, hot-water dishes, stovecs, fendere, marblo ohiueney'-piscs, kitchen ranges, lmnp, gasehiars, teaL-tra~ys, urns, &nd kettles, clocks, ...