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North toßn-4t et Fern!. i'rJthers C.).. Wslqter-th..t.•inne. Wa•ev-•r. Fletcher, G. :a., Covent Fai-fax, Bry , ..

... Houghton & Co. 5, York-YAP & Co , Orfo , d-ftreet Harrison, T. Leiees- Ter-bui!dings, E. Co. 'wetting-st I,mly T. U, Co. 9, Drury lane lr•ine T. U. IS, Cbapel-st. Jardine, J. & Son, 5, Traffsrd chainhers Johns, M. A, 18, Chapel- Jamieson, J. & Ca. 7, Pittrit ...


... Robinson Leftwich 3 Co. 7 a SO, Mersey Carada Dock street %cry. .I.t?. 4. Manchstr-blds Lloyd 3Co Kuban,e elm liken, J.& Son, Drury-lane Lindsay and Co. New Clue kletainder J. 1 ork-buildinas Le Sitastre and Co., nett Ashley 8r05.:Z.2. W T ater-street chambers ...

RJR-tin—fog 71;:nTr.; it

... - tin fog it Tan • Miller. tl'.l*. 2. Drury lane Marione% A. X Strand etre. t Monde] J. Tower bnildinics Moske: A Ambler. fides. Water•atreet Maekinnon. Prow R eO. Wellington-aft.% :!•oth Castles] Marwood a Co. Mersey strret Mil !fr. A Co. }talcums street ...


... Turner .t Co. .Mersey-street Moss 11. E. 3 Co.Rumfordst Mellhuish Co. 11. John st Marsden Jackson. Union Miller. W. C. 2. Drury lane I Miners Co Chapel walks Marsden Wm 34. Castle: at Murruy Co. Rumford at Nunn R. A. 3. York bildines Milligan & Co, N. John ...

DIMIGPIZZII I DIRECTORY. A totrithre A Cross. 7, Lire' -at I Langtry!' & ('o. Water etre, tualr,-w s 2.5, Wa

... nod Robinson at', et Canada Dock I Lloyd A l'o lischanre Amoy. J.B. 4, Stanchatr-lids Lindsay and Co. New Aiken, J. A Son, Drury lane Lo Maistre and Cu., Tail t IlexanderJ. York-builditass chambers. renwick -meet A Ishley Bros. Water-street Lemmata'. ACo ...

DIRK CTOItY. Asbridge I Cross. 7. Lives -st Love A. Co.Spekeland Bin Andrew 2s, Water-street Lan gtrys Co. ..

... 21,Maces• Mellhuiah I Co. S. John st ty's' ane I M.rsdentJackson. 1:n1ov-it Boreham A. C.. 60. South M..ler. W. C. 2. Drury lane Cast' street._ _ 11. . Macinnes A. 6 Strand litres -.• buildings .OI4I3I,GNZILS' and Brandon 1 vs. Chatlei-street Bibby ...


... Leftwich Co. 7 & 40, Mersey Canada 11..ick I street Amey. J. 3. 4, Slanchatr-blds I Lloyd Co Exchange alley liken. J. & son, Drury-lane Lindsay and Co. New Quay Alexander J.Sork -buildings . Maistro and Co.. Tali et Ashley Bros. 22. Water- s treet chambers ...

TURKISH or ROMAN BATHS, Mulberry- Street, near the Philharmoniehall. Open every week dry from ?o'clock a.m. to ..

... Current.' and Market Reports, Sale Catalogues, &c. HARRIS & 70., Manufacturing Stationers. Works and Export Warehouse. Drury -lane. TO WINES AND SPIRITS EXPORTERS & CAPTAINS. The Vineyards of France United Proprietors Company, Represent , :d by l'nc. ...


... Mellhuisit a Co. S. John at Burge-. G.nin. s:Mersey I. be Marsden Jackson, Union Bonn R. G. Rumford street I Miller, W. C. 2. Drury lane Bmwr ,Shipley&Co Chaple at ' Miners a Co Chapel walks Bloch Co., 36. Tower Bags. 31arsden Wm 34. Cabals: at Baker, X L. ...