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BI3RTHS. At 91 Combe

... take pluee on Friday. next. IRS IRISH INTHLLIGEIV;CB, COMMUTATION OP SENTENCES. Belfast, Wednesday Brorning. The Sortlhern Whig of this morning says It has rebeived a ?? telegram from Mrs. Herdman, who in now il Dublin, announcing that his Excellency ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEVATH OF JANIES SHERIDA.N KNOWLE3, (Mrom the Northern Whig of Monday.) A trlegrsm received yesterday evening has broaiht the .0,ws of ttq deatb, at Torqnay, to Devonsbire, ol James Vb-rldan KEowles, the greatest of the dreantists whone writlsgs have ...