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Advertisements & Notices

... Kotice~.-- 0 U R D E -S T INY j THE FUTURE FORETOLD. PDv ersons wishing to have their FUTURE LIFE B¢1iALED to them correctly, with all events acraetely ~ ~grayd,_houd snd hei agBsx, and -address, with 18 Offto 3L. HEBERT, fi, Hatfield-street, Stuaford-ttreet. ,an on. [6040 RI S TO I N FIRMARY. Poe round has been handed to the Infirmary by Mr. F. 5Mpton, per Messrs. Clifton and Benson, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Salnf tv action. FINAL SALE OF ENGRAVINGS. l ESSRS.FARGFUSwiliSell byAUCTION, at their spacious Rooms, 4, CLARE-STREET, on THIS R:SEET' SATURDAKY, Novenaner 2, at Twelve o'clock The remaining Portlon of the Choice Collection of ENGR AVLI GS, Consigned to them from bessr. Brooks and Son, of London, for absolute Sale. [3646 CAPITAL FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, AT UPPER BYRON-PLACE; NEAR BERKELEY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'HEATRE ' ROYAL, BRISTOL, . LEa8sE AND MANAGER, JAXES HENRY CKUTr1. BoX- OFFICE, at BRUNT'S MUSIC .WAREIIOUSE, rp. ST. AIGUISTIWE'S PARADE, DRAWBRIDGE. Dress Boxcs,.;* Secoad Price, 2d. Up~per Roxes, 2c.; Second Ptloe, ls. Juvenliles under Twgelve -Dress Boxes, s.; Upper Boxes, ls. Pit, is. Gallerv, 60. P'riv te Boxcea, £1sl. & 105. 6d. Doors opee at Half-pest Six, Performjanc es conuaeuce at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - gae0 b auEtion., FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, AT No. 4,,CLARE-STREET. ESSS-FRGU Will S~ell byAUCTION, at their spacious ROOM, No. 4, CLARh-BTREEr, on WiA lthe exielenatHOUS EHOLD FURNITURE, A nearly ner fall-compaos Cottage PIANOFORTE, In a walnut cse;- alynut and Mahogany Drawing and Dbling-roomr SUITES, La Velvet Pile tind Brussels COIRPETS, argiMNRY GLASSES, BOOKCASES, Bedchamber FURNITURE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *~n0UE nte jBotitt0. IOYAL INSURANCE COMPAY. FUD N AD £710,000 FIEPEIM - :. 'o 18, £228,000. . !di WStTOL,-. C. TAYLOR & CO, CHAS. WINTLE, SoNleitori Clara-stree K W. GRIF'FIN, Queen-SYuare. L CLIFTON, J. K. MORGAN, 16, Uope-sqnlrS. D J. C. HARRIS, Builder. . DISTRICT OFFICE, No. 2, BROAD QUAY. bf HENleY B. O. SAVILE, ESQ. ;Afanfes. ENGINE-HOUSE, ALL SAINTS' STREET. (216 ATERLOO LIFE ASSURANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRTNZEY, 10ONGUESlURY, SOMERSET.' ': H. LAWRENCCO will SELL. i ., b; AU6CTION, on the PremisesB On WEDNESDAY Th e uber 24b852. T Tewol.f tb,,FIARMINGSTOCK'OU WLDT UNITURE and thr,.Eicts of ramesoweig t quittipguig F1rarm on thec 2ipt' inst. the o- Forpsticulrsr& see, Hunidblle, irnh ited I hexeghor blood. . (08 C ,NEW INN, TUFFLEY - TWO Miles fromu Gloucaster, and SiX Lom Stroud ; R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ret0t0.- - i I'-EN. .- CITYR ¶NDtTTRY LOQ l\l AND DISCOOUT OFF}CE, {-. ANDt 20,'L Eli, ARCA DEL. 719O] ' , c ' -T.QOTTRELL, ~lManager. -T A.C.~~ 1U B MkT; A NEW WORK FOR LADIES. I XE.J. GIBBONB, . BERLIN AND FANCY -WARE116USl .t 11 &I.NORTH-STRHET, BRISTOL. s6 pLOUG- ~FAMILY & 'COM Oatr .,HOTEL. 'VWESTON-%UPEI-kARhUBE. w, ROMA1 S WAKEH-AM!, PnoPRIEto . , aLge Roqm for the accommodatIon of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U EFE$T1VAL.-ForiESERYED in the beat situations-l.C., Blocks C, G, and K, i is indispensable. Exchanges Of Tickets for eeor lity may be effected to any extent at ROBERT FBL V lo, OlR d Bond-street W.. [4905 9454 FEFEMALE, B LO NDIN td1e Davies) will be happy to make arrangements . Ieor5 of Gardens, Man~agere of Fete. Gainas, etc. JW;B~e ted PERFOltMANC EMOf the HIGH Und'LOW - aAddrld B. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4ong *urR e otc 0 1. nOut a np EXIE ~GUAR FIREK- :ND LIFE more 1,L~ARD8~~ibI2- tC; ~ tS LThyLM RDSRE LONDOEC LIFE DZFAXTM!1IAsuransn forceat Cr f, 1tnde, 'artb 1,739Asurancifendornde ether Pg e¶nl 8pe'r cent-ot thc pronts divided among be at tie assured.s Wd b -y Invalid lives accepted at extrn rates. - Loans granted on the values of polICias. ,5Notices or assignments or policies re istred ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * manu))Wtto. HEAT RE- :-!OYAL, BRISTOL. T LESSEE AND MAN4GER, JAMES HENRY CHUTE. BOX. OFFICE at BRUNT'S ANUSIC WAREIOUHE, On, T MNAYUGUSTIE'S WARDNESDRAWBRIFGb.2152 Doorsbopen atlEisTpastSix PerformancestcommnenceatSeve REVIVAL OF THE ANGEL OF MIDNIGHT. WillE be porGesentd th~e M3yhstilc D~ramal ,of THE ANGEL OF MIDNIGHT, With the original Effects. The Angel of Midnight Miss ADELAIDE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notce~.- BRISTOL AND GLOUOEST13RSHIRE AR T:I'L LERY C ORrP S. REGIMENTAL ORDER BY MAJOR. SAVILE, COMMANsDAN. Carbine Practice (firing for class), undthe tArdhitant, Thi3a1 ±Daj (Saturdaiy). Conveyances to leave the Artillery 'Ground at p.m. (BOrderj Wl}. McADAM, -Brlitoi, list la, 52. Captain aud Adutant. E-MODELLED FREEMASONS' la TAVE RN, BRIDGE -STREET.- MRS. ALWAY. Good Wines and Beers, ...