Advertisements & Notices

... NOT[CE To ADVEIMTSIRSt T~he Pub~lo are rwedtH1 O -011that' the - CHARGEB for ?? teDAILY( KBROEURY of small PR5-PAID ADVERT.. MENTS referring to StIbatlona, Houlaps, and Parson Wanted, Property to' be Soldeor Let Apariurent,3, and aSU the M~olaneovs WRan B of the Oommisnl SIsSXPENCB;. that the olharge forT , JINSERTIO~q Is ONE ' SHLLLING-fo?' SIX INSERTIONS (o an Rt entie wak)ONESHILANGandSIM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 ANTED an BRAND BOY.-Apply to Robertson and ] VT Marco, drapetrs &C.. Hlaymarket. 30Jejy2 1ANliRD.&JVNI0R ASn1LTANT to the Grooery and b W Provbioi w Trade.-AolvX Xat 14.i t-street, 8Jand h ANIL). a AL' nd BON~N-cTILELINIfR.-ADPly to W Mrs. Partridge. 14 and 142 Sootland-road 27NJiy u ANTED.1 an PAFPINII'10 to the lihlpsmith Businevs. k W one whobas booen two or throee eare at the trade r ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTh ID, inthe ?? of Wavoiee or 3Fdge' , htiL a g~oo SITT G keOOhI anti BE IDRtoOOMt tfor a . ?? tlet, a Libera term tot good 2 commoetrlon.e d X~se 28, 3Verrydos.0 ,r Pl 1 gaet . Pe33et ?? i~ 'sob et, ?? Fron s BOO X Derweek.-A~pl3at d a Enn R IDENCS, III Upper Ftanhopoetreot ]B otner of Prlnce'a-road. Tenrs. including dinner on El ofandays, I to lb& per week. 7oo31 a UNRIEAD PAIRK.-To bo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fliscdanlfeots Collection of IBOOKSS-Clarch-strset. ~I ~bB. ALKR ' AKWRLEY wM I'SELL byAUCTI ONonThis Day Friay,tthe 145,pstst, at Eleeco o'clock precisely, atth thmieir Roos.12 ,te, Lena1t stmreei ainiecetlflanels ogallection ofhBOOS, ins ;W~ deprtmnts f lieraureand emoedsfor the con-r Atop o oiceed pior t sale and catalogues ha a ted 2M6U5EH05Jl FUOIUSEHOL WeethNrI-TURee,fi. Eb~SSRS. WALKER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The1 publio are, reapeccueky Informed that the OfFARGE for IN~IF.ERPI(N fee the DAILY xwwu~O~RY of =nJIl PRE-PAID ADVERTISIDI, RES~TS referring to SitnatioiA, Ho-es, and I Weann. e~itd, rollorty to Ito Bold or Let, kv~fttmicats, and &%II the lifeesollneong e WSWt *I * Coinunity. toq SIMPENCE that t1I, Iop~e for TBEEI~, INSERTIONS Im ONE Lgl0LING -.for SIX INSERTIONS (or ex 1tntTeoF6enke) ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EL K I N G TO. N a 0o. E UVEWTORB AND FA,,ENTM ON TEM ELEOTRO.,.PLATh BlVMB WITHS AND YA7f ART BRONZITH, Pe4re rtVS0,%t!Ul1F to CSl tb A attention of varlise ?? 1Istohermanufaotureas which may be obtalnel in smsat in levy, both In bhyer aa'j Izrm their Kstab. C SEIIJBir.m LIVIE POOL; -om ?? - % - - - -I I t-otreet, 6ad 45, Komaorgtme DUL, ?? .OO1if 48pe JUmllhrieiA; 1118 etery and Showroows, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIP CHBONOMETERS-RFDUCO1ON IN PBXE.'~. E1ENT, 61, Strand (adjoining Coutte's Bank), and 31 and 35, Royal Exchange, thronometer Maker to the Queen and the late Prince;Coneort, sid to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. TWO-DAY CHRONOMETbRS, 34 GUINEAS EACH. The adjustment of these Instruments baa bean tested with the utmost nicety, and selections can be made from upwards of TWO HUNDRED. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ORTGAGES.-Several siUms, from £100 to 500 d and upwards, ready to be advanced on Mortgage. JOHN ROLLIT, 18, Trinity-bouse-lane. JANTED, a Clerkship, by a young man of nine WV years experience in the Oil, Paint, and Colour 1business.-Addres D., Hull Pa .office. 7 *ENRY DIXON, Silk Mercer, 28, Whitefriargate, ..L-L has Vacancies for Two Assistants, Personal appli. ation preferred. BAYNES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AdOXLE'S ANTIB[LICUS AND FAMILY. ~j ~p~RfENTPILLS.-These poills are composed of the ildst eg~~b~apere45ts, with tile pure extract of. the fowes ofthe amoiils and combining aromatic and tonic awl efund the best remeedy for indigestion, ikheadaclho, acidity or hsartb~urn, fistuiency, spams &c-Pepaedonly by JAMES COCKLE, 13, 'Xer~ Ormsd-eteet Lonon;and to be had of all medicine vendors, B-LAIR'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIE HULL PACKET.-Buyers of tbe Paeket are T respectfully informed that upwards of fifty news vendors are sepplied with the Packet at 6 a.m. every Friday morning. Any subscriber resident within the limits of the borough can have the Packet delivered before S a.m., if ordered of a newevendor. Btr Habbershaw, 16, Norfolk-street, delivers Beverley. road. 3r Colley, Chariot-street, delivers Spring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... public Awagemenlto. TI IEATRE ROYAL, BIRMININGHA-M. Ilj CHRIST']YIS M INSTRELS, T 7111 (7111T ilp~l 'i EVENIN6G. APRIL 14th. LAST NIGIIT BUT ONE. ?? 1.ygyiI1MANCE oil 0(O(11 FRIDAY--Lower Boxes.Ns. . ?? I - it s.; (;illery, 6(1. Dours open at balf-past c;ALLE'RY OF ILLUSTRATIO' q .,01p11IA AND ANNIE TO-NIGHT. 209 ~].j~llN(1lAM ESTIV`AL CHORAtL, SOC~IETY. ui; AST SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT T pO T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ue atiOl. TO THE FOt'MEI' PUPILS OF KING EDWARD THE SIXTIl'S ELF)ilINT.\AIV SCItlOtLS. T HE Formier Pii of t Le iit y Srlhol.s of Rig lvl~lwld thk!isi VXVI ;IV;;I t-t~~ hlh T;rv[l NIAL about to N 'reselited w, fl(! , Di. CT I' 'D 1), I'l Ilil Retirement fro'!l tle lDelablimteshilli;,tn4 are lde.iiw. l t foiwarl their contif) tiwilo onl er ?? the ?? iiic. t; tl! I1:Ytlltr Or Mistress of their ...