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Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS, _ HE Parishioners of St. Andrew's are re- _spectfully Informed that tie PAROCHIAL SERMON for the ANDREAN NATIONAL SCHOOLS willtie predched on SUNDAY NEXT, March 16, 1832, by the RBo, W, J. M.ULHALL. There will be a Sermon in the Evening at lialf- past Seven o'Clock, for the same charitable purpose, by the Rev. T. LEARY. These Parochial Schools afford tilb blessings of a religious anue ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Last Week bat One of the Season. Eighth appearance of the favourite Comedlian and Author, Mr. JOBS UGHAFI-TIS EVENING (Wednesday), March 12, wi11 i-il ?? the celebrated Comcdy, written by Mr. J. Eroin ,~ titledi rLAYlITG WITH FIRE.-Doctor Savage, Mr Joh t'iroegham; Herbort Waverly, Mc Robinsin; Uucle Timoshy, Mtr Granby Pinchbeck, Mr 3iasleell; Mrs Herbert Waverl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Sugar. THOMAS BEWLEY and CO. will OFFEX T BY AUCTION, at our Office, COMMERCIAL BUILD- INGS, on TO-MORROW (Friday), 14th instant, at On ?? precisoly, 160 Hhds. Porto Rico Sugar. JA31ES STOKIES, WIDOW, and SONS, BrokerO. Commercial Buildings, 18th March. Auction of Sherry Wine. FCOR SALE BY AUCTION,' For whom it may Conceyn, at oar Office, COGSIER- OIAL BUILDISNGS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T 'L ast Week bat One of the Season. Ninth appearance of the favourite Comedlan and Author, Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM-TIIIS EVENING (Thursday), M iarch 13, will be performed the celebrated Comedy, written by Mr. J. Brongham , entitled PLAYING WITH FIRE.-Doctor Savagc, Mr John Brsougham lirbert Waverty, MAr Robinson; Uncle Timothy, Mlr Granby ; Pinchbeck, Mr H Maskell; Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. - Last Week but One of the Season. I'enth appearance of the favourite Comedian and Author, Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM-THIS EVENING (Friday), March 14th, will be performed the celebrated Comedy. written by Mr. J. Broughaim, entitled rLAYING WITH FIRE-Doctor Savage, Mr John Broligham Herbert Waverly, Mr Robinsen; Uncle Tiioohy, Mr Graniby; Phsebbecik, Mr Masiell; Mrs Herbert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES, CARRIAGES, &a, D- VYCElt'S ESTABLISHED AUCCIoN DAYS-TUES- DAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS, THROUGiHOUT THE YEAR. Vehicles, Horses, Harnsan, Riding School, Horses Broke, Forge. DYCERI'S VW' AUCTION DAYS-TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. ERtensive Stabling for 800 Horses, Carriage Marts, 200 Vehicles, Farming Insiplements, Horses, Vehieles, tirnere. ThY( ER'S REPOSITORY, STEPHEN'S: J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MON EY. BUSINESS FOR SALE.--To Attorney's DClerks or Others haying a Legal and Commercial Knowledge of Bnalneis.-Tasre Is a present income of ov sr S£2e0 a-year, which may be DOUBLED by a quicke, onrgetic, bnaieesq man. All papers given over, and introduction to CH nits |wbwse businassmay be considered permnaent, for.CIO@ CASH. Address Bons Fide, OffiOe of this Paper. m10 P 1ARTNER WANTED e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T LoetWeek but One of the Season. For the BENEFIT of Mr. JOHN BROUGiAM-THIS EVEN- 11-G (Saturday), March 15th, to commence with tho laugha- ble Farce of WHO SPEAiiS FIRST7-Captatl Charles, Mr. Frederick Robinson; Ernes. Militant, Mr. Edward Price; Mrs. Ernest Militant, Mlss Emma Ryder; Smart, Mrs Burkinshaw. New Quadrille-' Flowers of Scotia, by J Cassidy. To be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Last Week of the Season. Last Night but Five of Mr. JOHN BROU CtiAIM-TUIS EVEtN- ING (M ?? 17th, tho perforanuics will contlmonco with (second tithe) the Comedy,' written by MC. John Broughantm, o0 FLIES IN THE WEB!-!JrCorydon Foxglove (Attorney at Law), Mr John Brougham i 'aul Weldon, MIr Frederick Rlobinson- Alice Devereux, Miss Sarah Thorne; Barker, Mrs F Huntley. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DA Z 0 R S. R The Razors manufactured by J. TWEEDALL retain their keenness of edge to the last, being made of the Atnest cast Steel, the same quality as the old Read Razora, which have been unequalled for the last righty years. J. TWEEDALL, I MANUFACTURING CUTLER. 89, LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, (Late of Lamprey's). Cutlely Repaired. ?? No SECOND PRltth_ SERMONS. ALE SCHOOLS OF S1'. LAURENCE M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. EMITTANCES T)O AUSTRALIA, f1 LETTERS OF CREDIT on the MELBOURNE and SYDNEY BllANCIIES of the ENGLISH, SCOTrISH!, AND AUSTRALIAN CHARTERED BANK, are ISSUEiD on the laost favoesrable toems by the BANI; OF IItELAND, DUBLIN. By order of the Directors, HENRY MOULES, Secretary. D English, ScottIsh. and Australian Chartered Bank, 0 73, Coriltill. London, E.C. - HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. 9 E WI B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T laest Night but Four of the Seasoe. Lest Nigsbt butnbur of Mr. JOHN BROUGHAiM-THIS EVEN- ING (Tueday), March 18th, tbo perfornanacestvill commence with ChaTles Mathew's petite Comedy of THE YOUNG DOWAGEIM.-Lord Alfred Lindsey, Mr F Rebinson; Sir Fro . derick CI'asemore, Mr N MAlntyr,;, Edgar Beauchamp, Mr E Price, the Dowager Countess Tressi11ac, Miss B Thorne; Lady ...