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Advertisements & Notices

... TPHATREi ROYAL, DUBLIN. T 'illS EVENING (Wednosday), January 29th, the per- tormanco will commeace with the admired comic Drama cn- titled TIIE LAiD9ES' DAITLE.-Le Baroes de 2donirlebard, Uir F Huntloy; Henri do Flavigneil, 1Ir E Prico; Gustave do Grignon, Mr F hobinson ; the Countoes D'Autraval, Misa S Thorno; Leonie do la Villegantler, Miss Emma llydor. To conclude with the Grand Comic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. DUBLIN AND DROGHEDA RAILWAY DCOMPANY. NOTICE is hereby given that the next I[alf-yearly General m1eeting of tile Proprietors of the Dublin and Drogheda eallway ConmI any will be held at tilo Offices of tile Company.i in ANIENS.STRFET, In the City of Dublin, on THURSDAY, the 20th day of FEDRUAIUY NEXT, at til hour of Twolvj o'ilock nOon, for the purpose of subinitting the Directors' ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH1ATRE ROYA1, DUBLIN. Lk T*fIS VXNING (Thursday), J.nnary 38th. the per- lerinsnce wil eo~mneneo witl. tbo -dnlreldeo.e Praulja en- tiled TUE LADIES BATTLE.-Le Baron do Moniricisard, Mr V Hantfey,: henrl de Flav181leul, Mr E Prloo, Gustavo do 10rignor, Mr F Robinson; the Coi!tness D'Autroval, Miss S Theore; Leoule de Is Villegantier, Miss Emmaa Rydler.' To coucludo with the Grand Comic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. IN CHANCERY. ADVERTISEMENT TO CREDITORS, LEGATSES, AND INCUMBRANCERS. Coaise Petition under ' HEREBY require the Court of Chancery I all persons claiming to be - (Ireland) Regulation Act, Creditors or Pecuniary Lega- I 1850. tees of Itaplol Egan Allt, late of Balmarlne Cottage, Albert- I In the Matter of read, Sandycovo, in the County John Keely, of Doblie, doceesed, on or be- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOTELS. UDL'S ROYAL HOTEL, LUNCH, eJ DINING, AND BILLIARD ROOMS. H. T. JUDE begs to inform tlis numaerous Friunds and Customors that lie has made a considerable reductiois III the Price of his Dinners, Luncheons, and Suppers; also in Brandies, Wihlakeys, and Wines, al of wvhich areufjffie very beat description. Hot Joints, for lunch, from One to Four ?? Concert every Evening, commencing at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TTHIS EVENING (Friday), January 81st, the par- ?? will commence with the admired comic Drama en- titled THE LADIEWS BATTLE.-Lo Baron do Moolrichard, Mr F ?? *; Henri do Flavigneul, Mr E Price; Gustave do Grignon, Mr F Hobinson; the Countess D'Autroval, Miss S Thoree; Lconie de Ia Vlllegantler, Miss Emma Ryder. To conclude with the Grand Comic Christmas Pan- tomime, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T THIS EVENING (Saturday), February Ist, the ner- ?? m1il cemmence with tue Petite Comedy of UNCLE JOIN.-UncleJohn, Mr Grasby N Nephew Hawk, MrEvorett Friend Thomas, Mr Byig; Edward Easel, Mr Crofton; An- drew, Mr Mlskeill Niece Hawk, Ire Caulileld E Eliza, 31iss L Graham. To concludo with tho Grand Christmas Pan- tomime, entitled ALADDIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP; or, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. T. 1EVIN'.S REFORMIATO RY, GLEN- S CREE.-A SERMON, it: aid of the Building Fund of the above Institutlis, will bo preaohed In the CHUltil of ST. TERESA. CLARENDON STREET, Immediately after the Lest Mass on TO M IORlOW (Sunday), Feb. 2nd, by the Rev. F8ANCIS J. LYNCH, 0 M1., Director o1 the School. Alse for the smnc chocitable purpose, an Appeal will be made In the EVENING, In tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. CARb) T' ALOU13TTY : reapemfully takes leave' to ?? return ila mnost gratefutl thanks to the Nobility, Oektcr and P'ablic for the kind patronage'ha has re- -celred, both as Riding Master and the general Breaking of 'Foun g Horses, which shall be at all times hie most anxious degire to secure by unremitting attention and a perfect knowledge of his profession. Ladles and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T THIS EVEWNIG JIonday), February ard, the per- frtran'aed wil conmereo ?? tirelobtebrltoi Deanna tntitied ROBERT MACAtRE; or. Thetwo Murderers ---Roberit Ma- tae-e, Ur F 114bnaon Jacques Strop, Mr It Dlarfoot; Mon- aleaur Gerrueiut. hr Shepherd; Clennantine, Miss Brecnnan; Nails tie sWallis. To conclude Wjlt6 tile Christmas Pan- lsoultue, entitled ALADDIN AND TiHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T UFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 SIXTH GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT. For the convenlence of persons residing at a distango and the Jurcvnle Branches of families, the performanco will nommenec at Scven o'Clock, and co so arranged that the Pantemime will terminate at Half lpast Nine o'Clock. TNilS EVENING (Toesday), Febrtary 4th, the pCr- forniancns ll commence with tho Grand Chriostmas Punto- Ieninse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. CiOLLEGE OF ST. THOMAS, NEtWV- BRIDGE, COUNTY KILDARE.-Tho Reverend Fathers call tha attontlon of Parents and Guardians to the sqatem of Education carried on in thins Collge, whero their ctlidrea will rtc'IcL a sound and radical knowildge ta .ievry department of Literature and SOteeCo, together with eoery dlonrestic comfort. Address V'ory Roy. rPeesldont, College, HOTELS. - TUDE'S ...