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Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. The Classical Performances which IMR. BARRY SULLIVAN Has given at this Theatre, during the last Two Weeks, have attracted such ENTHUSIASTIC AND CROWDED AUDIENCES That the Manager, anxious to meet thb desire of those who have been disappointed in obtaining admission, has prevailed on this Highly-gifted and Popular Artiste TO GIVE FOUR MORE REPRESENTATIONS OF THOSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEA.. COMMUNICATIOti BETWEEN BELFA ,T . AND LIVERPOOL., JA N V ARY ,18,6,2. . T TI11 :B.EiLEA STEAM-SUIP? . \ 1;`COMPANY'& Nev Swift-Sailing £ Iron 8teamships, '.BLENHEIM ' and . .tSEMAPHORE,' or other First-Class steamers, are appointed to.Salt to andi from Liver . pool as under (unless prevented by some unforeseen Occtlrrence):- From Belfast, Jan. .2nd, at .95.4th, at,9; 6th, at 1.J; 7th, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FO0U ND, ON TUESDAY LAST, A LARGE BLACK DOG. . The Owner can have him by proving property r and paying expenses, on or before the 30th inst. Apply (between the hours of 6 and a Pm.,) at 89, DONEGALL STREET. 434 10 LETTERPRESS PRINTERS.-NEW FOUNTS I of Type having been ordered for the News- Letter, the Founts at present in use in the paper-e BOURGEOIS, IREVIER, and MINION-will be sold at Cheap ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA. B LACK BALL AND EAGLB B I 1 INE of British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets. Ship. keg. Bur. Capt. Date. Star of Brunswick, 1636 4,000 J. Robertson Feb. 5 Vanguard, 1540 3,000 D. H. Johnston Mar. 5 Ocean Chief, 1040 2,000 W. Brown, Apr. h. Packet for the 5tb February, talking Victoria PaS P sage Warrants and Bounty Tickets, the fine new clipper ship STAR OF BRUNSIVICK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE .- BELFAST WEEKLY NEWS, Price 2d-, OF TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), JAN. 25, WILL CONVAIN: LATEST FROM AMERICA: The Civil War-Horrible Story: Outrage on a Young LadThfDicusesion of the Trent Affair-Scenes in South Carolina-A Traitor in the Federal Camp, &C., & 3. ITHE POPE'S PENCE. The Temporal Power of His Holiness in Danger! ~-Persecution of Christians in China. REBELS AT CONFESSIONf A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAMl COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BELFAST AND LIVERPOOI. JANUARY, 1862. E HE BE LF A ST STEAM-SHIP COMPANY'S New Swift-Sailing Iron Steamships, BLENHEIM and . SEMAPHORE, or other First-Class Steamers, are appointed to Sail to and from Liver- pool as under (unless prevented by some unforeseen occurrencc):- From Belfast, Jan. 2nd, at 9; 4t0, at 9; 6th, at I); 7th, at 7; 9th, at 7T; 11th, at 6Q; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF SLAVERY. ?? J.. C. THOMPSON, - a EscAPr D SLAVE, :C ILL(D.V.) DELAVER A LE CTUJR E ON y 'fILAVERY AND ITS EFFEC'*, in the VICTORIA HALL, on THURSDAY next, the 30th instant. HIe will give a detailed Narrative, from his earliest recollections, of his Life, including an a-count of his Adventures in his endeavours to obtain his free- dom, and of his final Escape, after many ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWE EN BELFAST' AND LIVERPOOL. JANUARY, 1862. f~ ~ ~ CMAY Newin Swift-aing. SEMAPHORE, or other First-Class Steamers, are appointed' to Sail, to and from Liver- pool'as under (unless prevented by some unf'oreseen occ nrretice):~ . ~, 1. I I. . . From Belfast, Jan. 2nd, at 9; 4th, at 9; 6th, at lj; 7th, at 7.; 9th, at 7&;' lltb,.at. 6j; l3tb, at 7; 14tb, at 8j; 16th, at 8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE TO.MORROW. T rO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AT WOODFORD, 1 near Csrrickfergus Station, on TUESDAY, 28th January, 1862, commencing at Eleven o'clock, a quantity of Household Furniture, Beds and Bed. ding, Mahogany Tables. Chairs, Looking-Glasses, Carpets, China, Glass, Kitchen Utensils, Farming Utensils. Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, &c., an excellent Farm Horse, two superior well-bred .Milk Cows, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 &a ;:Otem mm ttuztattou, :0 STEAM TO NEW YORK ONCE A-WEEK. - VI'A QUEENSTOW N, FPO £7. o > r1B~lERPOOL NEW ; iS iTHIOLRYO, and PHILIADET, 0,PHIA STEAM-gSIIP COM° St x >PANYf 'S magnificent Steam- V ships are intended to Sail as under:- ' 0 FROM QUEENSTOWN (CORK), FOR NEW YORK DIRECT, s AS FOLLOWS: ?? Kangaroo, ?? Thursday, 6tb Feb. T( Glasgov. ?? Thursday, 13th Feb. Ti And every succeeding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ia~es JJ 1 nttionr. C SALE TI S DAY. AU C T I /1 IN . HOUSEHIOLD FURNITURE, EIGHT-DAY CLocK, &a. To 1x, Sold by AUCN3TION, at No. 8, THOMAS STREET, on TUESDAY, 28th instant, at Eleven o'clock A.M., ,.HE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CONSISTING T`of Mahogany Chairs, Tables, Sofa; Birch Chairs; Dressing lables and Basin Stands; Dressing 1 Glasses; Bedsteads; Feather Beds and Bedding; . Deal Wardrobe; Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW. TO GLASGOW IN ABOUT 61 HOURS. THE A DE LA!' SAILS FORL T GLASGOW (Via ARDROSSAN) TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 5 . ci3 i a ffitrminutes past 4 Afternoon. q Passengers will reach Glasgow about 10.45 (Irish time) same Evening. 6 R. HENDER30N & SON, Agents. n FEBRUARY, 1862. . F s IRST-CLASS S T IiJA M EB 9 A L fror and to BE L- 4 t9F A S T as noted below . (casualties c ¶ exeepted) A ...